diff --git a/game/modules/tome/class/Game.lua b/game/modules/tome/class/Game.lua
index 9638ec344846a7d55d6afe1c1c38fb9236879851..7f3271f3a1f845a56b6f5014440ad9575fe5e680 100644
--- a/game/modules/tome/class/Game.lua
+++ b/game/modules/tome/class/Game.lua
@@ -303,30 +303,7 @@ function _M:display()
 	if self.level and self.level.map and self.level.map.finished then
 		-- Display the map and compute FOV for the player if needed
 		if self.level.map.changed then
-			-- Clean FOV before computing it
-			self.level.map:cleanFOV()
-			-- Compute ESP FOV, using cache
-			if self.zone.short_name ~= "wilderness" then self.player:computeFOV(self.player.esp.range or 10, "block_esp", function(x, y) self.level.map:applyESP(x, y) end, true, true) end
-			-- Compute both the normal and the lite FOV, using cache
-			self.player:computeFOV(self.player.sight or 20, "block_sight", function(x, y, dx, dy, sqdist) self.level.map:apply(x, y) end, true, false, true)
-			self.player:computeFOV(self.player.lite, "block_sight", function(x, y, dx, dy, sqdist) self.level.map:applyLite(x, y) end, true, true, true)
-			-- Handle Sense spell, a simple FOV, using cache. Note that this means some terrain features can be made to block sensing
-			if self.player:attr("detect_range") then
-				self.player:computeFOV(self.player:attr("detect_range"), "block_sense", function(x, y)
-					local ok = false
-					if self.player:attr("detect_actor") and self.level.map(x, y, self.level.map.ACTOR) then ok = true end
-					if self.player:attr("detect_object") and self.level.map(x, y, self.level.map.OBJECT) then ok = true end
-					if self.player:attr("detect_trap") and self.level.map(x, y, self.level.map.TRAP) then
-						self.level.map(x, y, self.level.map.TRAP):setKnown(self.player, true)
-						ok = true
-					end
-					if ok then
-						self.level.map.seens(x, y, true)
-					end
-				end, true, true, true)
-			end
+			self.player:playerFOV()
diff --git a/game/modules/tome/class/Player.lua b/game/modules/tome/class/Player.lua
index 06a39f0e27b6e9471cb69c932d9c4d1136e0ee30..7e25dc82ea9917a269c27e51ca0fd256ea7f6b33 100644
--- a/game/modules/tome/class/Player.lua
+++ b/game/modules/tome/class/Player.lua
@@ -124,6 +124,33 @@ function _M:act()
+function _M:playerFOV()
+	-- Clean FOV before computing it
+	game.level.map:cleanFOV()
+	-- Compute ESP FOV, using cache
+	if game.zone.short_name ~= "wilderness" then self:computeFOV(self.esp.range or 10, "block_esp", function(x, y) game.level.map:applyESP(x, y) end, true, true) end
+	-- Compute both the normal and the lite FOV, using cache
+	self:computeFOV(self.sight or 20, "block_sight", function(x, y, dx, dy, sqdist) game.level.map:apply(x, y) end, true, false, true)
+	self:computeFOV(self.lite, "block_sight", function(x, y, dx, dy, sqdist) game.level.map:applyLite(x, y) end, true, true, true)
+	-- Handle Sense spell, a simple FOV, using cache. Note that this means some terrain features can be made to block sensing
+	if self:attr("detect_range") then
+		self:computeFOV(self:attr("detect_range"), "block_sense", function(x, y)
+			local ok = false
+			if self:attr("detect_actor") and game.level.map(x, y, game.level.map.ACTOR) then ok = true end
+			if self:attr("detect_object") and game.level.map(x, y, game.level.map.OBJECT) then ok = true end
+			if self:attr("detect_trap") and game.level.map(x, y, game.level.map.TRAP) then
+				game.level.map(x, y, game.level.map.TRAP):setKnown(self, true)
+				ok = true
+			end
+			if ok then
+				game.level.map.seens(x, y, true)
+			end
+		end, true, true, true)
+	end
 --- Called before taking a hit, overload mod.class.Actor:onTakeHit() to stop resting and running
 function _M:onTakeHit(value, src)
 	self:runStop("taken damage")
@@ -249,6 +276,8 @@ function _M:runCheck()
 	if noticed then return false, noticed end
+	self:playerFOV()
 	return engine.interface.PlayerRun.runCheck(self)