diff --git a/game/modules/tome/class/Game.lua b/game/modules/tome/class/Game.lua
index 16d4a47d4b7c0a7f2f4a83f353ea6360283cf4e9..26fb61a1f1c821cd8b865a6b49286398355ae69a 100644
--- a/game/modules/tome/class/Game.lua
+++ b/game/modules/tome/class/Game.lua
@@ -1656,7 +1656,7 @@ do return end
 			local menu
 			local l = {
-				"achievements",
+				{ "Show Achievements", function() self:unregisterDialog(menu) self:registerDialog(require("mod.dialogs.ShowAchievements").new("Tales of Maj'Eyal Achievements", self.player)) end },
 				{ "Show known Lore", function() self:unregisterDialog(menu) self:registerDialog(require("mod.dialogs.ShowLore").new("Tales of Maj'Eyal Lore", self.party)) end },
 				{ "Show ingredients", function() self:unregisterDialog(menu) self:registerDialog(require("mod.dialogs.ShowIngredients").new(self.party)) end },
diff --git a/game/modules/tome/class/World.lua b/game/modules/tome/class/World.lua
index a28fc511d5c06e3dc019ca8955ddadfe152d86ab..8c5705c71ea5436d3aba700164e900fb364aed95 100644
--- a/game/modules/tome/class/World.lua
+++ b/game/modules/tome/class/World.lua
@@ -55,8 +55,12 @@ function _M:gainAchievement(id, src, ...)
 	if game.difficulty == game.DIFFICULTY_EASY and not a.tutorial then return end
 	if game.permadeath == game.PERMADEATH_INFINITE then id = "EXPLORATION_"..id end
+	if game.difficulty == game.DIFFICULTY_NORMAL and game.permadeath == game.PERMADEATH_ONE then id = "NORMAL_ROGUELIKE_"..id end
+	if game.difficulty == game.DIFFICULTY_NIGHTMARE and game.permadeath == game.PERMADEATH_MANY then id = "NIGHTMARE_ADVENTURE_".. id end
 	if game.difficulty == game.DIFFICULTY_NIGHTMARE and game.permadeath == game.PERMADEATH_ONE then id = "NIGHTMARE_"..id end
+	if game.difficulty == game.DIFFICULTY_INSANE and game.permadeath == game.PERMADEATH_MANY then id = "INSANE_ADVENTURE_"..id end
 	if game.difficulty == game.DIFFICULTY_INSANE and game.permadeath == game.PERMADEATH_ONE then id = "INSANE_"..id end
+	if game.difficulty == game.DIFFICULTY_MADNESS and game.permadeath == game.PERMADEATH_MANY then id = "MADNESS_ADVENTURE_"..id end
 	if game.difficulty == game.DIFFICULTY_MADNESS and game.permadeath == game.PERMADEATH_ONE then id = "MADNESS_"..id end
 	local knew = self.achieved[id]
diff --git a/game/modules/tome/class/interface/WorldAchievements.lua b/game/modules/tome/class/interface/WorldAchievements.lua
index 01a1acf8636ba73bc6695bf300f1ae3fe3a2489a..fd04d26f6c41b9d163ccb3064505b2b28659f41e 100644
--- a/game/modules/tome/class/interface/WorldAchievements.lua
+++ b/game/modules/tome/class/interface/WorldAchievements.lua
@@ -23,6 +23,17 @@ local WA = require "engine.interface.WorldAchievements"
 --- Handles achievements in a world
 module(..., package.seeall, class.inherit(class.make{}, WA))
+-- Duplicate from Game.lua because Game.lua is not loaded yet
 --- Make a new achievement with a name and desc
 function _M:newAchievement(t)
 	t.id = t.id or t.name
@@ -31,24 +42,64 @@ function _M:newAchievement(t)
 	WA.newAchievement(self, t)
 	if not t.no_difficulty_duplicate then
+		-- Normal
+		local t2 = table.clone(t)
+		t2.id = "NORMAL_ROGUELIKE_"..t2.id
+		t2.name = t2.name.." (Roguelike)"
+		t2.difficulty = DIFFICULTY_NORMAL
+		t2.permadeath = PERMADEATH_ONE
+		WA.newAchievement(self, t2)
+		-- Exploration
 		local t2 = table.clone(t)
 		t2.id = "EXPLORATION_"..t2.id
 		t2.name = t2.name.." (Exploration mode)"
+		t2.permadeath = PERMADEATH_INFINITE
+		WA.newAchievement(self, t2)
+		-- Nightmare
+		local t2 = table.clone(t)
+		t2.id = "NIGHTMARE_ADVENTURE_"..t2.id
+		t2.name = t2.name.." (Nightmare (Adventure) difficulty)"
+		t2.difficulty = DIFFICULTY_NIGHTMARE
+		t2.permadeath = PERMADEATH_MANY
 		WA.newAchievement(self, t2)
 		local t2 = table.clone(t)
 		t2.id = "NIGHTMARE_"..t2.id
-		t2.name = t2.name.." (Nightmare difficulty)"
+		t2.name = t2.name.." (Nightmare (Roguelike) difficulty)"
+		t2.difficulty = DIFFICULTY_NIGHTMARE
+		t2.permadeath = PERMADEATH_ONE
+		WA.newAchievement(self, t2)
+		-- Insane
+		local t2 = table.clone(t)
+		t2.id = "INSANE_ADVENTURE_"..t2.id
+		t2.name = t2.name.." (Insane (Adventure) difficulty)"
+		t2.difficulty = DIFFICULTY_INSANE
+		t2.permadeath = PERMADEATH_MANY
 		WA.newAchievement(self, t2)
 		local t2 = table.clone(t)
 		t2.id = "INSANE_"..t2.id
-		t2.name = t2.name.." (Insane difficulty)"
+		t2.name = t2.name.." (Insane (Roguelike) difficulty)"
+		t2.difficulty = DIFFICULTY_INSANE
+		t2.permadeath = PERMADEATH_ONE
+		WA.newAchievement(self, t2)
+		-- Madness
+		local t2 = table.clone(t)
+		t2.id = "MADNESS_ADVENTURE_"..t2.id
+		t2.name = t2.name.." (Madness (Adventure) difficulty)"
+		t2.difficulty = DIFFICULTY_MADNESS
+		t2.permadeath = PERMADEATH_MANY
 		WA.newAchievement(self, t2)
 		local t2 = table.clone(t)
 		t2.id = "MADNESS_"..t2.id
-		t2.name = t2.name.." (Madness difficulty)"
+		t2.name = t2.name.." (Madness (Roguelike) difficulty)"
+		t2.difficulty = DIFFICULTY_MADNESS
+		t2.permadeath = PERMADEATH_ONE
 		WA.newAchievement(self, t2)
diff --git a/game/modules/tome/dialogs/ShowAchievements.lua b/game/modules/tome/dialogs/ShowAchievements.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2f7218bd12536fcd1977f6b272e57941bf9617c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/game/modules/tome/dialogs/ShowAchievements.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+-- TE4 - T-Engine 4
+-- Copyright (C) 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 Nicolas Casalini
+-- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+-- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+-- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+-- (at your option) any later version.
+-- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+-- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+-- GNU General Public License for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+-- Nicolas Casalini "DarkGod"
+-- darkgod@te4.org
+require "engine.class"
+local Tiles = require "engine.Tiles"
+local ShowAchievements = require "engine.dialogs.ShowAchievements"
+module(..., package.seeall, class.inherit(ShowAchievements))
+function _M:generateList(kind)
+	local tiles = Tiles.new(16, 16, nil, nil, true)
+	local cache = {}
+	-- Makes up the list
+	local list = {}
+	local i = 0
+	local function handle(id, data)
+		local a = world:getAchievementFromId(id)
+		local color = nil
+		if self.player and self.player.achievements and self.player.achievements[id] then
+			color = colors.simple(colors.LIGHT_GREEN)
+		end
+		local img = a.image or "trophy_gold.png"
+		local tex = cache[img]
+		if not tex then
+			local image = tiles:loadImage(img)
+			if image then
+				tex = {image:glTexture()}
+				cache[img] = tex
+			end
+		end
+		if not data.notdone or a.show then
+			if a.show == "full" or not data.notdone then
+				list[#list+1] = { name=a.name, color=color, desc=a.desc, when=data.when, who=data.who, order=a.order, id=id, tex=tex, a=a }
+			elseif a.show == "none" then
+				list[#list+1] = { name="???", color=color, desc="-- Unknown --", when=data.when, who=data.who, order=a.order, id=id, tex=tex, a=a }
+			elseif a.show == "name" then
+				list[#list+1] = { name=a.name, color=color, desc="-- Unknown --", when=data.when, who=data.who, order=a.order, id=id, tex=tex, a=a }
+			else
+				list[#list+1] = { name=a.name, color=color, desc=a.desc, when=data.when, who=data.who, order=a.order, id=id, tex=tex, a=a }
+			end
+			i = i + 1
+		end
+	end
+	if kind == "self" and self.player and self.player.achievements then
+		for id, data in pairs(self.player.achievements) do handle(id, world.achieved[id] or {notdone=true, when="--", who="--"}) end
+	elseif kind == "main" then
+		for id, data in pairs(world.achieved) do
+			local a = world.achiev_defs[id]
+			if a.no_difficulty_duplicate or ((a.difficulty or a.permadeath) and (not a.difficulty or a.difficulty == game.difficulty) and (not a.permadeath or a.permadeath == game.permadeath)) then
+				handle(id, data or {notdone=true, when="--", who="--"})
+			end
+		end
+	elseif kind == "all" then
+		for _, a in ipairs(world.achiev_defs) do
+			if a.no_difficulty_duplicate or ((a.difficulty or a.permadeath) and (not a.difficulty or a.difficulty == game.difficulty) and (not a.permadeath or a.permadeath == game.permadeath)) then
+				handle(a.id, world.achieved[a.id] or {notdone=true, when="--", who="--"})
+			end
+		end
+	end
+	table.sort(list, function(a, b) return a.name < b.name end)
+	self.list = list