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secret lore teaser!
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- David Mott authored
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@@ -690,6 +690,28 @@ Welcome to Point Zero, agent. Enclosed are timespace coordinates to what is, qui
PS: You might encounter a... benefactor of sorts in your travels. You'll know it when you see it, ham-fistedly yanking its puppets back from the brink of death; if you see it for yourself, we regret to inform you that you've taken a one-way trip off prime Timeline-E4-RL territory for a doomed offshoot unless "he" feels like weaving you back in - and it tends to only do that to people who narrowly avert its engineered apocalypses through incredible power or luck. If you have been chosen by its schemes, play along and you might get brought back from the temporal graveyard that is the Timeline-E4-EXPADV subnetwork. We do not know what it is - a runaway creation of our own, a competing culture's weapon, or something far above ourselves - but if it has hostile intent, it has already won. So far it's been... mostly cooperative. Just make a point not to remind it that we're its competition.]]