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-- ToME - Tales of Maj'Eyal
-- Copyright (C) 2009 - 2020 Nicolas Casalini
-- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-- (at your option) any later version.
-- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-- GNU General Public License for more details.
-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-- along with this program.  If not, see <>.
-- Nicolas Casalini "DarkGod"

	name = "Aura of Undeath", short_name = "NECROTIC_AURA", image = "talents/aura_mastery.png",
	type = {"spell/master-necromancer",1},
	require = spells_req_high1,
	points = 5,
	mode = "sustained",
	sustain_mana = 15,
	cooldown = 20,
	tactical = { BUFF = 3 },
	radius = function(self, t) return math.floor(util.bound(3 + self:getTalentLevel(t), 4, 10)) end,
	getResists = function(self, t) return math.floor(self:combatTalentScale(t, 8, 18)) end,
	getInherit = function(self, t) return math.floor(self:combatTalentLimit(t, 75, 20, 40)) end,
	callbackOnActBase = function(self, t)
		self:projectApply({type="ball", radius=self:getTalentRadius(t)}, self.x, self.y, Map.ACTOR, function(target)
			if target.summoner == self and target.necrotic_minion and not target:hasEffect(target.EFF_NECROTIC_AURA) then
				target:setEffect(target.EFF_NECROTIC_AURA, 1, {power=t:_getResists(self)})
		end, "friend")
	activate = function(self, t)
		local ret = {}
		self:talentParticles(ret, {type="necrotic-aura", args={radius=self:getTalentRadius(t)}})
		self:talentParticles(ret, {type="circle", args={oversize=0.7, a=75, appear=8, speed=8, img="necro_aura", radius=self:getTalentRadius(t)}})
		game:playSoundNear(self, "talents/spell_generic2")
		return ret
	deactivate = function(self, t)
		return true
	info = function(self, t)
		return ([[Your mastery of necromancy becomes so total that an aura of undeath radiates around you in radius %d.
		Any undead minion standing inside of it is protected, increasing all their resistances by %d%%.
		In addition when you create new minions they inherit %d%% of your spellpower (applied to any powers), spell crit chance (applied to any crit chances), saves, resists and damage increases (applied to all elements).
		]]):tformat(self:getTalentRadius(t), t:_getResists(self), t:_getInherit(self))

	name = "Surge of Undeath",
	type = {"spell/master-necromancer", 2},
	require = spells_req_high2,
	points = 5,
	mana = 30,
	cooldown = 18,
	tactical = { BUFF=function(self) return necroArmyStats(self).nb / 2 end, DISABLE = {daze=2} },
	range = 0,
	radius = function(self, t) return self:callTalent(self.T_NECROTIC_AURA, "radius") end,
	target = function(self, t) return {type="ball", range=0, radius=self:getTalentRadius(t)} end,
	requires_target = true,
	getSpeed = function(self, t) return math.floor(self:combatTalentScale(t, 2, 5)) end,
	getHeal = function(self, t) return math.floor(self:combatTalentScale(t, 12, 22)) end,
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	getDaze = function(self, t) return math.floor(self:combatTalentScale(t, 4, 10)) end,
	getGhoulDur = function(self, t) return math.floor(self:combatTalentScale(t, 1, 5)) end,
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	on_pre_use = function(self, t) return self:isTalentActive(self.T_NECROTIC_AURA) end,
	action = function(self, t, p)
		local tg = self:getTalentTarget(t)
		self:projectApply(tg, self.x, self.y, Map.ACTOR, function(target)
			if self:reactionToward(target) < 0 and not target:attr("undead") then
				if target:canBe("stun") then target:setEffect(target.EFF_DAZED, t:_getDaze(self), {apply_power=self:combatSpellpower()}) end
			elseif target.summoner == self and target.necrotic_minion then
				target:setEffect(target.EFF_HASTE, t:_getSpeed(self), {power=0.25})
				if not target.ghoul_minion then target:heal(target.max_life * t:_getHeal(self) / 100, self) end
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		if self:knowTalent(self.T_CALL_OF_THE_MAUSOLEUM) then
			for i = 1, t:_getGhoulDur(self) do self:callTalent(self.T_CALL_OF_THE_MAUSOLEUM, "callbackOnActBase") end
		if self:hasEffect(self.EFF_CORPSE_EXPLOSION) then
			self:hasEffect(self.EFF_CORPSE_EXPLOSION).dur = self:hasEffect(self.EFF_CORPSE_EXPLOSION).dur + t:_getGhoulDur(self)
		if self:isTalentActive(self.T_PUTRESCENT_LIQUEFACTION) then
			self:isTalentActive(self.T_PUTRESCENT_LIQUEFACTION).dur = self:isTalentActive(self.T_PUTRESCENT_LIQUEFACTION).dur + t:_getGhoulDur(self)

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		return true
	info = function(self, t)
		return ([[Sends out a surge of undeath energies into your aura.
		All minions inside gain 25%% speed for %d turns
		All non-ghoul minions are healed by %d%%.
		If you know Call of the Mausoleum, the time remaining to the next free ghoul is reduced by %d.
		if you know Corpse Explosion or Putrescent Liquefaction the duration of those effects are increased by %d.
		All non-undead foes caught inside are dazed for %d turns.
		In addition all your minions (created after you learn this spell) have a passive health regeneration.]]):
		tformat(t:_getSpeed(self), t:_getHeal(self), t:_getGhoulDur(self), t:_getGhoulDur(self), t:_getDaze(self))
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	name = "Recall Minions",
	type = {"spell/master-necromancer", 3},
	require = spells_req_high3,
	points = 5,
	mana = 25,
	soul = 1,
	cooldown = 20,
	tactical = { ESCAPE=3 },
	range = 0,
	radius = function(self, t) return self:callTalent(self.T_NECROTIC_AURA, "radius") end,
	target = function(self, t) return {type="ball", range=0, radius=self:getTalentRadius(t)} end,
	requires_target = true,
	getNb = function(self, t) return math.ceil(self:combatTalentLimit(t, 8, 1, 6)) end,
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	on_pre_use = function(self, t) return self:isTalentActive(self.T_NECROTIC_AURA) and necroArmyStats(self).nb > 0 end,
	action = function(self, t)
		local stats = necroArmyStats(self)
		if stats.nb == 0 then return end

		local spots, spots_hostile, spots_wall = {}, {}, {}
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		self:projectApply({type="ball", radius=1}, self.x, self.y, Map.TERRAIN, function(_, x, y)
			local target =, y, Map.ACTOR)
			local terrain =, y, Map.TERRAIN)
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			if target and self:reactionToward(target) < 0 then spots_hostile[#spots_hostile+1] = {x=x, y=y, foe=target}
			elseif not target and terrain and terrain.does_block_move then spots_wall[#spots_wall+1] = {x=x, y=y}
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			elseif not target then spots[#spots+1] = {x=x, y=y}

		for i = 1, t:_getNb(self) do
			local m = rng.tableRemove(stats.list)
			if not m then break end
			local spot = rng.tableRemove(spots_hostile)
			if not spot and m.can_pass and m.can_pass.pass_wall then spot = rng.tableRemove(spots_wall) end
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			if not spot then spot = rng.tableRemove(spots) end
			if not spot then break end

			local mx, my = m.x, m.y
			m:forceMoveAnim(spot.x, spot.y)
			if spot.foe then spot.foe:forceMoveAnim(mx, my) end

		return true
	info = function(self, t)
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		return ([[Tighten the ethereal leash to some of your minions currently within your aura of undeath, pulling them to you and swapping place with any eventual foes in the way.
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		Up to %d minions are affected.
		When recalling a minion the spell tries to prioritize a spot where there is already a foe, to push it away.]]):
		tformat(t:_getNb(self, t))

	name = "Suffer For Me",
	type = {"spell/master-necromancer",4},
	require = spells_req_high4,
	points = 5,
	mode = "sustained",
	sustain_mana = 30,
	cooldown = 30,
	getPower = function(self, t) return util.bound(self:combatTalentSpellDamage(t, 20, 330) / 10, 5, 40) end,
	callbackOnHit = function(self, t, cb, src)
		if not self:isTalentActive(self.T_NECROTIC_AURA) then return end
		if not cb.value then return end
		local stats = necroArmyStats(self)
		if stats.nb == 0 then return end

		while true do
			local m = rng.tableRemove(stats.list)
			if not m then return end

			if m:hasEffect(m.EFF_NECROTIC_AURA) then
				local remain = cb.value * t:_getPower(self) / 100
				cb.value = cb.value - remain
				game:delayedLogDamage(src, self, 0, ("#GREY#(%d to minion: %s)#LAST#"):tformat(remain, m:getName()), false)
				m:takeHit(remain * 3, src or self)
				return true
	activate = function(self, t)
		return {}
	deactivate = function(self, t)
		return true
	info = function(self, t)
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		return ([[By creating an arcane link with your minion army you are able to redirect parts of any damage affecting you to them.
		Anytime you take damage %d%% of it is instead redirected to a random minion within your aura of undeath.
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		The minion takes 300%% damage from that effect.
		The damage redirected percent depends on your Spellpower.]]):