diff --git a/game/modules/tome/class/Object.lua b/game/modules/tome/class/Object.lua
index 10319a52b63cb56e1fe309f2f5c187fac354ada5..fa0282ae2ffb4a89de46ebee1b1ce8f9109e7d9e 100644
--- a/game/modules/tome/class/Object.lua
+++ b/game/modules/tome/class/Object.lua
@@ -269,6 +269,10 @@ function _M:getName(t)
+	if not t.no_add_name and self.__tagged then
+		name = name .. " #ORANGE#="..self.__tagged.."=#LAST#"
+	end
 	if not t.do_color then
 		if qty == 1 or t.no_count then return name
 		else return qty.." "..name
diff --git a/game/modules/tome/class/Player.lua b/game/modules/tome/class/Player.lua
index 116e130c83d095b62f066bea37f64756b4e79bae..cacf9364f9e785fa9c7a707aa1e9d1364ab3f5c0 100644
--- a/game/modules/tome/class/Player.lua
+++ b/game/modules/tome/class/Player.lua
@@ -1049,7 +1049,12 @@ function _M:doDrop(inven, item, on_done, nb)
 	local o = self:getInven(inven) and self:getInven(inven)[item]
 	if o and o.plot then
-		game.logPlayer(self, "You can not drop %s.", o:getName{do_colour=true})
+		game.logPlayer(self, "You can not drop %s (plot item).", o:getName{do_colour=true})
+		return
+	end
+	if o and o.__tagged then
+		game.logPlayer(self, "You can not drop %s (tagged).", o:getName{do_colour=true})
@@ -1069,7 +1074,7 @@ function _M:doDrop(inven, item, on_done, nb)
 					game.logPlayer(self, "You can not destroy %s.", o:getName{do_colour=true})
-		end, "Cancel", "Destroy")
+		end, "Cancel", "Destroy", true)
 	if nb == nil or nb >= self:getInven(inven)[item]:getNumber() then
diff --git a/game/modules/tome/dialogs/UseItemDialog.lua b/game/modules/tome/dialogs/UseItemDialog.lua
index 709248497b7c393ec1b0e34a17a925d088b69517..9949d65ecfe4ee91ae37fa5378e2f799c80edb28 100644
--- a/game/modules/tome/dialogs/UseItemDialog.lua
+++ b/game/modules/tome/dialogs/UseItemDialog.lua
@@ -100,6 +100,16 @@ function _M:use(item)
 	elseif act == "toinven" then
 		self.object.__transmo = false
 		self.onuse(self.inven, self.item, self.object, false)
+	elseif act == "untag" then
+		self.object.__tagged = nil
+		self.onuse(self.inven, self.item, self.object, false)
+	elseif act == "tag" then
+		local d = require("engine.dialogs.GetText").new("Tag object (tagged objects can not be destroyed or dropped)", "Tag:", 2, 25, function(tag) if tag then
+			self.object.__tagged = tag
+			self.object.__transmo = false
+			self.onuse(self.inven, self.item, self.object, false)
+		end end)
+		game:registerDialog(d)
 	elseif act == "chat-link" then
 	elseif act == "debug-inspect" then
@@ -124,11 +134,13 @@ function _M:generateList()
 	if not self.object.__transmo and not self.no_use_allowed then if self.object:canUseObject() then list[#list+1] = {name="Use", action="use"} end end
 	if self.inven == self.actor.INVEN_INVEN and self.object:wornInven() and self.actor:getInven(self.object:wornInven()) then list[#list+1] = {name="Wield/Wear", action="wear"} end
 	if not self.object.__transmo then if self.inven ~= self.actor.INVEN_INVEN and self.object:wornInven() then list[#list+1] = {name="Take off", action="takeoff"} end end
-	if self.inven == self.actor.INVEN_INVEN then list[#list+1] = {name="Drop", action="drop"} end
+	if not self.object.__tagged and self.inven == self.actor.INVEN_INVEN then list[#list+1] = {name="Drop", action="drop"} end
 	if self.inven == self.actor.INVEN_INVEN and game.party:countInventoryAble() >= 2 then list[#list+1] = {name="Transfer to party", action="transfer"} end
-	if self.inven == self.actor.INVEN_INVEN and transmo_chest and self.actor:transmoFilter(self.object) then list[#list+1] = {name=self.actor:transmoGetWord():capitalize().." now", action="transmo"} end
+	if not self.object.__tagged and self.inven == self.actor.INVEN_INVEN and transmo_chest and self.actor:transmoFilter(self.object) then list[#list+1] = {name=self.actor:transmoGetWord():capitalize().." now", action="transmo"} end
 	if profile.auth and profile.hash_valid then list[#list+1] = {name="Link item in chat", action="chat-link"} end
 	if config.settings.cheat then list[#list+1] = {name="Lua inspect", action="debug-inspect", color=colors.simple(colors.LIGHT_BLUE)} end
+	if not self.object.__tagged then list[#list+1] = {name="Tag", action="tag"} end
+	if self.object.__tagged then list[#list+1] = {name="Untag", action="untag"} end
 	self:triggerHook{"UseItemMenu:generate", actor=self.actor, object=self.object, inven=self.inven, item=self.item, menu=list}