-- ToME - Tales of Maj'Eyal -- Copyright (C) 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 Nicolas Casalini -- -- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify -- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by -- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or -- (at your option) any later version. -- -- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the -- GNU General Public License for more details. -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License -- along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. -- -- Nicolas Casalini "DarkGod" -- darkgod@te4.org local grass_editer = {method="borders_def", def="grass_wm"} local jungle_grass_editer = { method="borders_def", def="jungle_grass"} local sand_editer = {method="borders_def", def="sand"} local ice_editer = {method="borders_def", def="ice"} local mountain_editer = {method="borders_def", def="mountain"} local gold_mountain_editer = {method="borders_def", def="gold_mountain"} local lava_editer = {method="borders_def", def="lava"} -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Grassland -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- newEntity{ define_as = "PLAINS", type = "floor", subtype = "grass", name = "plains", image = "terrain/grass.png", display = '.', color=colors.LIGHT_GREEN, back_color={r=44,g=95,b=43}, nice_tiler = { method="replace", base={"PLAINS_PATCH", 70, 1, 15}}, can_encounter=true, equilibrium_level=-10, nice_editer = grass_editer, } for i = 1, 12 do newEntity{ base = "PLAINS", define_as = "PLAINS_PATCH"..i, image = "terrain/grass"..(i<7 and "" or "2")..".png" } end newEntity{ base="PLAINS", define_as="CULTIVATION", name="cultivated fields", display=';', color=colors.GREEN, back_color=colors.DARK_GREEN, image="terrain/cultivation.png", nice_tiler = { method="replace", base={"CULTIVATION", 100, 1, 4}}, } for i = 1, 4 do newEntity{ base = "CULTIVATION", define_as = "CULTIVATION"..i, image="terrain/grass.png", add_mos={{image="terrain/cultivation0"..i..".png"}} } end newEntity{ base="PLAINS", define_as="LOW_HILLS", name="low hills", display=';', color=colors.LIGHT_GREEN, back_color={r=44,g=95,b=43}, nice_tiler = { method="replace", base={"LOW_HILLS", 100, 1, 6}}, } for i = 1, 6 do newEntity{ base = "LOW_HILLS", define_as = "LOW_HILLS"..i, image="terrain/grass.png", add_mos={{image="terrain/grass_hill_"..i.."_01.png"}} } end newEntity{ define_as = "FOREST", type = "wall", subtype = "grass", name = "forest", image = "terrain/tree.png", display = '#', color=colors.LIGHT_GREEN, back_color={r=44,g=95,b=43}, always_remember = true, can_pass = {pass_tree=1}, does_block_move = true, block_sight = true, nice_tiler = { method="replace", base={"FOREST", 100, 1, 30}}, nice_editer = grass_editer, special_minimap = colors.GREEN, } for i = 1, 30 do newEntity{ base="FOREST", define_as = "FOREST"..i, image = "terrain/grass.png", add_displays = class:makeTrees("terrain/tree_alpha", 13, 9)} end newEntity{ define_as = "OLD_FOREST", type = "wall", subtype = "grass", name = "Old forest", image = "terrain/tree_dark.png", display = '#', color=colors.GREEN, back_color={r=34,g=65,b=33}, always_remember = true, can_pass = {pass_tree=1}, does_block_move = true, block_sight = true, nice_tiler = { method="replace", base={"OLD_FOREST", 100, 1, 30}}, nice_editer = grass_editer, special_minimap = colors.GREEN, } for i = 1, 30 do newEntity{ base="OLD_FOREST", define_as = "OLD_FOREST"..i, image = "terrain/grass.png", add_displays = class:makeTrees("terrain/tree_alpha", 13, 9, colors.GREY)} end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Desolation -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- newEntity{ define_as = "CHARRED_SCAR", type = "floor", subtype = "lava", name = "Charred Scar", image = "terrain/lava_floor.png", display='.', color=colors.WHITE, back_color=colors.LIGHT_DARK, nice_tiler = { method="replace", base={"CHARRED_SCAR_PATCH", 100, 1, 16}}, can_encounter=true, equilibrium_level=-10, nice_editer = lava_editer, } for i = 1, 16 do newEntity{ base = "CHARRED_SCAR", define_as = "CHARRED_SCAR_PATCH"..i, image = "terrain/lava/lava_floor"..i..".png" } end newEntity{ define_as = "BURNT_FOREST", type = "wall", subtype = "lava", name = "burnt tree", image = "terrain/burnt_tree.png", display = '#', color=colors.LIGHT_GREEN, back_color={r=44,g=95,b=43}, always_remember = true, can_pass = {pass_tree=1}, does_block_move = true, block_sight = true, nice_tiler = { method="replace", base={"BURNT_FOREST", 100, 1, 20}}, nice_editer = lava_editer, special_minimap = colors.GREY, } for i = 1, 20 do newEntity{ base="BURNT_FOREST", define_as = "BURNT_FOREST"..i, name = "burnt tree", image = "terrain/lava_floor.png", add_displays = class:makeTrees("terrain/burnttree_alpha", 8, 0)} end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Iceland -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- newEntity{ define_as = "POLAR_CAP", type = "floor", subtype = "ice", name = "polar cap", image = "terrain/frozen_ground.png", display = '.', color=colors.LIGHT_BLUE, back_color=colors.WHITE, can_encounter=true, equilibrium_level=-10, nice_editer = ice_editer, } newEntity{ define_as = "FROZEN_SEA", type = "floor", subtype = "ice", name = "frozen sea", image = "terrain/water_grass_5_1.png", display = ';', color=colors.LIGHT_BLUE, back_color=colors.WHITE, can_encounter=true, equilibrium_level=-10, nice_editer = ice_editer, nice_tiler = { method="replace", base={"FROZEN_SEA", 100, 1, 4}}, special_minimap = colors.BLUE, } for i = 1, 4 do newEntity{ base="FROZEN_SEA", define_as = "FROZEN_SEA"..i, add_mos = {{image = "terrain/ice/frozen_ground_5_0"..i..".png"}}} end newEntity{ define_as = "COLD_FOREST", type = "wall", subtype = "ice", name = "cold forest", image = "terrain/tree_dark_snow1.png", display = '#', color=colors.WHITE, back_color=colors.LIGHT_UMBER, always_remember = true, can_pass = {pass_tree=1}, does_block_move = true, block_sight = true, nice_tiler = { method="replace", base={"COLD_FOREST", 100, 1, 30} }, } for i = 1, 30 do newEntity{ base="COLD_FOREST", define_as = "COLD_FOREST"..i, image = "terrain/frozen_ground.png", add_displays = class:makeTrees("terrain/tree_dark_snow", 13, 10), nice_tiler = false, } end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Water -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- newEntity{ define_as = "WATER_BASE", type = "floor", subtype = "water", name = "deep water", image = "terrain/water_grass_5_1.png", display = '~', color=colors.AQUAMARINE, back_color=colors.DARK_BLUE, always_remember = true, can_encounter="water", equilibrium_level=-10, special_minimap = colors.BLUE, } newEntity{ base = "WATER_BASE", define_as = "WATER_BASE_DEEP", can_pass = {pass_water=1}, does_block_move = true } newEntity{ base="WATER_BASE_DEEP", define_as = "SEA_EYAL", name = "sea of Eyal" } newEntity{ base="WATER_BASE", define_as = "RIVER", name = "river" } newEntity{ base="WATER_BASE_DEEP", define_as = "LAKE_NUR", name = "lake of Nur" } newEntity{ base="WATER_BASE_DEEP", define_as = "SEA_SASH", name = "sea of Sash" } newEntity{ base="WATER_BASE_DEEP", define_as = "LAKE", name = "lake" } newEntity{ base="WATER_BASE_DEEP", define_as = "LAKE_WESTREACH", name = "Westreach lake" } newEntity{ base="WATER_BASE_DEEP", define_as = "LAKE_IRONDEEP", name = "Irondeep lake" } newEntity{ base="WATER_BASE_DEEP", define_as = "LAKE_SPELLMURK", name = "Spellmurk lake" } -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Mountains -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- for id, name in pairs{['']='mountain chain', DAIKARA_='daikara', IRONTHRONE_='Iron Throne', VOLCANIC_='volcanic mountains'} do newEntity{ define_as = id.."MOUNTAIN", type = "rockwall", subtype = "grass", name = name, image = "terrain/rocky_mountain.png", display = '#', color=colors.UMBER, back_color=colors.LIGHT_UMBER, always_remember = true, can_pass = {pass_wall=1}, does_block_move = true, block_sight = true, air_level = -20, nice_editer = mountain_editer, nice_tiler = { method="replace", base={id.."MOUNTAIN_WALL", 70, 1, 6} }, } for i = 1, 6 do newEntity{ base=id.."MOUNTAIN", define_as = id.."MOUNTAIN_WALL"..i, image = "terrain/mountain5_"..i..".png"} end end newEntity{ define_as = "GOLDEN_MOUNTAIN", type = "rockwall", subtype = "grass", name = "Sunwall mountain", image = "terrain/golden_mountain5_1.png", display = '#', color=colors.GOLD, back_color={r=44,g=95,b=43}, always_remember = true, does_block_move = true, block_sight = true, block_sense = true, block_esp = true, air_level = -20, nice_editer = gold_mountain_editer, nice_tiler = { method="replace", base={"GOLDEN_MOUNTAIN_WALL", 70, 1, 6} }, } for i = 1, 6 do newEntity{ base="GOLDEN_MOUNTAIN", define_as = "GOLDEN_MOUNTAIN_WALL"..i, image = "terrain/golden_mountain5_"..i..".png"} end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Jungle -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- newEntity{ define_as = "JUNGLE_PLAINS", type = "floor", subtype = "grass", name = "plains", image = "terrain/jungle/jungle_grass_floor_01.png", display = '.', color=colors.LIGHT_GREEN, back_color={r=44,g=95,b=43}, nice_tiler = { method="replace", base={"JUNGLE_PLAINS_PATCH", 60, 1, 5+8+3+4+4}}, nice_editer = jungle_grass_editer, } for i = 1, 5 do newEntity{ base = "JUNGLE_PLAINS", define_as = "JUNGLE_PLAINS_PATCH"..i, add_displays={class.new{z=3,image = "terrain/jungle/jungle_brush_"..({2,3,4,6,8})[i].."_64_01.png"}} } end for i = 1, 8 do newEntity{ base = "JUNGLE_PLAINS", define_as = "JUNGLE_PLAINS_PATCH"..(i+5), add_displays={class.new{z=3,image = "terrain/jungle/jungle_brush_"..({4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11})[i].."_128_01.png", display_x=-0.5, display_y=-0.5, display_w=2, display_h=2}} } end for i = 1, 3 do newEntity{ base = "JUNGLE_PLAINS", define_as = "JUNGLE_PLAINS_PATCH"..(i+5+8), add_displays={class.new{z=3,image = "terrain/jungle/jungle_brush_"..({3,4,5})[i].."_192_01.png", display_x=-1, display_y=-1, display_w=3, display_h=3}} } end for i = 1, 4 do newEntity{ base = "JUNGLE_PLAINS", define_as = "JUNGLE_PLAINS_PATCH"..(i+5+8+3), add_displays={class.new{z=3,image = "terrain/jungle/jungle_dirt_var_"..i.."_64_01.png"}} } end for i = 1, 4 do newEntity{ base = "JUNGLE_PLAINS", define_as = "JUNGLE_PLAINS_PATCH"..(i+5+8+3+4), add_displays={class.new{z=3,image = "terrain/jungle/jungle_plant_0"..i..".png"}} } end newEntity{ define_as = "JUNGLE_FOREST", type = "wall", subtype = "grass", name = "jungle", image = "terrain/tree.png", display = '#', color=colors.LIGHT_GREEN, back_color={r=44,g=95,b=43}, always_remember = true, can_pass = {pass_tree=1}, does_block_move = true, block_sight = true, nice_tiler = { method="replace", base={"JUNGLE_FOREST", 100, 1, 30}}, nice_editer = jungle_grass_editer, special_minimap = colors.GREEN, } for i = 1, 30 do newEntity{ base="JUNGLE_FOREST", define_as = "JUNGLE_FOREST"..i, image = "terrain/jungle/jungle_grass_floor_01.png", add_displays = class:makeTrees("terrain/jungle/jungle_tree_", 17, 7)} end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Sand & beaches -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- newEntity{ define_as = "DESERT", type = "floor", subtype = "sand", name = "desert", image = "terrain/sandfloor.png", display = '.', color={r=203,g=189,b=72}, back_color={r=93,g=79,b=22}, can_encounter="desert", equilibrium_level=-10, nice_editer = sand_editer, } newEntity{ define_as = "OASIS", type = "wall", subtype = "sand", name = "oasis", image = "terrain/palmtree.png", display = '#', color=colors.LIGHT_GREEN, back_color={r=93,g=79,b=22}, add_displays = class:makeTrees("terrain/palmtree_alpha", 8, 5), always_remember = true, can_pass = {pass_tree=1}, does_block_move = true, block_sight = true, nice_tiler = { method="replace", base={"OASIS", 100, 1, 30} }, nice_editer = sand_editer, } for i = 1, 30 do newEntity{ base="OASIS", define_as = "OASIS"..i, image = "terrain/sandfloor.png", add_displays = class:makeTrees("terrain/palmtree_alpha", 4), nice_tiler = false, } end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Towns -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- newEntity{ base="PLAINS", define_as = "TOWN", notice = true, change_level=1, glow=true, display='*', color={r=255, g=255, b=255}, back_color=colors.DARK_GREEN, nice_tiler=false } newEntity{ base="JUNGLE_PLAINS", define_as = "JUNGLE_TOWN", notice = true, change_level=1, glow=true, display='*', color={r=255, g=255, b=255}, back_color=colors.DARK_GREEN, nice_tiler=false } newEntity{ base="TOWN", define_as = "TOWN_DERTH", name = "Derth (Town)", add_mos = {{image="terrain/village_01.png"}}, desc = "A quiet town at the crossroads of the north", change_zone="town-derth", } newEntity{ base="TOWN", define_as = "TOWN_LAST_HOPE", name = "Last Hope (Town)", add_mos = {{image="terrain/village_01.png"}}, desc = "Capital city of the Allied Kingdoms ruled by King Tolak", change_zone="town-last-hope", } newEntity{ base="TOWN", define_as = "TOWN_ANGOLWEN", name = "Angolwen, the hidden city of magic", add_displays = {mod.class.Grid.new{z=5, image="terrain/town1.png"}}, desc = "Secret place of magic, set apart from the world to protect it.\nLead by the Supreme Archmage Linaniil.", change_zone="town-angolwen", } newEntity{ base="TOWN", define_as = "TOWN_ANGOLWEN_PORTAL", name = "Hidden teleportation portal to Angolwen, the hidden city of magic", display='&', color=colors.LIGHT_BLUE, back_color=colors.DARK_GREEN, image="terrain/grass.png", add_displays = {mod.class.Grid.new{image="terrain/maze_teleport.png"}}, change_level_check = function() local p = game.party:findMember{main=true} if p:attr("forbid_arcane") then game.log("The portal fizzles.") return true end return false end, change_zone="town-angolwen", } newEntity{ base="TOWN", define_as = "TOWN_SHATUR", name = "Shatur (Town)", add_mos = {{image="terrain/town1.png"}}, desc = "Capital city of Thaloren lands, ruled by Nessilla Tantaelen", change_zone="town-shatur", } newEntity{ base="TOWN", define_as = "TOWN_ELVALA", name = "Elvala (Town)", add_mos = {{image="terrain/village_01.png"}}, desc = "Capital city of Shaloren lands, ruled by Aranion Gayaeil", change_zone="town-elvala", } newEntity{ base="TOWN", define_as = "TOWN_GATES_OF_MORNING", name = "Gates of Morning (Town)", desc = "A massive hole in the Sunwall.", add_displays = {class.new{image="terrain/golden_cave_entrance02.png", z=8}}, change_zone="town-gates-of-morning", } newEntity{ base="JUNGLE_TOWN", define_as = "TOWN_IRKKK", name = "Irkkk (Town)", add_mos = {{image="terrain/village_01.png"}}, desc = "Yeek Wayist main village", change_zone="town-irkkk", } newEntity{ base="TOWN", define_as = "TOWN_ZIGUR", name = "Zigur (Town)", add_mos = {{image="terrain/village_01.png"}}, desc = "Ziguranth main training ground", change_zone="town-zigur", } newEntity{ base="TOWN", define_as = "TOWN_IRON_COUNCIL", name = "Iron Council (Town)", add_displays = {class.new{image="terrain/cave_entrance_closed02.png", z=5}}, desc = "Heart of the dwarven Empire", change_zone="town-iron-council", } -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Maj'Eyal Zones -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- newEntity{ base="PLAINS", define_as = "ZONE_PLAINS", change_level=1, glow=true, display='>', color=colors.VIOLET, notice = true, nice_tiler=false } newEntity{ base="DESERT", define_as = "ZONE_DESERT", change_level=1, glow=true, display='>', color=colors.VIOLET, notice = true, nice_tiler=false } newEntity{ base="JUNGLE_PLAINS", define_as = "ZONE_JUNGLE_PLAINS", change_level=1, glow=true, display='>', color=colors.VIOLET, notice = true, nice_tiler=false } newEntity{ base="ZONE_PLAINS", define_as = "MAZE", name="A gate into the Maze", color={r=0, g=255, b=255}, add_displays={class.new{image="terrain/dungeon_entrance02.png", z=4}}, change_zone="maze", } newEntity{ base="ZONE_PLAINS", define_as = "TROLLMIRE", name="Passageway into the Trollmire", color={r=0, g=255, b=0}, add_displays={class.new{image="terrain/road_going_right_01.png", display_w=2}}, change_zone="trollmire", } newEntity{ base="ZONE_PLAINS", define_as = "OLD_FOREST_ZONE", name="A path into the Old Forest", color={r=0, g=180, b=0}, add_displays={class.new{image="terrain/road_going_right_01.png", display_w=2}}, change_zone="old-forest", } newEntity{ base="ZONE_PLAINS", define_as = "NORGOS_LAIR", name="Passageway into Norgos' Lair", color={r=0, g=180, b=0}, add_displays={class.new{image="terrain/road_going_left_01.png", display_w=2, display_x=-1, z=4}}, change_zone="norgos-lair", } newEntity{ base="ZONE_PLAINS", define_as = "DAIKARA_ZONE", name="Passageway into the Daikara", color=colors.UMBER, add_displays={mod.class.Grid.new{image="terrain/road_upwards_01.png", display_h=2, display_y=-1}}, change_zone="daikara", } newEntity{ base="ZONE_PLAINS", define_as = "DREADFELL", name="The entry to the old tower of Dreadfell", color={r=0, g=255, b=255}, add_mos={{image="terrain/tower_entrance02.png"}}, add_displays={class.new{image="terrain/tower_entrance_up02.png", z=18, display_y=-1}}, change_zone="dreadfell", } newEntity{ base="ZONE_PLAINS", define_as = "KOR_PUL", name="Ruins of Kor'Pul", color={r=0, g=255, b=255}, add_displays={class.new{image="terrain/ruin_tower01.png", display_h=2, display_y=-1}}, change_zone="ruins-kor-pul", } newEntity{ base="ZONE_PLAINS", define_as = "HALFLING_RUINS", name="Very old halfling ruins", color={r=0, g=255, b=255}, add_displays={class.new{image="terrain/road_going_left_01.png", display_w=2, display_x=-1, z=4}}, change_zone="halfling-ruins", } newEntity{ base="ZONE_PLAINS", define_as = "SCINTILLATING_CAVES", name="Entrance to the Scintillating Caves", color={r=0, g=255, b=255}, add_mos={{image="terrain/cave_entrance02.png"}}, change_zone="scintillating-caves", } newEntity{ base="ZONE_PLAINS", define_as = "RHALOREN_CAMP", name="Stairway into the Rhaloren Camp", color={r=0, g=255, b=255}, add_mos={{image="terrain/cave_entrance02.png"}}, change_zone="rhaloren-camp", } newEntity{ base="ZONE_PLAINS", define_as = "HEART_GLOOM", name="Way into the heart of the gloom", color={r=0, g=255, b=255}, add_mos={{image="terrain/cave_entrance_closed01.png"}}, change_zone="heart-gloom", } newEntity{ base="ZONE_DESERT", define_as = "SANDWORM_LAIR", name="A mysterious hole in the beach", color={r=200, g=255, b=55}, add_mos={{image="terrain/ladder_down.png"}}, change_zone="sandworm-lair", } newEntity{ base="ZONE_DESERT", define_as = "RITCH_TUNNELS", name="Tunnel into the ritchs grounds", color={r=200, g=255, b=55}, add_mos={{image="terrain/ladder_down.png"}}, change_zone="ritch-tunnels", } newEntity{ base="CHARRED_SCAR", define_as = "CHARRED_SCAR_VOLCANO", name="Charred Scar Volcano", nice_tiler=false, color={r=200, g=255, b=55}, display='>', color=colors.RED, back_color=colors.LIGHT_DARK, add_mos={{image="terrain/lava/volcano_02.png"}}, add_displays={class.new{image="terrain/lava/volcano_02_up.png", display_y=-1, z=18}}, notice = true, --change_level=1, change_zone="charred-scar", } newEntity{ base="ZONE_JUNGLE_PLAINS", define_as = "REL_TUNNEL", name="Tunnel to Maj'Eyal", colors.LIGHT_BLUE, add_mos={{image="terrain/ruin_entrance01.png"}}, force_down=true, change_level=4, change_zone="halfling-ruins", change_level_check = function() local p = game.party:findMember{main=true} if p:hasQuest("start-yeek") and not p:isQuestStatus("start-yeek", engine.Quest.DONE) then require("engine.ui.Dialog"):simplePopup("Long tunnel", "You can not abandon the yeeks of Rel to the dangers that lie within the island.") return true end p:setQuestStatus("rel-tunnel", engine.Quest.DONE) return false end, } newEntity{ base="ZONE_PLAINS", define_as = "UNREMARKABLE_CAVE", name="Unremarkable cave", color={r=0, g=255, b=255}, add_displays={class.new{image="terrain/cave_entrance01.png", z=4}}, change_zone="unremarkable-cave", } newEntity{ base="ZONE_PLAINS", define_as = "REKNOR", name="A gate into the old kingdom of Reknor", color=colors.UMBER, add_displays={class.new{image="terrain/cave_entrance_closed02.png", z=4}}, change_zone="reknor", } newEntity{ base="ZONE_PLAINS", define_as = "TELMUR", name="Entrance into Telmur, tower of Telos", color=colors.RED, add_mos={{image="terrain/tower_entrance02.png"}}, add_displays={class.new{image="terrain/tower_entrance_up02.png", z=18, display_y=-1}}, change_zone="telmur", } newEntity{ base="WATER_BASE", define_as = "MURGOL_LAIR", name="Way into the lair of Murgol", color={r=0, g=0, b=255}, add_displays={class.new{image="terrain/underwater/subsea_cave_entrance_01.png", z=4, display_h=2, display_y=-1}}, change_level=1, change_zone="murgol-lair", glow=true, } newEntity{ base="ZONE_PLAINS", define_as = "TEMPEST_PEAK", name="Long road to the Tempest Peak", color=colors.WHITE, add_displays={mod.class.Grid.new{image="terrain/road_upwards_01.png", display_h=2, display_y=-1}}, change_level=1, change_zone="tempest-peak", change_level_check = function() game.turn = game.turn + 5 * game.calendar.HOUR if not game.player:hasQuest("lightning-overload").walked then require("engine.ui.Dialog"):simpleLongPopup("Danger...", [[After walking many hours, you finally reach the end of the way. You are nearly on top of one of the highest peaks you can see. The storm is raging above your head.]], 400) game.player:hasQuest("lightning-overload").walked = true end end, } newEntity{ base="ZONE_PLAINS", define_as = "LAST_HOPE_GRAVEYARD", name="A gate into Last Hope's graveyard", color={r=0, g=255, b=255}, add_displays={class.new{image="terrain/dungeon_entrance01.png", z=4}}, change_zone="last-hope-graveyard", } -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Far East Zones -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- newEntity{ base="ZONE_DESERT", define_as = "RAK_SHOR_PRIDE", name="Entrance to Rak'shor Pride bastion", color=colors.UMBER, add_displays = {mod.class.Grid.new{image="terrain/dungeon_entrance_closed02.png", z=5}}, change_zone="rak-shor-pride", } newEntity{ base="ZONE_DESERT", define_as = "GORBAT_PRIDE", name="Entrance to Gorbat Pride bastion", color=colors.UMBER, add_displays = {mod.class.Grid.new{image="terrain/dungeon_entrance_closed02.png", z=5}}, change_zone="gorbat-pride", } newEntity{ base="ZONE_PLAINS", define_as = "GRUSHNAK_PRIDE", name="Entrance to Grushnak Pride bastion", color=colors.UMBER, add_displays = {mod.class.Grid.new{image="terrain/ladder_down.png", z=5}}, change_zone="grushnak-pride", } newEntity{ base="ZONE_PLAINS", define_as = "VOR_PRIDE", name="Entrance to Vor Pride bastion", color=colors.UMBER, add_displays = {mod.class.Grid.new{image="terrain/dungeon_entrance_closed02.png", z=5}}, change_zone="vor-pride", } newEntity{ base="ZONE_PLAINS", define_as = "VOR_ARMOURY", name="Backdoor to the Vor Armoury", color=colors.UMBER, add_displays = {mod.class.Grid.new{image="terrain/dungeon_entrance_closed02.png", z=5}}, change_zone="vor-armoury", } newEntity{ base="ZONE_DESERT", define_as = "BRIAGH_LAIR", name="Entrance into the sandpit of Briagh", color=colors.YELLOW, add_displays = {mod.class.Grid.new{image="terrain/ladder_down.png", z=5}}, change_zone="briagh-lair", } newEntity{ base="ZONE_DESERT", define_as = "CAVERN_MOON", name="Cavern leading to the valley of the moon", color=colors.GREY, add_displays = {mod.class.Grid.new{image="terrain/cave_entrance_closed02.png", z=5}}, change_zone="valley-moon-caverns", } newEntity{ base="ZONE_PLAINS", define_as = "ARDHUNGOL", name="A way into the caverns of Ardhungol", color=colors.GREEN, add_displays = {mod.class.Grid.new{image="terrain/cave_entrance02.png", z=5}}, change_zone="ardhungol", } newEntity{ base="ZONE_DESERT", define_as = "ERUAN", name="The arid wastes of ErĂșan", color=colors.UMBER, add_displays={mod.class.Grid.new{image="terrain/road_upwards_01.png", display_h=2, display_y=-1}}, change_zone="eruan", }