diff --git a/game/modules/tome/dialogs/orders/Talents.lua b/game/modules/tome/dialogs/orders/Talents.lua
index b6e597471e76e689b72e6ddbd41e0deb9fc939de..7602d23d68de345ae79fae4c2294dabe4a5294b2 100644
--- a/game/modules/tome/dialogs/orders/Talents.lua
+++ b/game/modules/tome/dialogs/orders/Talents.lua
@@ -32,14 +32,16 @@ function _M:init(actor, def)
 	self.def = def
 	Dialog.init(self, "Define tactical talents usage", math.max(800, game.w * 0.8), math.max(600, game.h * 0.8))
-	self.c_tut = Textzone.new{width=math.floor(self.iw / 2 - 10), height=1, auto_height=true, no_color_bleed=true, text=([[
+	local vsep = Separator.new{dir="horizontal", size=self.ih - 10}
+	local halfwidth = math.floor((self.iw - vsep.w)/2)
+	self.c_tut = Textzone.new{width=halfwidth, height=1, auto_height=true, no_color_bleed=true, text=([[
 %s is listening attentively, and wants to know what talents to use.
 You can modify the tactical weights of various talents to increase or decrease their use.  The weights are multiplicative (zero will turn the talent off) and relative (changing everything to a weight of 2 will not alter how talents are used relative to each other).
 Word travels fast in Maj'Eyal, and if %s is a summon all future summons of the same type will remember your preferences.
 ]]):format(actor.name:capitalize(), actor.name)}
-	self.c_desc = TextzoneList.new{width=math.floor(self.iw / 2 - 10), height=self.ih, no_color_bleed=true}
+	self.c_desc = TextzoneList.new{width=halfwidth, height=self.ih, no_color_bleed=true}
-	self.c_list = ListColumns.new{width=math.floor(self.iw / 2 - 10), height=self.ih - 10, sortable=true, scrollbar=true, columns={
+	self.c_list = ListColumns.new{width=halfwidth, height=self.ih - 10, sortable=true, scrollbar=true, columns={
 		{name="", width={20,"fixed"}, display_prop="char", sort="id"},
 		{name="Talent Name", width=72, display_prop="name", sort="name"},
 		{name="Weight", width=20, display_prop="multiplier", sort="multiplier"},
@@ -51,7 +53,7 @@ Word travels fast in Maj'Eyal, and if %s is a summon all future summons of the s
 		{left=0, top=0, ui=self.c_list},
 		{right=0, top=self.c_tut.h + 20, ui=self.c_desc},
 		{right=0, top=0, ui=self.c_tut},
-		{hcenter=0, top=5, ui=Separator.new{dir="horizontal", size=self.ih - 10}},
+		{hcenter=0, top=5, ui=vsep},