diff --git a/game/engines/default/engine/UserChat.lua b/game/engines/default/engine/UserChat.lua
index 487f1f13beef5a5725a6339e2b8df26801b72c56..788463fcea44d0802229ae00a324a8af14ba2fd1 100644
--- a/game/engines/default/engine/UserChat.lua
+++ b/game/engines/default/engine/UserChat.lua
@@ -380,37 +380,39 @@ function _M:resize(x, y, w, h, fontname, fontsize, color, bgcolor)
 	self.mouse = Mouse.new()
 	self.mouse.delegate_offset_x = self.display_x
 	self.mouse.delegate_offset_y = self.display_y
-	self.mouse:registerZone(0, 0, self.w, self.h, function(button, x, y, xrel, yrel, bx, by, event)
-		if button == "wheelup" then self:scrollUp(1)
-		elseif button == "wheeldown" then self:scrollUp(-1)
-		elseif event == "button" and button == "left" and y <= self.frame.h and self.do_display_chans then
-			local w = 0
-			local last_ok = nil
-			for i = 1, #self.display_chans do
-				local item = self.display_chans[i]
-				last_ok = item
-				w = w + item.w + 4
-				if w > x then break end
-			end
-			if last_ok then
-				local old = self.cur_channel
-				self:selectChannel(last_ok.name)
-				if old == self.cur_channel then self:showLogDialog(nil, self.shadow) end
-			end
-		else
-			if not self.on_mouse or not self.dlist then return end
-			local citem = nil
-			for i = 1, #self.dlist do
-				local item = self.dlist[i]
-				if item.dh and y >= item.dh - self.mouse.delegate_offset_y then citem = self.dlist[i].src break end
-			end
-			self.on_mouse(citem and citem.login and self.channels[self.cur_channel].users[citem.login], citem and citem.login and citem, button, event, x, y, xrel, yrel, bx, by)
-		end
-	end)
+	self.mouse:registerZone(0, 0, self.w, self.h, function(button, x, y, xrel, yrel, bx, by, event) self:mouseEvent(button, x, y, xrel, yrel, bx, by, event) end)
 	self.last_chan_update = 0
+function _M:mouseEvent(button, x, y, xrel, yrel, bx, by, event)
+	if button == "wheelup" then self:scrollUp(1)
+	elseif button == "wheeldown" then self:scrollUp(-1)
+	elseif event == "button" and button == "left" and y <= self.frame.h and self.do_display_chans then
+		local w = 0
+		local last_ok = nil
+		for i = 1, #self.display_chans do
+			local item = self.display_chans[i]
+			last_ok = item
+			w = w + item.w + 4
+			if w > x then break end
+		end
+		if last_ok then
+			local old = self.cur_channel
+			self:selectChannel(last_ok.name)
+			if old == self.cur_channel then self:showLogDialog(nil, self.shadow) end
+		end
+	else
+		if not self.on_mouse or not self.dlist then return end
+		local citem = nil
+		for i = 1, #self.dlist do
+			local item = self.dlist[i]
+			if item.dh and y >= item.dh - self.mouse.delegate_offset_y then citem = self.dlist[i].src break end
+		end
+		self.on_mouse(citem and citem.login and self.channels[self.cur_channel].users[citem.login], citem and citem.login and citem, button, event, x, y, xrel, yrel, bx, by)
+	end
 function _M:enableShadow(v)
 	self.shadow = v
diff --git a/game/modules/tome/class/Actor.lua b/game/modules/tome/class/Actor.lua
index 7556125661aa43d754085ecaba0da0e128367a7b..6abb0604e94727f8ec1ea437852fabe36360682e 100644
--- a/game/modules/tome/class/Actor.lua
+++ b/game/modules/tome/class/Actor.lua
@@ -2854,20 +2854,22 @@ function _M:getTalentFullDescription(t, addlevel, config)
 		if t.paradox or t.sustain_paradox then d:add({"color",0x6f,0xff,0x83}, "Paradox cost: ", {"color",  176, 196, 222}, ("%0.2f"):format(t.sustain_paradox or t.paradox * (1 + (self.paradox / 300))), true) end
 		if t.psi or t.sustain_psi then d:add({"color",0x6f,0xff,0x83}, "Psi cost: ", {"color",0x7f,0xff,0xd4}, ""..(t.sustain_psi or t.psi * (100 + 2 * self.fatigue) / 100), true) end
-	if self:getTalentRange(t) > 1 then d:add({"color",0x6f,0xff,0x83}, "Range: ", {"color",0xFF,0xFF,0xFF}, ("%0.2f"):format(self:getTalentRange(t)), true)
-	else d:add({"color",0x6f,0xff,0x83}, "Range: ", {"color",0xFF,0xFF,0xFF}, "melee/personal", true)
-	end
-	if not config.ignore_ressources then
-		if self:getTalentCooldown(t) then d:add({"color",0x6f,0xff,0x83}, "Cooldown: ", {"color",0xFF,0xFF,0xFF}, ""..self:getTalentCooldown(t), true) end
-	end
-	local speed = self:getTalentProjectileSpeed(t)
-	if speed then d:add({"color",0x6f,0xff,0x83}, "Travel Speed: ", {"color",0xFF,0xFF,0xFF}, ""..(speed * 100).."% of base", true)
-	else d:add({"color",0x6f,0xff,0x83}, "Travel Speed: ", {"color",0xFF,0xFF,0xFF}, "instantaneous", true)
-	end
-	if not config.ignore_use_time then
-		local uspeed = "1 turn"
-		if t.no_energy and type(t.no_energy) == "boolean" and t.no_energy == true then uspeed = "instant" end
-		d:add({"color",0x6f,0xff,0x83}, "Usage Speed: ", {"color",0xFF,0xFF,0xFF}, uspeed, true)
+	if t.mode ~= "passive" then
+		if self:getTalentRange(t) > 1 then d:add({"color",0x6f,0xff,0x83}, "Range: ", {"color",0xFF,0xFF,0xFF}, ("%0.2f"):format(self:getTalentRange(t)), true)
+		else d:add({"color",0x6f,0xff,0x83}, "Range: ", {"color",0xFF,0xFF,0xFF}, "melee/personal", true)
+		end
+		if not config.ignore_ressources then
+			if self:getTalentCooldown(t) then d:add({"color",0x6f,0xff,0x83}, "Cooldown: ", {"color",0xFF,0xFF,0xFF}, ""..self:getTalentCooldown(t), true) end
+		end
+		local speed = self:getTalentProjectileSpeed(t)
+		if speed then d:add({"color",0x6f,0xff,0x83}, "Travel Speed: ", {"color",0xFF,0xFF,0xFF}, ""..(speed * 100).."% of base", true)
+		else d:add({"color",0x6f,0xff,0x83}, "Travel Speed: ", {"color",0xFF,0xFF,0xFF}, "instantaneous", true)
+		end
+		if not config.ignore_use_time then
+			local uspeed = "1 turn"
+			if t.no_energy and type(t.no_energy) == "boolean" and t.no_energy == true then uspeed = "instant" end
+			d:add({"color",0x6f,0xff,0x83}, "Usage Speed: ", {"color",0xFF,0xFF,0xFF}, uspeed, true)
+		end
 	d:add({"color",0x6f,0xff,0x83}, "Description: ", {"color",0xFF,0xFF,0xFF})
diff --git a/game/modules/tome/class/uiset/Minimalist.lua b/game/modules/tome/class/uiset/Minimalist.lua
index 4886121c58893173cbbed0d9bf5310500b095940..4f18f33ede81c14793801d7ee779ffd53061bef3 100644
--- a/game/modules/tome/class/uiset/Minimalist.lua
+++ b/game/modules/tome/class/uiset/Minimalist.lua
@@ -1410,14 +1410,12 @@ function _M:displayChatLog(scale, bx, by)
 			if not self.locked and bx >= mhx and bx <= mhx + move_handle[6] and by >= mhy and by <= mhy + move_handle[7] then
 				self:uiMoveResize("chatlog", button, mx, my, xrel, yrel, bx, by, event, "resize", function(mode)
 					log:resize(self.places.chatlog.x, self.places.chatlog.y, self.places.chatlog.w, self.places.chatlog.h)
---					log:display()
---			game.mouse:delegate(button, mx, my, xrel, yrel, nil, nil, event, "playmap", nil)
-			profile.chat.mouse:delegate(button, mx, my, xrel, yrel, bx, by, event)
+			profile.chat:mouseEvent(button, mx, my, xrel, yrel, bx, bx, event)
 		game.mouse:registerZone(bx, by, log.w, log.h, desc_fct, nil, "chatlog", true, scale)
@@ -1600,6 +1598,7 @@ function _M:setupMouse(mouse)
 	-- Chat tooltips
 	profile.chat:onMouse(function(user, item, button, event, x, y, xrel, yrel, bx, by)
 		local mx, my = core.mouse.get()
 		if not item or not user or item.faded == 0 then game.mouse:delegate(button, mx, my, xrel, yrel, nil, nil, event, "playmap") return end
 		local str = tstring{{"color","GOLD"}, {"font","bold"}, user.name, {"color","LAST"}, {"font","normal"}, true}