newBirthDescriptor{ type = "base", name = "base", desc = { }, descriptor_choices = { race = { __ALL__ = "never", Human = "allow", Elf = "allow", Dwarf = "allow", Hobbit = "allow", -- Orc = config.settings.tome.allow_evil and "allow" or "never", -- Troll = config.settings.tome.allow_evil and "allow" or "never", -- Spider = config.settings.tome.allow_evil and "allow" or "never", }, }, talents = {}, experience = 1.0, body = { INVEN = 1000, MAINHAND=1, OFFHAND=1, BODY=1, QUIVER=1 }, copy = { money = 10, resolvers.equip{ id=true, {type="lite", subtype="lite", name="brass lantern"}, }, resolvers.inventory{ id=true, {type="potion", subtype="potion", name="potion of lesser healing", ego_chance=-1000}, {type="potion", subtype="potion", name="potion of lesser healing", ego_chance=-1000}, {type="potion", subtype="potion", name="potion of lesser healing", ego_chance=-1000}, }, resolvers.generic(function(e) e.hotkey[9] = {"inventory", "potion of lesser healing"} end), }, } -- Races load("/data/birth/races/human.lua") load("/data/birth/races/elf.lua") load("/data/birth/races/hobbit.lua") load("/data/birth/races/dwarf.lua") load("/data/birth/races/orc.lua") load("/data/birth/races/troll.lua") --load("/data/birth/races/spider.lua") -- Sexes load("/data/birth/sexes.lua") -- Classes load("/data/birth/classes/warrior.lua") load("/data/birth/classes/archer.lua") load("/data/birth/classes/rogue.lua") load("/data/birth/classes/mage.lua")