diff --git a/game/engines/default/engine/Entity.lua b/game/engines/default/engine/Entity.lua
index d0c48050f27bbf483399414d503ad9c68786214f..f4aab910e54b452dc748e74fbad137a69b567a4a 100644
--- a/game/engines/default/engine/Entity.lua
+++ b/game/engines/default/engine/Entity.lua
@@ -254,7 +254,7 @@ function _M:makeMapObject(tiles, idx)
 	-- Setup tint
-	self._mo:tint(self.tint_r, self.tint_g, self.tint_b)
+	self._mo:tint(self.tint_r or 1, self.tint_g or 1, self.tint_b or 1)
 	-- Texture 0 is always the normal image/ascii tile
 	local tex, texx, texy, pos_x, pos_y = tiles:get(self.display, self.color_r, self.color_g, self.color_b, self.color_br, self.color_bg, self.color_bb, self.image, self._noalpha and 255, self.ascii_outline, true)
diff --git a/game/modules/tome/data/talents/corruptions/torment.lua b/game/modules/tome/data/talents/corruptions/torment.lua
index 92856639d78036c8899acc9d8c3b0d009bebac7c..4eb0bc114d7e2839116674e923c7cf01c70bfc4e 100644
--- a/game/modules/tome/data/talents/corruptions/torment.lua
+++ b/game/modules/tome/data/talents/corruptions/torment.lua
@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ newTalent{
 	deactivate = function(self, t, p)
 		self:removeTemporaryValue("overkill", p.ov)
 		return true
-	end,	
+	end,
 	info = function(self, t)
 		return ([[When you kill a creature, the remainer of the damage done will not be lost. Instead %d%% of it will splash in a radius 2, doing blight damage.
 		The damage will increase with Magic stat.]]):format(40 + self:combatTalentSpellDamage(t, 10, 90))
@@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ newTalent{
 		self:removeTemporaryValue("reduce_spell_cooldown_on_hit", p.l)
 		self:removeTemporaryValue("reduce_spell_cooldown_on_hit_chance", p.c)
 		return true
-	end,	
+	end,
 	info = function(self, t)
 		local l, c = t.getPower(self, t)
 		return ([[When you are dealt a blow that reduces your life by at least %d%% you have %d%% chances to reduce the remaining cooldown of all your spells by 1.
diff --git a/game/modules/tome/data/talents/misc/objects.lua b/game/modules/tome/data/talents/misc/objects.lua
index 7c8f9f92664b3df267c5043c5074fc7c8a7b2736..2d665d6bb5e53a5ee61c475336460c965dc6ee68 100644
--- a/game/modules/tome/data/talents/misc/objects.lua
+++ b/game/modules/tome/data/talents/misc/objects.lua
@@ -175,6 +175,8 @@ newTalent{
 	points = 5,
 	hard_cap = 5,
+	range = 1,
+	tactical = { ATTACK = 2, DEFEND = 2 },
 	on_pre_use = function(self, t, silent) if not self:hasShield() then if not silent then game.logPlayer(self, "You require a weapon and a shield to use this talent.") end return false end return true end,
 	getProperties = function(self, t)
 		local shield = self:hasShield()
@@ -254,6 +256,6 @@ newTalent{
 			br_text = " All blocked damage heals the wielder."
 		local bt, bt_string = t.getBlockedTypes(self, t)
-		return ([[Raise your shield into blocking position for one turn, reducing the damage of all %s attacks by %d. If you block all of an attack's damage, the attacker will be vulnerable to a deadly counterstrike for one turn.%s%s%s]]):format(bt_string, t.getBlockValue(self, t), sp_text, ref_text, br_text)
+		return ([[Raise your shield into blocking position for one turn, reducing the damage of all %s attacks by %d. If you block all of an attack's damage, the attacker will be vulnerable to a deadly counterstrike (a normal attack will instead deal 200%% damage) for one turn.%s%s%s]]):format(bt_string, t.getBlockValue(self, t), sp_text, ref_text, br_text)
diff --git a/game/modules/tome/data/zones/crypt-kryl-feijan/npcs.lua b/game/modules/tome/data/zones/crypt-kryl-feijan/npcs.lua
index 2d6494410f2d3ee2ced6cdb7e6b6bc9d75de8ebd..59623ee52db1fe010284027862f384aba0ee6506 100644
--- a/game/modules/tome/data/zones/crypt-kryl-feijan/npcs.lua
+++ b/game/modules/tome/data/zones/crypt-kryl-feijan/npcs.lua
@@ -69,6 +69,9 @@ newEntity{ base="BASE_NPC_MAJOR_DEMON", define_as = "KRYL_FEIJAN",
 		[Talents.T_DARKNESS]={base=3, every=5, max=6},
 		[Talents.T_EVASION]={base=5, every=5, max=8},
 		[Talents.T_VIRULENT_DISEASE]={base=3, every=5, max=6},
+		[Talents.T_PACIFICATION_HEX]={base=5, every=5, max=8},
+		[Talents.T_BURNING_HEX]={base=5, every=5, max=8},
+		[Talents.T_BLOOD_LOCK]={base=5, every=5, max=8},