diff --git a/game/modules/tome/class/uiset/Minimalist.lua b/game/modules/tome/class/uiset/Minimalist.lua
index 61291f7fcdf3590c5cbd6d18d5b073296b65ba9c..cb3058f559272e63f4cf4264400b0a2aca97ca7f 100644
--- a/game/modules/tome/class/uiset/Minimalist.lua
+++ b/game/modules/tome/class/uiset/Minimalist.lua
@@ -187,24 +187,9 @@ function _M:init()
 		mainicons = {x=0, y=0, name="Game Actions"},
-	local w, h = core.display.size()
-	local th = 52
-	if config.settings.tome.hotkey_icons then th = (4 + config.settings.tome.hotkey_icons_size) * config.settings.tome.hotkey_icons_rows end
-	local hup = h - th
+	self:resetPlaces()
-	self.places = {
-		player = {x=0, y=0, scale=1, a=1},
-		resources = {x=0, y=111, scale=1, a=1},
-		minimap = {x=w - 239, y=0, scale=1, a=1},
-		buffs = {x=w - 40, y=200, scale=1, a=1},
-		party = {x=pf_bg[6], y=0, scale=1, a=1},
-		gamelog = {x=0, y=hup - 210, w=math.floor(w/2), h=200, scale=1, a=1},
-		chatlog = {x=math.floor(w/2), y=hup - 210, w=math.floor(w/2), h=200, scale=1, a=1},
-		mainicons = {x=w - tb_bg[6] * 0.5, y=h - tb_bg[7] * 5 * 0.5 - 5, scale=1, a=1},
-		hotkeys = {x=10, y=h - th, w=w-60, h=th, scale=1, a=1},
-	}
-	table.merge(self.places, config.settings.tome.uiset_minimalist and config.settings.tome.uiset_minimalist.places or {}, true)
+	local w, h = core.display.size()
 	-- Adjsut to account for resolution change
 	if config.settings.tome.uiset_minimalist and config.settings.tome.uiset_minimalist.save_size then
@@ -231,6 +216,26 @@ function _M:checkGameOption(name)
 	return not list[name]
+function _M:resetPlaces()
+	local w, h = core.display.size()
+	local th = 52
+	if config.settings.tome.hotkey_icons then th = (4 + config.settings.tome.hotkey_icons_size) * config.settings.tome.hotkey_icons_rows end
+	local hup = h - th
+	self.places = {
+		player = {x=0, y=0, scale=1, a=1},
+		resources = {x=0, y=111, scale=1, a=1},
+		minimap = {x=w - 239, y=0, scale=1, a=1},
+		buffs = {x=w - 40, y=200, scale=1, a=1},
+		party = {x=pf_bg[6], y=0, scale=1, a=1},
+		gamelog = {x=0, y=hup - 210, w=math.floor(w/2), h=200, scale=1, a=1},
+		chatlog = {x=math.floor(w/2), y=hup - 210, w=math.floor(w/2), h=200, scale=1, a=1},
+		mainicons = {x=w - tb_bg[6] * 0.5, y=h - tb_bg[7] * 5 * 0.5 - 5, scale=1, a=1},
+		hotkeys = {x=10, y=h - th, w=w-60, h=th, scale=1, a=1},
+	}
 function _M:boundPlaces(w, h)
 	w = w or game.w
 	h = h or game.h
diff --git a/game/modules/tome/data/talents/misc/npcs.lua b/game/modules/tome/data/talents/misc/npcs.lua
index 0bf7888c11d5b992448bbb279ce06fc5d35f1126..a242769c2f112eb300e7db3a871dbe8cf8dce823 100644
--- a/game/modules/tome/data/talents/misc/npcs.lua
+++ b/game/modules/tome/data/talents/misc/npcs.lua
@@ -355,6 +355,8 @@ newTalent{
 			-- Find an actor with that filter
+			filter = table.clone(filter)
+			filter.max_ood = filter.max_ood or 2
 			local m = game.zone:makeEntity(game.level, "actor", filter, nil, true)
 			if m then
 				if not filter.hasxp then m.exp_worth = 0 end
diff --git a/ideas/todo b/ideas/todo
index c39733780c70d0af803070cfa61fc5b7f07a9466..5f8a170941056120700da75535942cada589f45e 100644
--- a/ideas/todo
+++ b/ideas/todo
@@ -1,3 +1,8 @@
 * autoexport character entity on death/win(/save?)
 * RSS feed of events in a character's life, exportable to FB
+* redo shops
+* redo wands
+* random elites wandering the levels
+* make low level more fun
+* balance randboss