localc_disable=Button.new{text="#RED#Disable all online features",fct=function()self:doDisable()end}
Dialog:yesnoLongPopup("Disable all connectivity",[[You are about to disable all connectivity to the network.
This includes, but is not limited to:
- Player profiles: You will not be able to login, register
- Characters vault: You will not be able to upload any character to the online vault to show your glory
- Item's Vault: You will not be able to access the online item's vault, this includes both storing and retrieving items.
- Ingame chat: The ingame chat requires to connect to the server to talk to other players, this will not be possible.
- Purchaser / Donator benefits: The base game being free, the only way to give donators their bonuses fairly is to check their online profile. This will thus be disabled.
- Easy addons downloading & installation: You will not be able to see ingame the list of available addons, nor to one-click install them. You may still do so manually.
- Version checks: Addons will not be checked for new versions.
- Discord: If you are a Discord user, Rich Presence integration will also be disabled by this setting.
- Ingame game news: The main menu will stop showing you info about new updates to the game.
#{bold}##CRIMSON#This is an extremely restrictive setting. It is recommended you only activate it if you have no other choice as it will remove many fun and acclaimed features.#{normal}#
If you disable this option you can always re-activate it in the Online category of the Game Options menu later on.]],self.iw,function(ret)ifnotretthen