-- TE4 - T-Engine 4 -- Copyright (C) 2009, 2010 Nicolas Casalini -- -- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify -- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by -- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or -- (at your option) any later version. -- -- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the -- GNU General Public License for more details. -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License -- along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. -- -- Nicolas Casalini "DarkGod" -- darkgod@te4.org require "engine.class" require "engine.Dialog" module(..., package.seeall, class.inherit(engine.Dialog)) function _M:init(actor) self.actor = actor actor.hotkey = actor.hotkey or {} engine.Dialog.init(self, "Use Talents: "..actor.name, game.w / 2, game.h / 2) self:generateList() self.scroll = 1 self.max = math.floor((self.ih - 5) / self.font_h) - 1 self:keyCommands({ __TEXTINPUT = function(c) if c:find("^[a-zA-Z]$") then local sel = self.keybind[c] if sel then self.sel = sel self:use() end end end, },{ HOTKEY_1 = function() self:defineHotkey(1) end, HOTKEY_2 = function() self:defineHotkey(2) end, HOTKEY_3 = function() self:defineHotkey(3) end, HOTKEY_4 = function() self:defineHotkey(4) end, HOTKEY_5 = function() self:defineHotkey(5) end, HOTKEY_6 = function() self:defineHotkey(6) end, HOTKEY_7 = function() self:defineHotkey(7) end, HOTKEY_8 = function() self:defineHotkey(8) end, HOTKEY_9 = function() self:defineHotkey(9) end, HOTKEY_10 = function() self:defineHotkey(10) end, HOTKEY_11 = function() self:defineHotkey(11) end, HOTKEY_12 = function() self:defineHotkey(12) end, HOTKEY_SECOND_1 = function() self:defineHotkey(13) end, HOTKEY_SECOND_2 = function() self:defineHotkey(14) end, HOTKEY_SECOND_3 = function() self:defineHotkey(15) end, HOTKEY_SECOND_4 = function() self:defineHotkey(16) end, HOTKEY_SECOND_5 = function() self:defineHotkey(17) end, HOTKEY_SECOND_6 = function() self:defineHotkey(18) end, HOTKEY_SECOND_7 = function() self:defineHotkey(19) end, HOTKEY_SECOND_8 = function() self:defineHotkey(20) end, HOTKEY_SECOND_9 = function() self:defineHotkey(21) end, HOTKEY_SECOND_10 = function() self:defineHotkey(22) end, HOTKEY_SECOND_11 = function() self:defineHotkey(23) end, HOTKEY_SECOND_12 = function() self:defineHotkey(24) end, HOTKEY_THIRD_1 = function() self:defineHotkey(25) end, HOTKEY_THIRD_2 = function() self:defineHotkey(26) end, HOTKEY_THIRD_3 = function() self:defineHotkey(27) end, HOTKEY_THIRD_4 = function() self:defineHotkey(28) end, HOTKEY_THIRD_5 = function() self:defineHotkey(29) end, HOTKEY_THIRD_6 = function() self:defineHotkey(30) end, HOTKEY_THIRD_7 = function() self:defineHotkey(31) end, HOTKEY_THIRD_8 = function() self:defineHotkey(31) end, HOTKEY_THIRD_9 = function() self:defineHotkey(33) end, HOTKEY_THIRD_10 = function() self:defineHotkey(34) end, HOTKEY_THIRD_11 = function() self:defineHotkey(35) end, HOTKEY_THIRD_12 = function() self:defineHotkey(36) end, MOVE_UP = function() self.sel = util.boundWrap(self.sel - 1, 1, #self.list) self.scroll = util.scroll(self.sel, self.scroll, self.max) self.changed = true end, MOVE_DOWN = function() self.sel = util.boundWrap(self.sel + 1, 1, #self.list) self.scroll = util.scroll(self.sel, self.scroll, self.max) self.changed = true end, ACCEPT = function() self:use() end, EXIT = function() game:unregisterDialog(self) end, }) self:mouseZones{ { x=0, y=0, w=game.w, h=game.h, mode={button=true}, norestrict=true, fct=function(button) if button == "left" then game:unregisterDialog(self) end end}, { x=2, y=5, w=350, h=self.font_h*self.max, fct=function(button, x, y, xrel, yrel, tx, ty, event) self.changed = true if button ~= "wheelup" and button ~= "wheeldown" then self.sel = util.bound(self.scroll + math.floor(ty / self.font_h), 1, #self.list) end self.changed = true if button == "left" and event == "button" then self:use() elseif button == "right" and event == "button" then elseif button == "wheelup" and event == "button" then self.key:triggerVirtual("MOVE_UP") elseif button == "wheeldown" and event == "button" then self.key:triggerVirtual("MOVE_DOWN") end end }, } end function _M:defineHotkey(id) if not self.actor.hotkey then return end self.actor.hotkey[id] = {"talent", self.list[self.sel].talent} self:simplePopup("Hotkey "..id.." assigned", self.actor:getTalentFromId(self.list[self.sel].talent).name:capitalize().." assigned to hotkey "..id) self.actor.changed = true end function _M:use() game:unregisterDialog(self) self.actor:useTalent(self.list[self.sel].talent) end function _M:makeKey(letter) if letter >= 26 then return string.char(string.byte('A') + letter - 26) else return string.char(string.byte('a') + letter) end end function _M:generateList() -- Makes up the list local list = {} local keybind = {} local letter = 0 for i, tt in ipairs(self.actor.talents_types_def) do local cat = tt.type:gsub("/.*", "") local where = #list local added = false -- Find all talents of this school for j, t in ipairs(tt.talents) do if self.actor:knowTalent(t.id) and t.mode ~= "passive" then local typename = "talent" if t.type[1]:find("^spell/") then typename = "spell" end list[#list+1] = { name=self:makeKey(letter)..") "..t.name.." ("..typename..")"..(self.actor:isTalentActive(t.id) and " <sustaining>" or ""), talent=t.id } keybind[self:makeKey(letter)] = #list + 1 if not self.sel then self.sel = #list + 1 end letter = letter + 1 added = true end end if added then table.insert(list, where+1, { name=cat:capitalize().." / "..tt.name:capitalize(), type=tt.type, color={0x80, 0x80, 0x80} }) end end self.list = list self.keybind = keybind end function _M:drawDialog(s) -- Description part self:drawHBorder(s, self.iw / 2, 2, self.ih - 4) local help if not self.actor.hotkey then help = [[Keyboard: #00FF00#up key/down key#FFFFFF# to select a stat; #00FF00#enter#FFFFFF# to use. Mouse: #00FF00#Left click#FFFFFF# to use. ]] else help = [[Keyboard: #00FF00#up key/down key#FFFFFF# to select a stat; #00FF00#enter#FFFFFF# to use. #00FF00#1-0#FFFFFF# to assign a hotkey. Mouse: #00FF00#Left click#FFFFFF# to use. ]] end local talentshelp = help:splitLines(self.iw / 2 - 10, self.font) local lines = {} if self.list[self.sel].type then lines = self.actor:getTalentTypeFrom(self.list[self.sel].type).description:splitLines(self.iw / 2 - 10, self.font) else local t = self.actor:getTalentFromId(self.list[self.sel].talent) lines = self.actor:getTalentFullDescription(t):splitLines(self.iw / 2 - 10, self.font) end local h = 2 for i = 1, #talentshelp do s:drawColorStringBlended(self.font, talentshelp[i], self.iw / 2 + 5, h) h = h + self.font:lineSkip() end h = h + self.font:lineSkip() self:drawWBorder(s, self.iw / 2 + self.iw / 6, h - 0.5 * self.font:lineSkip(), self.iw / 6) for i = 1, #lines do s:drawColorStringBlended(self.font, lines[i], self.iw / 2 + 5, 2 + h) h = h + self.font:lineSkip() end -- Talents self:drawSelectionList(s, 2, 5, self.font_h, self.list, self.sel, "name", self.scroll, self.max, nil, nil, nil, self.iw / 2 - 5, true) self.changed = false end