Select Git revision
- Branches 20
- AIUpdate
- ActorStatsFix
- AdditionalMeleeScaling
- AdditionalNPCObjects
- ArcheryUpdate+
- ArtifactMsgFixes
- AssassinLord
- BlockRadiusHighlightFix
- Bugfix-Stealth&SleepInventory
- BuildingMapUpdate
- CausticWeaponFix
- CharSheet
- CharSheetFixes
- CharacterSheetEnhancements
- CharmPowerDescriptions
- CharmsFixes
- ComplexTraps
- CuirassDarkLord
- DarknessTargeting
- DebugFunctionHelpFix
- Tags 12
- tome-1.2.3
- tome-1.2.2
- tome-1.2.1
- tome-1.2.0
- help
- tome-1.1.5.real
- tome-1.1.5
- tome-1.1.4
- tome-1.1.3
- tome-1.1.2
- tome-1.1.0
- tome-1.0.6
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