From fc2c776a5e6e8b8a4f576bdcff7aca4dd7d8a3c5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: DarkGod <>
Date: Wed, 9 Nov 2016 20:35:32 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] mirror match challenge

 game/modules/tome/class/GameState.lua | 72 +++++++++++++++++++++++++--
 1 file changed, 68 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)

diff --git a/game/modules/tome/class/GameState.lua b/game/modules/tome/class/GameState.lua
index f56bb9f807..2edce48de4 100644
--- a/game/modules/tome/class/GameState.lua
+++ b/game/modules/tome/class/GameState.lua
@@ -2475,11 +2475,12 @@ function _M:infiniteDungeonChallenge(zone, lev, data, id_layout_name, id_grids_n
 	self.id_challenge.count = self.id_challenge.count + 1
 	local challenges = {
-		-- { id = "pacifist", rarity = 3 },
-		-- { id = "exterminator", rarity = 1 },
-		-- { id = "dream-horror", rarity = 10, min_lev = 15 },
-		-- { id = "fast-exit", rarity = 3, min_lev = 8 },
+		{ id = "pacifist", rarity = 3 },
+		{ id = "exterminator", rarity = 1 },
+		{ id = "dream-horror", rarity = 10, min_lev = 15 },
+		{ id = "fast-exit", rarity = 3, min_lev = 8 },
 		{ id = "near-sighted", rarity = 3, min_lev = 4 },
+		{ id = "mirror-match", rarity = 9, min_lev = 5 },
 	self:triggerHook{"InfiniteDungeon:getChallenges", challenges=challenges}
@@ -2620,6 +2621,69 @@ function _M:infiniteDungeonChallengeFinish(zone, level)
 				zone:addEntity(level, m, "actor", x, y)
+	elseif id_challenge == "mirror-match" then
+		local x, y = rng.range(1, - 2), rng.range(1, - 2)
+		local tries = 0
+		while not game.player:canMove(x, y) and tries < 100 do
+			x, y = rng.range(1, - 2), rng.range(1, - 2)
+			tries = tries + 1
+		end
+		if tries < 100 then
+			local q = self:makeChallengeQuest(level, "Mirror Match", "Find, challenge and kill your mirror clone on the level.", {})
+			local a ={}
+			a:replaceWith(game:getPlayer(true):cloneFull())
+			mod.class.NPC.castAs(a)
+			engine.interface.ActorAI.init(a, a)
+			a.no_drops = true
+			a.keep_inven_on_death = false
+ = 0
+			a.player = nil
+			a.rank = 4
+ = "Mirror Challenge of "
+			a.killer_message = "but nobody knew why #sex# suddenly became evil"
+			a.color_r = 150 a.color_g = 150 a.color_b = 150
+			a:removeAllMOs()
+ = "none"
+			a.puuid = nil
+			a.ai_state = {talent_in=1}
+			a.faction = "neutral"
+			a.inc_damage.all = (a.inc_damage.all or 0) - 20
+			a.max_life = a.max_life * 2
+ = a.max_life
+			a.id_challenge_quest =
+			a.invulnerable = 1
+			a.on_bump = function(self, who)
+				Dialog:yesnoPopup("Challenge: #PURPLE#Mirror Match", "Challenge your mirror clone and triumph!", function(r) if not r then
+					self.invulnerable = nil
+					self.faction = "enemies"
+ = "tactical"
+					game.bignews:say(60, "#CRIMSON#FIGHT!")
+				end end, "Refuse", "Accept", true)
+			end
+			a.on_die = function(self, who)
+				who:setQuestStatus(self.id_challenge_quest, engine.Quest.COMPLETED)
+			end
+, a, "actor", x, y)
+			-- Remove some talents
+			local tids = {}
+			for tid, _ in pairs(a.talents) do
+				local t = a:getTalentFromId(tid)
+				if t.no_npc_use then tids[#tids+1] = t end
+			end
+			for i, t in ipairs(tids) do
+				if t.mode == "sustained" and a:isTalentActive( then a:forceUseTalent(, {ignore_energy=true}) end
+				a.talents[] = nil
+			end
+			if a.alchemy_golem then
+				a.alchemy_golem = nil
+				local t = a:getTalentFromId(a.T_REFIT_GOLEM)
+				t.action(a, t)
+			end
+		end
 	elseif id_challenge == "near-sighted" then
 		Dialog:yesnoPopup("Challenge: #PURPLE#Near Sighted", "Finish the level with -7 sight range for a reward.", function(r) if not r then
 			self:makeChallengeQuest(level, "Near Sighted", "Finish the level with -7 sight range.", {