diff --git a/game/modules/tome/class/Player.lua b/game/modules/tome/class/Player.lua
index f6121322391ba9cf24d7d4fcd677e1c3fcf11370..1bc8c1d0e0540b187920b2b0dfdf7d4733bfd9c6 100644
--- a/game/modules/tome/class/Player.lua
+++ b/game/modules/tome/class/Player.lua
@@ -163,24 +163,7 @@ function _M:move(x, y, force)
 	if game.zone.wilderness then
 		-- Cheat with time
 		game.turn = game.turn + 1000
 		self.wild_x, self.wild_y = self.x, self.y
-		local g = game.level.map(self.x, self.y, Map.TERRAIN)
-		if g and g.can_encounter and game.level.data.encounters then
-			local type = game.level.data.encounters.chance(self)
-			if type then
-				game.level.level = self.level
-				game.level:setEntitiesList("encounters_rng", game.zone:computeRarities("encounters_rng", game.level:getEntitiesList("encounters"), game.level, nil))
-				local e = game.zone:makeEntity(game.level, "encounters_rng", {type=type, mapx=self.x, mapy=self.y, nb_tries=10})
-				if e then
-					if e:check("on_encounter", self) then
-						e:added()
-					end
-				end
-			end
-		end
diff --git a/game/modules/tome/data/maps/wilderness/eyal.lua b/game/modules/tome/data/maps/wilderness/eyal.lua
index 1cb382fde6ad3b517405b492c24dc6c3d1533e5b..c0ab21cfe3bbd1a0753b0b2923be63d1d740a97d 100644
--- a/game/modules/tome/data/maps/wilderness/eyal.lua
+++ b/game/modules/tome/data/maps/wilderness/eyal.lua
@@ -74,20 +74,11 @@ else
 -- Load encounters for this map
-prepareEntitiesList("encounters", "mod.class.Encounter", "/data/general/encounters/maj-eyal.lua")
-prepareEntitiesList("encounters_fareast", "mod.class.Encounter", "/data/general/encounters/fareast.lua")
-prepareEntitiesList("encounters_npcs", "mod.class.WorldNPC", "/data/general/encounters/maj-eyal-npcs.lua")
+prepareEntitiesList("maj_eyal_encounters", "mod.class.Encounter", "/data/general/encounters/maj-eyal.lua")
+prepareEntitiesList("maj_eyal_encounters_npcs", "mod.class.WorldNPC", "/data/general/encounters/maj-eyal-npcs.lua")
+prepareEntitiesList("fareast_encounters", "mod.class.Encounter", "/data/general/encounters/fareast.lua")
-	wda = { script="maj-eyal", },
-	encounters = {
-		chance=function(who)
-			local harmless_chance = 1 + who:getLck(7)
-			local hostile_chance = 2
-			if rng.percent(hostile_chance) then return "hostile"
-			elseif rng.percent(harmless_chance) then return "harmless"
-			end
-		end
-	},
+	wda = { script="maj-eyal", zones={} },
 -- addSpot section
diff --git a/game/modules/tome/data/wda/maj-eyal.lua b/game/modules/tome/data/wda/maj-eyal.lua
index cae717a1558f6d2368077a004306723066e7377b..c4620ed00b61412efbd13ab75124d862d6a19e6a 100644
--- a/game/modules/tome/data/wda/maj-eyal.lua
+++ b/game/modules/tome/data/wda/maj-eyal.lua
@@ -17,35 +17,108 @@
 -- Nicolas Casalini "DarkGod"
 -- darkgod@te4.org
--- Maj'Eyal worldmap directory AI
-wda.cur_patrols = wda.cur_patrols or 0
-wda.cur_hostiles = wda.cur_hostiles or 0
--- Spawn some patrols
-if wda.cur_patrols < 3 then
-	local e = game.zone:makeEntity(game.level, "encounters_npcs", {type="patrol"}, nil, true)
-	if e then
-		local spot = game.level:pickSpot{type="patrol", "allied-kingdoms"}
-		if spot and not game.level.map(spot.x, spot.y, engine.Map.ACTOR) and not game.level.map.seens(spot.x, spot.y) then
-			print("Spawned allied kingdom patrol", spot.x, spot.y, e.name)
-			game.zone:addEntity(game.level, e, "actor", spot.x, spot.y)
-			wda.cur_patrols = wda.cur_patrols + 1
-			e.on_die = function() game.level.data.wda.cur_patrols = game.level.data.wda.cur_patrols - 1 end
-		end
+-- Eyal worldmap directory AI
+-- Select the zone
+local Map = require "engine.Map"
+local zone = game.zone.display_name()
+if not wda.zones[zone] then wda.zones[zone] = {} end
+wda = wda.zones[zone]
+game.level.level = game.player.level
+local encounter_chance = function(who)
+	local harmless_chance = 1 + who:getLck(7)
+	local hostile_chance = 2
+	if rng.percent(hostile_chance) then return "hostile"
+	elseif rng.percent(harmless_chance) then return "harmless"
--- Spawn some hostiles
-if wda.cur_hostiles < 4 and rng.percent(5) then
-	local e = game.zone:makeEntity(game.level, "encounters_npcs", {type="hostile"}, nil, true)
-	if e then
-		local spot = game.level:pickSpot{type="hostile", "random"}
-		if spot and not game.level.map(spot.x, spot.y, engine.Map.ACTOR) and not game.level.map.seens(spot.x, spot.y) then
-			print("Spawned hostile", spot.x, spot.y, e.name)
-			game.zone:addEntity(game.level, e, "actor", spot.x, spot.y)
-			wda.cur_hostiles = wda.cur_hostiles + 1
-			e.on_die = function() game.level.data.wda.cur_hostiles = game.level.data.wda.cur_hostiles - 1 end
+-- Maj'Eyal
+if zone == "Maj'Eyal" then
+	wda.cur_patrols = wda.cur_patrols or 0
+	wda.cur_hostiles = wda.cur_hostiles or 0
+	-- Spawn random encounters
+	local g = game.level.map(game.player.x, game.player.y, Map.TERRAIN)
+	if g and g.can_encounter then
+		local type = encounter_chance(game.player)
+		if type then
+			game.level:setEntitiesList("maj_eyal_encounters_rng", game.zone:computeRarities("maj_eyal_encounters_rng", game.level:getEntitiesList("maj_eyal_encounters"), game.level, nil))
+			local e = game.zone:makeEntity(game.level, "maj_eyal_encounters_rng", {type=type, mapx=game.player.x, mapy=game.player.y, nb_tries=10})
+			if e then
+				if e:check("on_encounter", game.player) then
+					e:added()
+				end
+			end
+		end
+	end
+	-- Spawn some patrols
+	if wda.cur_patrols < 3 then
+		local e = game.zone:makeEntity(game.level, "maj_eyal_encounters_npcs", {type="patrol"}, nil, true)
+		if e then
+			local spot = game.level:pickSpot{type="patrol", "allied-kingdoms"}
+			if spot and not game.level.map(spot.x, spot.y, Map.ACTOR) and not game.level.map.seens(spot.x, spot.y) then
+				print("Spawned allied kingdom patrol", spot.x, spot.y, e.name)
+				game.zone:addEntity(game.level, e, "actor", spot.x, spot.y)
+				wda.cur_patrols = wda.cur_patrols + 1
+				e.world_zone = zone
+				e.on_die = function(self) game.level.data.wda.zones[self.world_zone].cur_patrols = game.level.data.wda.zones[self.world_zone].cur_patrols - 1 end
+			end
+		end
+	end
+	-- Spawn some hostiles
+	if wda.cur_hostiles < 4 and rng.percent(5) then
+		local e = game.zone:makeEntity(game.level, "maj_eyal_encounters_npcs", {type="hostile"}, nil, true)
+		if e then
+			local spot = game.level:pickSpot{type="hostile", "random"}
+			if spot and not game.level.map(spot.x, spot.y, Map.ACTOR) and not game.level.map.seens(spot.x, spot.y) then
+				print("Spawned hostile", spot.x, spot.y, e.name)
+				game.zone:addEntity(game.level, e, "actor", spot.x, spot.y)
+				wda.cur_hostiles = wda.cur_hostiles + 1
+				e.world_zone = zone
+				e.on_die = function(self) game.level.data.wda.zones[self.world_zone].cur_hostiles = game.level.data.wda.zones[self.world_zone].cur_hostiles - 1 end
+			end
+		end
+	end
+-- Var'Eyal (Far East)
+elseif zone == "Far East" then
+	wda.cur_patrols = wda.cur_patrols or 0
+	wda.cur_hostiles = wda.cur_hostiles or 0
+	-- Spawn some patrols
+	if wda.cur_patrols < 3 then
+		local e = game.zone:makeEntity(game.level, "encounters_npcs", {type="patrol"}, nil, true)
+		if e then
+			local spot = game.level:pickSpot{type="patrol", "sunwall"}
+			if spot and not game.level.map(spot.x, spot.y, Map.ACTOR) and not game.level.map.seens(spot.x, spot.y) then
+				print("Spawned sunwall patrol", spot.x, spot.y, e.name)
+				game.zone:addEntity(game.level, e, "actor", spot.x, spot.y)
+				wda.cur_patrols = wda.cur_patrols + 1
+				e.on_die = function() game.level.data.wda.cur_patrols = game.level.data.wda.cur_patrols - 1 end
+			end
+		end
+	end
+	-- Spawn some hostiles
+	if wda.cur_hostiles < 4 and rng.percent(5) then
+		local e = game.zone:makeEntity(game.level, "encounters_npcs", {type="hostile"}, nil, true)
+		if e then
+			local spot = game.level:pickSpot{type="hostile", "random"}
+			if spot and not game.level.map(spot.x, spot.y, Map.ACTOR) and not game.level.map.seens(spot.x, spot.y) then
+				print("Spawned hostile", spot.x, spot.y, e.name)
+				game.zone:addEntity(game.level, e, "actor", spot.x, spot.y)
+				wda.cur_hostiles = wda.cur_hostiles + 1
+				e.on_die = function() game.level.data.wda.cur_hostiles = game.level.data.wda.cur_hostiles - 1 end
+			end
diff --git a/ideas/setting.ods b/ideas/setting.ods
index 9c048f87c449c25a3a32ce0568f280e0b82804e7..49f0d1a480d4a726963d7d072c7d7094d52f06af 100644
Binary files a/ideas/setting.ods and b/ideas/setting.ods differ
diff --git a/tiled-maps/eyal.tmx b/tiled-maps/eyal.tmx
index 7a05f222e277f6d0b5646b645b34fec6605db658..28f7535ea889058c53397cddf04f5e334d8a59c0 100644
--- a/tiled-maps/eyal.tmx
+++ b/tiled-maps/eyal.tmx
@@ -401,6 +401,30 @@
     <property name="type" value="&quot;farportal-end&quot;"/>
+  <object name="Sunwall patrol" x="5188" y="1028" width="26" height="24">
+   <properties>
+    <property name="subtype" value="&quot;sunwall&quot;"/>
+    <property name="type" value="&quot;patrol&quot;"/>
+   </properties>
+  </object>
+  <object name="Sunwall patrol" x="5250" y="1348" width="26" height="24">
+   <properties>
+    <property name="subtype" value="&quot;sunwall&quot;"/>
+    <property name="type" value="&quot;patrol&quot;"/>
+   </properties>
+  </object>
+  <object name="Sunwall patrol" x="5218" y="582" width="26" height="24">
+   <properties>
+    <property name="subtype" value="&quot;sunwall&quot;"/>
+    <property name="type" value="&quot;patrol&quot;"/>
+   </properties>
+  </object>
+  <object name="Sunwall patrol" x="4836" y="964" width="26" height="24">
+   <properties>
+    <property name="subtype" value="&quot;sunwall&quot;"/>
+    <property name="type" value="&quot;patrol&quot;"/>
+   </properties>
+  </object>
  <objectgroup name="addZone" width="170" height="100" visible="0">
   <object name="Maj'Eyal" x="34" y="40" width="2488" height="1456">