-- Copyright (C) 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 Nicolas Casalini
-- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-- (at your option) any later version.
-- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-- GNU General Public License for more details.
-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-- along with this program. If not, see <>.
-- Nicolas Casalini "DarkGod"
function get_mindstar_power_mult(self, div)
local main, off = self:hasPsiblades(true, true)
if not main or not off then return 1 end
local mult = 1 + (main.combat.dam + off.combat.dam) / (div or 40)
return mult
name = "Psiblades",
type = {"wild-gift/mindstar-mastery", 1},
require = gifts_req1,
points = 5,
mode = "sustained",
sustain_equilibrium = 18,
cooldown = 6,
getStatmult = function(self,t,level) return 1.076 + 0.324*(level or self:getTalentLevel(t))^.5 end, --I5
getAPRmult = function(self,t,level) return 0.65 + 0.51*(level or self:getTalentLevel(t))^.5 end, -- I5
getDamage = function(self, t) return self:getTalentLevel(t) * 10 end,
getPercentInc = function(self, t) return math.sqrt(self:getTalentLevel(t) / 5) / 2 end,
activate = function(self, t)
local r = {
tmpid = self:addTemporaryValue("psiblades_active", self:getTalentLevel(t)),
for i, o in ipairs(self:getInven("MAINHAND") or {}) do self:checkMindstar(o) end
for i, o in ipairs(self:getInven("OFFHAND") or {}) do self:checkMindstar(o) end
return r
deactivate = function(self, t, p)
self:removeTemporaryValue("psiblades_active", p.tmpid)
for i, o in ipairs(self:getInven("MAINHAND") or {}) do self:checkMindstar(o) end
for i, o in ipairs(self:getInven("OFFHAND") or {}) do self:checkMindstar(o) end
return true
info = function(self, t)
local damage = t.getDamage(self, t)
local inc = t.getPercentInc(self, t)
return ([[Channel your mental power through your wielded mindstars, generating psionic blades sprouting from the mindstars.
Mindstar psiblades have their damage modifiers (how much damage they gain from stats) multiplied by %0.2f and their Armour penetration by %0.2f.
Also increases Physical Power by %d and increases weapon damage by %d%% when using mindstars.]]):
name = "Thorn Grab",
type = {"wild-gift/mindstar-mastery", 2},
require = gifts_req2,
points = 5,
equilibrium = 7,
cooldown = 15,
tactical = { ATTACK = 2, DISABLE = 2 },
on_pre_use = function(self, t, silent) if not self:hasPsiblades(true, false) then if not silent then game.logPlayer(self, "You require a psiblade in your mainhand to use this talent.") end return false end return true end,
action = function(self, t)
local tg = {type="hit", range=self:getTalentRange(t)}
local x, y, target = self:getTarget(tg)
if not x or not y or not target then return nil end
if core.fov.distance(self.x, self.y, x, y) > 1 then return nil end
target:setEffect(target.EFF_THORN_GRAB, 10, {src=self, speed=1 - 1 / (1 + (20 + self:getTalentLevel(t) * 2) / 100), dam=self:mindCrit(self:combatTalentMindDamage(t, 15, 250) / 10 * get_mindstar_power_mult(self))})
return ([[You touch the target with your psiblade, bringing the forces of nature to bear on your foe.
Thorny vines will grab the target, slowing it by %d%% and dealing %0.2f nature damage each turn for 10 turns.
Damage will increase with your Mindpower and Mindstar power (requires two mindstars, multiplier %2.f).]]):
format(20 + self:getTalentLevel(t) * 2, damDesc(self, DamageType.NATURE, self:combatTalentMindDamage(t, 15, 250) / 10 * get_mindstar_power_mult(self)), get_mindstar_power_mult(self))
name = "Leaves Tide",
type = {"wild-gift/mindstar-mastery", 3},
require = gifts_req3,
points = 5,
equilibrium = 20,
cooldown = 25,
tactical = { ATTACK = 2, DEFEND=3 },
getDamage = function(self, t) return 5 + self:combatTalentMindDamage(t, 5, 35) * get_mindstar_power_mult(self) end,
getChance = function(self, t) return util.bound(10 + self:combatTalentMindDamage(t, 5, 35), 10, 40) * get_mindstar_power_mult(self, 90) end,
on_pre_use = function(self, t, silent) if not self:hasPsiblades(true, true) then if not silent then game.logPlayer(self, "You require two psiblades in your hands to use this talent.") end return false end return true end,
-- Add a lasting map effect,
self.x, self.y, 7,
DamageType.LEAVES, {dam=self:mindCrit(t.getDamage(self, t)), chance=t.getChance(self, t)},
5, nil,
{type="leavestide", only_one=true},
e.x = e.src.x
e.y = e.src.y
return true
game:playSoundNear(self, "talents/icestorm")
local dam = t.getDamage(self, t)
local c = t.getChance(self, t)
return ([[Smash your psiblades into the ground, creating a tide of crystallized leaves circling you in a radius of 3 for 7 turns.
All foes hit by the leaves will start bleeding for %0.2f per turn (cumulative).
All allies hit will be covered in leaves, granting them %d%% chance to completely avoid any damaging attack.
Damage and avoidance will increase with your Mindpower and Mindstar power (requires two mindstars, multiplier %2.f).]]):
format(dam, c, get_mindstar_power_mult(self))
name = "Nature's Equilibrium",
type = {"wild-gift/mindstar-mastery", 4},
require = gifts_req4,
points = 5,
equilibrium = 5,
cooldown = 15,
range = 1,
tactical = { ATTACK = 1, HEAL = 1, EQUILIBRIUM = 1 },
on_pre_use = function(self, t, silent) if not self:hasPsiblades(true, true) then if not silent then game.logPlayer(self, "You require two psiblades in your hands to use this talent.") end return false end return true end,
getMaxDamage = function(self, t) return 50 + self:combatTalentMindDamage(t, 5, 250) * get_mindstar_power_mult(self) end,
local main, off = self:hasPsiblades(true, true)
local tg = {type="hit", range=self:getTalentRange(t)}
local x, y, target = self:getTarget(tg)
if not x or not y or not target then return nil end
if core.fov.distance(self.x, self.y, x, y) > 1 then return nil end
local ol =
local speed, hit = self:attackTargetWith(target, main.combat, nil, self:combatTalentWeaponDamage(t, 2.5, 4))
local dam = util.bound(ol -, 0, t.getMaxDamage(self, t))
while hit do -- breakable if
local tg = {default_target=self, type="hit", nowarning=true, range=1, first_target="friend"}
local x, y, target = self:getTarget(tg)
if not x or not y or not target then break end
if core.fov.distance(self.x, self.y, x, y) > 1 then break end
target:attr("allow_on_heal", 1)
target:attr("allow_on_heal", -1)
target:incEquilibrium(-dam / 10)
game:playSoundNear(self, "talents/spell_generic2")
return true
info = function(self, t)
return ([[You hit a foe with your mainhand psiblade doing %d%% weapon damage, channeling all the damage done through your offhand psiblade with which you touch a friendly creature to heal it.
The maximum heal possible is %d. Equilibrium of the healed target will also decrease.
Max heal will increase with your Mindpower and Mindstar power (requires two mindstars, multiplier %2.f).]]):
format(self:combatTalentWeaponDamage(t, 2.5, 4) * 100, t.getMaxDamage(self, t), get_mindstar_power_mult(self))