diff --git a/game/modules/tome/data/zones/ring-of-blood/npcs.lua b/game/modules/tome/data/zones/ring-of-blood/npcs.lua
index 3f4fe68cf092fb766fbeea08c6cf7a2dbbafd29c..4353503df7eb37f291d3e92f89c6b1c1241fc47d 100644
--- a/game/modules/tome/data/zones/ring-of-blood/npcs.lua
+++ b/game/modules/tome/data/zones/ring-of-blood/npcs.lua
@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ newEntity{ define_as = "RING_MASTER",
 ----------------------------------- Spectators
 newEntity{ define_as = "SPECTATOR",
 	type = "humanoid", subtype = resolvers.rngtable{"shalore","thalore","human","halfling","dwarf"},
-	name = "spectator",
+	name = "spectator", quest = true,
 	female = resolvers.rngtable{false, true},
 	display = "p", resolvers.rngcolor{colors.BLUE, colors.LIGHT_BLUE, colors.RED, colors.LIGHT_RED, colors.ORANGE, colors.YELLOW, colors.GREEN, colors.LIGHT_GREEN, colors.PINK, },
 	desc = [[A spectator, who probably paid a lot to watch this bloody "game".]],
@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ newEntity{ define_as = "PLAYER_SLAVE",
 	type = "humanoid", subtype = "human",
 	name = "slave combatant",
 	display = "@", color=colors.UMBER,
-	desc = [[This ]],
+	desc = [[This humand has been enslaved by the yaech's mental powers.]],
 	level_range = {9, 9}, exp_worth = 0,
 	max_life = 120, life_rating = 12, fixed_rating = true,
 	rank = 3,