-- TE4 - T-Engine 4 -- Copyright (C) 2009 - 2014 Nicolas Casalini -- -- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify -- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by -- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or -- (at your option) any later version. -- -- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the -- GNU General Public License for more details. -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License -- along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. -- -- Nicolas Casalini "DarkGod" -- darkgod@te4.org require "engine.class" local http = require "socket.http" local url = require "socket.url" local ltn12 = require "ltn12" local Dialog = require "engine.ui.Dialog" local UserChat = require "engine.UserChat" require "Json2" ------------------------------------------------------------ -- some simple serialization stuff ------------------------------------------------------------ local function basicSerialize(o) if type(o) == "number" or type(o) == "boolean" then return tostring(o) elseif type(o) == "function" then return string.format("loadstring(%q)", string.dump(o)) else -- assume it is a string return string.format("%q", o) end end local function serialize_data(outf, name, value, saved, filter, allow, savefile, force) saved = saved or {} -- initial value outf(name, " = ") if type(value) == "number" or type(value) == "string" or type(value) == "boolean" or type(value) == "function" then outf(basicSerialize(value), "\n") elseif type(value) == "table" then saved[value] = name -- save name for next time outf("{}\n") -- create a new table for k,v in pairs(value) do -- save its fields local fieldname fieldname = string.format("%s[%s]", name, basicSerialize(k)) serialize_data(outf, fieldname, v, saved, {new=true}, false, savefile, false) end else error("cannot save a " .. type(value) .. " ("..name..")") end end local function serialize(data) local tbl = {} local outf = function(...) for i,str in ipairs{...} do table.insert(tbl, str) end end for k, e in pairs(data) do serialize_data(outf, tostring(k), e) end return table.concat(tbl) end ------------------------------------------------------------ --- Handles the player profile, possibly online module(..., package.seeall, class.make) function _M:init() self.chat = UserChat.new() self.dlc_files = {classes={}, files={}} self.saved_events = {} self.generic = {} self.modules = {} self.evt_cbs = {} self.stats_fields = {} local checkstats = function(self, field) return self.stats_fields[field] end self.config_settings = { [checkstats] = { invalid = { read={online=true}, write="online" }, valid = { read={online=true}, write="online" } }, ["^allow_build$"] = { invalid = { read={offline=true,online=true}, write="offline" }, valid = { read={offline=true,online=true}, write="online" } }, ["^achievements$"] = { invalid = { read={offline=true,online=true}, write="offline" }, valid = { read={online=true}, write="online" } }, ["^donations$"] = { invalid = { read={offline=true}, write="offline" }, valid = { read={offline=true}, write="offline" } }, } self.auth = false end function _M:start() self:funFactsGrab() self:loadGenericProfile() if self.generic.online and self.generic.online.login and self.generic.online.pass then self.login = self.generic.online.login self.pass = self.generic.online.pass self:tryAuth() self:waitFirstAuth() elseif core.steam and self.generic.onlinesteam and self.generic.onlinesteam.autolog then core.steam.sessionTicket(function(ticket) if ticket then self.steam_token = ticket:toHex() self:tryAuth() self:waitFirstAuth() end end) end end function _M:addStatFields(...) for i, f in ipairs{...} do self.stats_fields[f] = true end end function _M:loadData(f, where) setfenv(f, where) local ok, err = pcall(f) if not ok and err then print("Error executing data", err) end end function _M:mountProfile(online, module) -- Create the directory if needed local restore = fs.getWritePath() fs.setWritePath(engine.homepath) fs.mkdir(string.format("/profiles/%s/generic/", online and "online" or "offline")) if module then fs.mkdir(string.format("/profiles/%s/modules/%s", online and "online" or "offline", module)) end local path = engine.homepath.."/profiles/"..(online and "online" or "offline") fs.mount(path, "/current-profile") print("[PROFILE] mounted ", online and "online" or "offline", "on /current-profile") fs.setWritePath(path) return restore end function _M:umountProfile(online, pop) local path = engine.homepath.."/profiles/"..(online and "online" or "offline") fs.umount(path) print("[PROFILE] unmounted ", online and "online" or "offline", "from /current-profile") if pop then fs.setWritePath(pop) end end -- Define the fields that are sync'ed online, and how they are sync'ed local generic_profile_defs = { firstrun = {nosync=true, {firstrun="number"}, receive=function(data, save) save.firstrun = data.firstrun end }, online = {nosync=true, {login="string:40", pass="string:40"}, receive=function(data, save) save.login = data.login save.pass = data.pass end }, onlinesteam = {nosync=true, {autolog="boolean"}, receive=function(data, save) save.autolog = data.autolog end }, modules_played = { {name="index:string:30"}, {time_played="number"}, receive=function(data, save) max_set(save, data.name, data, "time_played") end, export=function(env) for k, v in pairs(env) do add{name=k, time_played=v} end end }, modules_loaded = { {name="index:string:30"}, {nb="number"}, receive=function(data, save) max_set(save, data.name, data, "nb") end, export=function(env) for k, v in pairs(env) do add{name=k, nb=v} end end }, } --- Loads profile generic profile from disk -- Generic profile is always read from the "online" profile function _M:loadGenericProfile() -- Delay when we are currently saving if savefile_pipe and savefile_pipe.saving then savefile_pipe:pushGeneric("loadGenericProfile", function() self:loadGenericProfile() end) return end local pop = self:mountProfile(true) local d = "/current-profile/generic/" for i, file in ipairs(fs.list(d)) do if file:find(".profile$") then local f, err = loadfile(d..file) if not f and err then print("Error loading data profile", file, err) else local field = file:gsub(".profile$", "") self.generic[field] = self.generic[field] or {} self:loadData(f, self.generic[field]) end end end self:umountProfile(true, pop) end --- Check if we can load this field from this profile function _M:filterLoadData(online, field) local ok = false for f, conf in pairs(self.config_settings) do local try = false if type(f) == "string" then try = field:find(f) elseif type(f) == "function" then try = f(self, field) end if try then local c if self.hash_valid then c = conf.valid else c = conf.invalid end if not c then break end c = c.read if not c then break end if online and c.online then ok = true elseif not online and c.offline then ok = true end break end end print("[PROFILE] filtering load of ", field, " from profile ", online and "online" or "offline", "=>", ok and "allowed" or "disallowed") return ok end --- Return if we should save this field in the online or offline profile function _M:filterSaveData(field) local online = false for f, conf in pairs(self.config_settings) do local try = false if type(f) == "string" then try = field:find(f) elseif type(f) == "function" then try = f(self, field) end if try then local c if self.hash_valid then c = conf.valid else c = conf.invalid end if not c then break end c = c.write if not c then break end if c == "online" then online = true else online = false end break end end print("[PROFILE] filtering save of ", field, " to profile ", online and "online" or "offline") return online end --- Loads profile module profile from disk function _M:loadModuleProfile(short_name, mod_def) if short_name == "boot" then return end -- Delay when we are currently saving if savefile_pipe and savefile_pipe.saving then savefile_pipe:pushGeneric("loadModuleProfile", function() self:loadModuleProfile(short_name) end) return end local function load(online) local pop = self:mountProfile(online, short_name) local d = "/current-profile/modules/"..short_name.."/" self.modules[short_name] = self.modules[short_name] or {} for i, file in ipairs(fs.list(d)) do if file:find(".profile$") then local field = file:gsub(".profile$", "") if self:filterLoadData(online, field) then local f, err = loadfile(d..file) if not f and err then print("Error loading data profile", file, err) else self.modules[short_name][field] = self.modules[short_name][field] or {} self:loadData(f, self.modules[short_name][field]) end end end end self:umountProfile(online, pop) end load(false) -- Load from offline profile load(true) -- Load from online profile self.mod = self.modules[short_name] self.mod_name = short_name self:getConfigs(short_name, nil, mod_def) self:syncOnline(short_name, mod_def) end --- Saves a profile data function _M:saveGenericProfile(name, data, nosync, nowrite) -- Delay when we are currently saving if not profile then return end if savefile_pipe and savefile_pipe.saving then savefile_pipe:pushGeneric("saveGenericProfile", function() self:saveGenericProfile(name, data, nosync) end) return end if not generic_profile_defs[name] then print("[PROFILE] refusing unknown generic data", name) return end profile.generic[name] = profile.generic[name] or {} local dataenv = profile.generic[name] local f = generic_profile_defs[name].receive setfenv(f, { inc_set=function(dataenv, key, data, dkey) local v = data[dkey] if type(v) == "number" then elseif type(v) == "table" and v[1] == "inc" then v = (dataenv[key] or 0) + v[2] end dataenv[key] = v data[dkey] = v end, max_set=function(dataenv, key, data, dkey) local v = data[dkey] if type(v) == "number" then elseif type(v) == "table" and v[1] == "inc" then v = (dataenv[key] or 0) + v[2] end v = math.max(v, dataenv[key] or 0) dataenv[key] = v data[dkey] = v end, }) f(data, dataenv) if not nowrite then local pop = self:mountProfile(true) local f = fs.open("/generic/"..name..".profile", "w") if f then f:write(serialize(dataenv)) f:close() end self:umountProfile(true, pop) end if not nosync and not generic_profile_defs[name].no_sync then self:setConfigs("generic", name, data) end end --- Saves a module profile data function _M:saveModuleProfile(name, data, nosync, nowrite) if module == "boot" then return end if not game or not game.__mod_info.profile_defs then return end -- Delay when we are currently saving if savefile_pipe and savefile_pipe.saving then savefile_pipe:pushGeneric("saveModuleProfile", function() self:saveModuleProfile(name, data, nosync) end) return end local module = self.mod_name -- Check for readability profile.mod[name] = profile.mod[name] or {} local dataenv = profile.mod[name] local f = game.__mod_info.profile_defs[name].receive setfenv(f, { inc_set=function(dataenv, key, data, dkey) local v = data[dkey] if type(v) == "number" then elseif type(v) == "table" and v[1] == "inc" then v = (dataenv[key] or 0) + v[2] end dataenv[key] = v data[dkey] = v end, max_set=function(dataenv, key, data, dkey) local v = data[dkey] if type(v) == "number" then elseif type(v) == "table" and v[1] == "inc" then v = (dataenv[key] or 0) + v[2] end v = math.max(v, dataenv[key] or 0) dataenv[key] = v data[dkey] = v end, }) f(data, dataenv) if not nowrite then local online = self:filterSaveData(name) local pop = self:mountProfile(online, module) local f = fs.open("/modules/"..module.."/"..name..".profile", "w") if f then f:write(serialize(dataenv)) f:close() end self:umountProfile(online, pop) end if not nosync and not game.__mod_info.profile_defs[name].no_sync then self:setConfigs(module, name, data) end end function _M:checkFirstRun() local result = self.generic.firstrun if not result then self:saveGenericProfile("firstrun", {firstrun=os.time()}) end return result end function _M:performlogin(login, pass) self.login=login self.pass=pass print("[ONLINE PROFILE] attempting log in ", self.login) self.auth_tried = nil self:tryAuth() self:waitFirstAuth() if (profile.auth) then self:saveGenericProfile("online", {login=login, pass=pass}) self:getConfigs("generic") self:syncOnline("generic") end end function _M:performloginSteam(token, name, email) self.steam_token = token self.steam_token_name = name if email then self.steam_token_email = email end print("[ONLINE PROFILE] attempting log in steam", token) self.auth_tried = nil self:tryAuth() self:waitFirstAuth() if (profile.auth) then self:saveGenericProfile("onlinesteam", {autolog=true}) self:getConfigs("generic") self:syncOnline("generic") end end ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Events from the profile thread ----------------------------------------------------------------------- function _M:popEvent(specific) if not specific then if #self.saved_events > 0 then return table.remove(self.saved_events, 1) end return core.profile.popEvent() else for i, evt in ipairs(self.saved_events) do if evt.e == specific then return table.remove(self.saved_events, i) end end local evt = core.profile.popEvent() if evt then if type(evt) == "string" then evt = evt:unserialize() end if evt.e == specific then return evt end self.saved_events[#self.saved_events+1] = evt end end end function _M:waitEvent(name, cb, wait_max) -- Wait anwser, this blocks thegame but cant really be avoided :/ local stop = false local first = true local tries = 0 while not stop do if not first then if not self.waiting_event_no_redraw then pcall(core.display.forceRedraw) end core.game.sleep(50) end local evt = self:popEvent(name) while evt do if type(game) == "table" then evt = game:handleProfileEvent(evt) else evt = self:handleEvent(evt) end -- print("==== waiting event", name, evt.e) if evt.e == name then stop = true cb(evt) break end evt = self:popEvent(name) end first = false tries = tries + 1 if wait_max and tries * 50 > wait_max then break end end end function _M:noMoreAuthWait() self.no_more_wait_auth = true end function _M:waitFirstAuth(timeout) if self.no_more_wait_auth then return end if self.auth_tried and self.auth_tried >= 1 then return end if not self.waiting_auth then return end print("[PROFILE] waiting for first auth") local first = true timeout = timeout or 120 while self.waiting_auth and timeout > 0 do if not first then if not self.waiting_auth_no_redraw then core.display.forceRedraw() end core.game.sleep(50) end local evt = self:popEvent() while evt do if type(game) == "table" then game:handleProfileEvent(evt) else self:handleEvent(evt) end if not self.waiting_auth then break end evt = self:popEvent() end first = false timeout = timeout - 1 end end function _M:eventAuth(e) self.waiting_auth = false self.auth_tried = (self.auth_tried or 0) + 1 if e.ok then self.auth = e.ok:unserialize() print("[PROFILE] Main thread got authed", self.auth.name) self:getConfigs("generic", function(e) self:syncOnline(e.module) end) else self.auth_last_error = e.reason or "unknown" end end function _M:eventGetNews(e) if e.news and self.evt_cbs.GetNews then self.evt_cbs.GetNews(e.news:unserialize()) self.evt_cbs.GetNews = nil end end function _M:eventGetConfigs(e) local data = zlib.decompress(e.data):unserialize() local module = e.module if not data then print("[ONLINE PROFILE] get configs") return end self:setConfigsBatch(true) for i = 1, #data do local val = data[i] if module == "generic" then self:saveGenericProfile(e.kind, val, true, i < #data) else self:saveModuleProfile(e.kind, val, true, i < #data) end end self:setConfigsBatch(false) if self.evt_cbs.GetConfigs then self.evt_cbs.GetConfigs(e) self.evt_cbs.GetConfigs = nil end end function _M:eventPushCode(e) local f, err = loadstring(e.code) if not f then if e.return_uuid then core.profile.pushOrder(string.format("o='CodeReturn' uuid=%q data=%q", e.return_uuid, table.serialize{error=err})) end else local ok, err = pcall(f) if config.settings.cheat then print(ok, err) end if e.return_uuid then core.profile.pushOrder(string.format("o='CodeReturn' uuid=%q data=%q", e.return_uuid, table.serialize{result=ok and err, error=not ok and err})) end end end function _M:eventChat(e) self.chat:event(e) end function _M:eventConnected(e) if game and type(game) == "table" and game.log then game.log("#YELLOW#Connection to online server established.") end end function _M:eventDisconnected(e) if game and type(game) == "table" and game.log then game.log("#YELLOW#Connection to online server lost, trying to reconnect.") end end function _M:eventFunFacts(e) if e.data then self.funfacts = zlib.decompress(e.data):unserialize() end end --- Got an event from the profile thread function _M:handleEvent(e) if type(e) == "string" then e = e:unserialize() end if not e then return end if self["event"..e.e] then self["event"..e.e](self, e) end return e end ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Orders for the profile thread ----------------------------------------------------------------------- function _M:getNews(callback, steam) print("[ONLINE PROFILE] get news") self.evt_cbs.GetNews = callback if not steam then core.profile.pushOrder("o='GetNews'") else core.profile.pushOrder("o='GetNews' steam=true") end end function _M:tryAuth() print("[ONLINE PROFILE] auth") self.auth_last_error = nil if self.steam_token then core.profile.pushOrder(table.serialize{o="SteamLogin", token=self.steam_token, name=self.steam_token_name, email=self.steam_token_email}) else core.profile.pushOrder(table.serialize{o="Login", l=self.login, p=self.pass}) end self.waiting_auth = true end function _M:logOut() core.profile.pushOrder(table.serialize{o="Logoff"}) profile.generic.online = nil profile.auth = nil local pop = self:mountProfile(true) fs.delete("/generic/online.profile") fs.delete("/generic/onlinesteam.profile") self:umountProfile(true, pop) end function _M:getConfigs(module, cb, mod_def) self:waitFirstAuth() if not self.auth then return end self.evt_cbs.GetConfigs = cb if module == "generic" then for k, _ in pairs(generic_profile_defs) do if not _.no_sync then core.profile.pushOrder(table.serialize{o="GetConfigs", module=module, kind=k}) end end else for k, _ in pairs((mod_def or game.__mod_info).profile_defs or {}) do if not _.no_sync then core.profile.pushOrder(table.serialize{o="GetConfigs", module=module, kind=k}) end end end end function _M:setConfigsBatch(v) core.profile.pushOrder(table.serialize{o="SetConfigsBatch", v=v and true or false}) end function _M:setConfigs(module, name, data) self:waitFirstAuth() if not self.auth then return end if name == "online" then return end if module ~= "generic" then if not game.__mod_info.profile_defs then print("[PROFILE] saving config but no profile defs", module, name) return end if not game.__mod_info.profile_defs[name] then print("[PROFILE] saving config but no profile def kind", module, name) return end else if not generic_profile_defs[name] then print("[PROFILE] saving config but no profile def kind", module, name) return end end core.profile.pushOrder(table.serialize{o="SetConfigs", module=module, kind=name, data=zlib.compress(table.serialize(data))}) end function _M:syncOnline(module, mod_def) self:waitFirstAuth() if not self.auth then return end local sync = self.generic if module ~= "generic" then sync = self.modules[module] end if not sync then return end self:setConfigsBatch(true) if module == "generic" then for k, def in pairs(generic_profile_defs) do if not def.no_sync and def.export and sync[k] then local f = def.export local ret = {} setfenv(f, setmetatable({add=function(d) ret[#ret+1] = d end}, {__index=_G})) f(sync[k]) for i, r in ipairs(ret) do core.profile.pushOrder(table.serialize{o="SetConfigs", module=module, kind=k, data=zlib.compress(table.serialize(r))}) end end end else for k, def in pairs((mod_def or game.__mod_info).profile_defs or {}) do if not def.no_sync and def.export and sync[k] then local f = def.export local ret = {} setfenv(f, setmetatable({add=function(d) ret[#ret+1] = d end}, {__index=_G})) f(sync[k]) for i, r in ipairs(ret) do core.profile.pushOrder(table.serialize{o="SetConfigs", module=module, kind=k, data=zlib.compress(table.serialize(r))}) end end end end self:setConfigsBatch(false) end function _M:checkModuleHash(module, md5) self.hash_valid = false if not self.auth then return nil, "no online profile active" end if config.settings.cheat then return nil, "cheat mode active" end if game and game:isTainted() then return nil, "savefile tainted" end core.profile.pushOrder(table.serialize{o="CheckModuleHash", module=module, md5=md5}) local ok = false self:waitEvent("CheckModuleHash", function(e) ok = e.ok end, 10000) if not ok then return nil, "bad game version" end print("[ONLINE PROFILE] module hash is valid") self.hash_valid = true return true end function _M:checkAddonHash(module, addon, md5) if not self.auth then return nil, "no online profile active" end if config.settings.cheat then return nil, "cheat mode active" end if game and game:isTainted() then return nil, "savefile tainted" end core.profile.pushOrder(table.serialize{o="CheckAddonHash", module=module, addon=addon, md5=md5}) local ok = false self:waitEvent("CheckAddonHash", function(e) ok = e.ok end, 10000) if not ok then return nil, "bad game addon version" end print("[ONLINE PROFILE] addon hash is valid") return true end function _M:checkBatchHash(list) if not self.auth then return nil, "no online profile active" end if config.settings.cheat then return nil, "cheat mode active" end if game and game:isTainted() then return nil, "savefile tainted" end core.profile.pushOrder(table.serialize{o="CheckBatchHash", data=list}) local ok = false local error = nil self:waitEvent("CheckBatchHash", function(e) ok = e.ok error = e.error end, 10000) if not ok then return nil, error or "unknown error" end print("[ONLINE PROFILE] all hashes are valid") self.hash_valid = true return true end function _M:sendError(what, err) print("[ONLINE PROFILE] sending error") core.profile.pushOrder(table.serialize{o="SendError", login=self.login, what=what, err=err, module=game.__mod_info.short_name, version=game.__mod_info.version_name}) end function _M:registerNewCharacter(module) if not self.auth or not self.hash_valid then return end local dialog = Dialog:simpleWaiter("Registering character", "Character is being registered on http://te4.org/") core.display.forceRedraw() core.profile.pushOrder(table.serialize{o="RegisterNewCharacter", module=module}) local uuid = nil self:waitEvent("RegisterNewCharacter", function(e) uuid = e.uuid end, 10000) dialog:done() if not uuid then return end print("[ONLINE PROFILE] new character UUID ", uuid) return uuid end function _M:getCharball(id_profile, uuid) if not self.auth then return end local dialog = Dialog:simpleWaiter("Retrieving data from the server", "Retrieving...") core.display.forceRedraw() local data = nil core.profile.pushOrder(table.serialize{o="GetCharball", module=game.__mod_info.short_name, uuid=uuid, id_profile=id_profile}) self:waitEvent("GetCharball", function(e) data = e.data end, 30000) dialog:done() if not data then return end return data end function _M:getDLCD(name, version, file) if not self.auth then return end local data = nil core.profile.pushOrder(table.serialize{o="GetDLCD", name=name, version=version, file=file}) self:waitEvent("GetDLCD", function(e) data = e.data end, 30000) if not data then print("DLCD for", name, version, file, "got a result of size0") return "" end print("DLCD for", name, version, file, "got a result of size", (data or ""):len()) return (data:len() > 0) and zlib.decompress(data) or data end function _M:registerSaveCharball(module, uuid, data) if not self.auth or not self.hash_valid then return end core.profile.pushOrder(table.serialize{o="SaveCharball", module=module, uuid=uuid, data=data, }) print("[ONLINE PROFILE] saved character charball", uuid) end function _M:registerSaveChardump(module, uuid, title, tags, data) if not self.auth or not self.hash_valid then return end core.profile.pushOrder(table.serialize{o="SaveChardump", module=module, uuid=uuid, data=data, metadata=table.serialize{tags=tags, title=title}, }) print("[ONLINE PROFILE] saved character ", uuid) end function _M:setSaveID(module, uuid, savename, md5) if not self.auth or not self.hash_valid or not md5 then return end core.profile.pushOrder(table.serialize{o="SaveMD5", module=module, uuid=uuid, savename=savename, md5=md5, }) print("[ONLINE PROFILE] saved character md5", uuid, savename, md5) end function _M:checkSaveID(module, uuid, savename, md5) if not self.auth or not self.hash_valid or not md5 then return function() return false end end core.profile.pushOrder(table.serialize{o="CheckSaveMD5", module=module, uuid=uuid, savename=savename, md5=md5, }) print("[ONLINE PROFILE] checking character md5", uuid, savename, md5) --[[ return function() local ok = false self:waitEvent("CheckSaveMD5", function(e) if e.savename == savename and e.ok then ok = true end end, 30000) return ok end ]] return function() return true end end function _M:currentCharacter(module, title, uuid) if not self.auth then return end core.profile.pushOrder(table.serialize{o="CurrentCharacter", module=module, mod_short=(game and type(game)=="table") and game.__mod_info.short_name or "unknown", title=title, valid=self.hash_valid, uuid=uuid, }) print("[ONLINE PROFILE] current character ", title) end function _M:newProfile(Login, Name, Password, Email) print("[ONLINE PROFILE] profile options ", Login, Email, Name) core.profile.pushOrder(table.serialize{o="NewProfile2", login=Login, email=Email, name=Name, pass=Password}) local id = nil local reason = nil self:waitEvent("NewProfile2", function(e) id = e.uid reason = e.reason end) if not id then print("[ONLINE PROFILE] could not create") return nil, reason or "unknown" end print("[ONLINE PROFILE] profile id ", id) self:performlogin(Login, Password) return id end function _M:entityVaultPoke(module, kind, name, desc, data) if not data then return end if not self.auth then return end core.profile.pushOrder(table.serialize{o="EntityPoke", module=module, kind=kind, name=name, desc=desc, data=data, }) print("[ONLINE PROFILE] poke entity vault", module, kind, name) end function _M:entityVaultPeek(module, kind, id) if not id then return end if not self.auth then return end core.profile.pushOrder(table.serialize{o="EntityPeek", module=module, kind=kind, id=id, }) print("[ONLINE PROFILE] peek entity vault", module, kind, id) end function _M:entityVaultEmpty(module, kind, id) if not id then return end if not self.auth then return end core.profile.pushOrder(table.serialize{o="EntityEmpty", module=module, kind=kind, id=id, }) print("[ONLINE PROFILE] empty entity vault", module, kind, id) end function _M:entityVaultInfos(module, kind) if not self.auth then return end core.profile.pushOrder(table.serialize{o="EntityInfos", module=module, kind=kind, }) print("[ONLINE PROFILE] list entity vault", module, kind) end function _M:addonEnableUpload() if not self.auth then return end core.profile.pushOrder(table.serialize{o="AddonEnableUpload"}) print("[ONLINE PROFILE] enabling addon upload grants") end function _M:funFactsGrab(module) core.profile.pushOrder(table.serialize{o="FunFactsGrab", module=module}) print("[ONLINE PROFILE] fun facts", module) end function _M:isDonator(s) s = s or 1 if core.steam then return true end if not self.auth or not tonumber(self.auth.donated) or tonumber(self.auth.donated) < s then return false else return true end end function _M:allowDLC(dlc) if core.steam then if core.steam.checkDLC(dlc[2]) then return true end end if self.auth and self.auth.dlcs and self.auth.dlcs[dlc[1]] then return true end return false end