diff --git a/game/modules/tome/class/interface/Combat.lua b/game/modules/tome/class/interface/Combat.lua
index 9d093a8fb2ef4dcecf7d43ec074ab2a894873ce1..d56f20700410e6a9597e411b283a563622174cba 100644
--- a/game/modules/tome/class/interface/Combat.lua
+++ b/game/modules/tome/class/interface/Combat.lua
@@ -1433,20 +1433,24 @@ function _M:rescaleDamage(dam)
 --Diminishing-returns method of scaling combat stats, observing this rule: the first twenty ranks cost 1 point each, the second twenty cost two each, and so on. This is much, much better for players than some logarithmic mess, since they always know exactly what's going on, and there are nice breakpoints to strive for.
-function _M:rescaleCombatStats(raw_combat_stat_value, interval)
+-- raw_combat_stat_value = the value being rescaled
+-- interval = ranks until cost of each effective stat value increases (default 20)
+-- step = increase in cost of raw_combat_stat_value to give 1 effective stat value each interval (default 1)
+function _M:rescaleCombatStats(raw_combat_stat_value, interval, step)
 	local x = raw_combat_stat_value
 	-- the rescaling plot is a convex hull of functions x, 20 + (x - 20) / 2, 40 + (x - 60) / 3, ...
 	-- we find the value just by applying minimum over and over
 	local result = x
 	interval = interval or 20
-	local shift, tier, base = 2, interval, interval
+	step = step or 1
+	local shift, tier, base = 1 + step, interval, interval
 	while true do
 		local nextresult = tier + (x - base) / shift
 		if nextresult < result then
 			result = nextresult
 			base = base + interval * shift
 			tier = tier + interval
-			shift = shift + 1
+			shift = shift + step
 			return math.floor(result)
@@ -1662,11 +1666,12 @@ function _M:combatDamage(weapon, adddammod, damage)
 			totstat = totstat + self:getStat(stat) * mod
-	if self:knowTalent(self["T_FORM_AND_FUNCTION"]) then totstat = totstat + self:callTalent(self["T_FORM_AND_FUNCTION"], "getDamBoost", weapon) end
 	local talented_mod = 1 + self:combatTrainingPercentInc(weapon)
-	local power = self:combatDamagePower(damage or weapon, totstat)
-	local phys = self:combatPhysicalpower(nil, weapon, totstat)
-	return self:rescaleDamage(0.3 * phys * power * talented_mod)
+	local power = self:combatDamagePower(damage or weapon)
+	local phys = self:combatPhysicalpower(nil, weapon)
+	local statmod = self:rescaleCombatStats(totstat, 45, 1/3) -- totstat tends to be lower than values of powers and saves so default interval and step size is too harsh; instead use wider intervals and 1/3 step size
+	return self:rescaleDamage(0.3 * (phys + statmod) * power * talented_mod)
 --- Gets the 'power' portion of the damage
@@ -1674,6 +1679,8 @@ function _M:combatDamagePower(weapon_combat, add)
 	if not weapon_combat then return 1 end
 	local power = math.max((weapon_combat.dam or 1) + (add or 0), 1)
+	if self:knowTalent(self["T_FORM_AND_FUNCTION"]) then power = power + self:callTalent(self["T_FORM_AND_FUNCTION"], "getDamBoost", weapon) end
 	return (math.sqrt(power / 10) - 1) * 0.5 + 1
diff --git a/game/modules/tome/data/talents/psionic/finer-energy-manipulations.lua b/game/modules/tome/data/talents/psionic/finer-energy-manipulations.lua
index f97fd9c5b27d3e63d9bf7717e43f69c651da8eb9..3f903464c37d1d288d295407a755528386a1941e 100644
--- a/game/modules/tome/data/talents/psionic/finer-energy-manipulations.lua
+++ b/game/modules/tome/data/talents/psionic/finer-energy-manipulations.lua
@@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ newTalent{
 		local arm = t.armorBoost(self, t)
 		local fat = t.fatigueBoost(self, t)
 		return ([[Manipulate forces on the molecular level to realign, rebalance, and synergize equipment you wear to your form and function.
-		Any weapon you wield will gain a boost of %d to both accuracy and power. (The power is treated like an increase to your stats.  Mindstars cannot be manipulated in this way because they are already in an ideal natural state.)
+		The accuracy and damage of any weapon will act as if it were %d higher. (Mindstars cannot be manipulated in this way because they are already in an ideal natural state.)
 		Your total armour will increase by %d and your fatigue will decrease by %d for each body armour and shield worn.
 		The effects increase with your Mindpower.]]):
 		format(weapon_boost, arm, fat)