-- ToME - Tales of Maj'Eyal -- Copyright (C) 2009 - 2019 Nicolas Casalini -- -- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify -- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by -- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or -- (at your option) any later version. -- -- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the -- GNU General Public License for more details. -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License -- along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. -- -- Nicolas Casalini "DarkGod" -- darkgod@te4.org -- TODO: Update prices require "engine.class" require "engine.Object" require "engine.interface.ObjectActivable" require "engine.interface.ObjectIdentify" local Stats = require("engine.interface.ActorStats") local Talents = require("engine.interface.ActorTalents") local DamageType = require("engine.DamageType") local ActorResource = require "engine.interface.ActorResource" local Combat = require("mod.class.interface.Combat") module(..., package.seeall, class.inherit( engine.Object, engine.interface.ObjectActivable, engine.interface.ObjectIdentify, engine.interface.ActorTalents )) _M.projectile_class = "mod.class.Projectile" _M.logCombat = Combat.logCombat -- ego fields that are appended as a list when the ego is applied (by Zone:applyEgo) _M._special_ego_rules = {special_on_hit=true, special_on_crit=true, special_on_kill=true, charm_on_use=true, on_block=true} _M.requirement_flags_names = { allow_wear_massive = _t"Massive armour training", allow_wear_heavy = _t"Heavy armour training", allow_wear_shield = _t"Shield usage training", } function _M:getRequirementDesc(who) local base_getRequirementDesc = engine.Object.getRequirementDesc local oldreq self.require, oldreq = who:updateObjectRequirements(self) local ret = base_getRequirementDesc(self, who) self.require = oldreq return ret end local auto_moddable_tile_slots = { MAINHAND = true, OFFHAND = true, BODY = true, CLOAK = true, HEAD = true, HANDS = true, FEET = true, QUIVER = true, } function _M:init(t, no_default) t.encumber = t.encumber or 0 engine.Object.init(self, t, no_default) engine.interface.ObjectActivable.init(self, t) engine.interface.ObjectIdentify.init(self, t) engine.interface.ActorTalents.init(self, t) if self.auto_image then self.auto_image = nil self.image = "object/"..(self.unique and "artifact/" or "")..self.name:lower():gsub("[^a-z0-9]", "")..".png" end if not self.auto_moddable_tile_check and self.unique and self.slot and auto_moddable_tile_slots[self.slot] and (not self.moddable_tile or type(self.moddable_tile) == "table" or (type(self.moddable_tile) == "string" and not self.moddable_tile:find("^special/"))) then self.auto_moddable_tile_check = true local file, filecheck = nil, nil if self.type == "weapon" or self.subtype == "shield" then file = "special/%s_"..self.name:lower():gsub("[^a-z0-9]", "_") filecheck = file:format("left") elseif self.subtype == "cloak" then file = "special/"..self.name:lower():gsub("[^a-z0-9]", "_").."_%s" filecheck = file:format("behind") else file = "special/"..self.name:lower():gsub("[^a-z0-9]", "_") filecheck = file end if file and fs.exists("/data/gfx/shockbolt/player/human_female/"..filecheck..".png") then self.moddable_tile = file -- print("[UNIQUE MODDABLE] auto moddable set for ", self.name, file) else -- Try using the artifact image name if type(self.image) == "string" and self.image:find("^object/artifact/") then local base = self.image:gsub("object/artifact/", ""):gsub("%.png$", "") if self.type == "weapon" or self.subtype == "shield" then file = "special/%s_"..base filecheck = file:format("left") elseif self.subtype == "cloak" then file = "special/"..base.."_%s" filecheck = file:format("behind") else file = "special/"..base filecheck = file end if file and fs.exists("/data/gfx/shockbolt/player/human_female/"..filecheck..".png") then self.moddable_tile = file -- print("[UNIQUE MODDABLE] auto moddable set for ", self.name, file) else print("[UNIQUE MODDABLE] auto moddable failed for ", self.name) end end end end -- if self.unique and self.slot and type(self.moddable_tile) == "string" then -- local filecheck = nil, nil -- if self.type == "weapon" or self.subtype == "shield" then -- filecheck = self.moddable_tile:format("left") -- elseif self.subtype == "cloak" then -- filecheck = self.moddable_tile:format("behind") -- else -- filecheck = self.moddable_tile -- end -- if filecheck and fs.exists("/data/gfx/shockbolt/player/human_female/"..filecheck..".png") then -- -- print("[UNIQUE MODDABLE] auto moddable set for ", self.name, file) -- else -- print("[UNIQUE MODDABLE] auto moddable failed for ", self.name, self.moddable_tile, filecheck) -- end -- end end function _M:altered(t) if t then for k, v in pairs(t) do self[k] = v end end self.__SAVEINSTEAD = nil self.__nice_tile_base = nil self.nice_tiler = nil end --- Can this object act at all -- Most object will want to answer false, only recharging and stuff needs them function _M:canAct() if (self.power_regen or self.use_talent or self.sentient) and not self.talent_cooldown then return true end return false end --- Do something when its your turn -- For objects this mostly is to recharge them -- By default, does nothing at all function _M:act() self:regenPower() self:cooldownTalents() self:useEnergy() end --- can the object be used? -- @param who = the object user (optional) -- returns boolean, msg function _M:canUseObject(who) if self.__transmo then return false end if not engine.interface.ObjectActivable.canUseObject(self, who) then return false, _t"This object has no usable power." end if who then if who.no_inventory_access then return false, _t"You cannot use items now!" end if self.use_no_blind and who:attr("blind") then return false, _t"You cannot see!" end if self.use_no_silence and who:attr("silence") then return false, _t"You are silenced!" end if self:wornInven() and not self.wielded and not self.use_no_wear then return false, _t"You must wear this object to use it!" end if who:hasEffect(self.EFF_UNSTOPPABLE) then return false, _t"You can not use items during a battle frenzy!" end if who:attr("sleep") and not who:attr("lucid_dreamer") then return false, _t"You can not use objects while sleeping!" end end return true, _t"Object can be used." end --- Does the actor have inadequate AI to use this object intelligently? -- @param who = the potential object user function _M:restrictAIUseObject(who) return not (who.ai == "tactical" or who.ai_real == "tactical" or who.ai_state._advanced_ai or (who.ai_state and who.ai_state.ai_party) == "tactical") end function _M:useObject(who, ...) -- Make sure the object is registered with the game, if need be if not game:hasEntity(self) then game:addEntity(self) end local reduce = 100 - util.bound(who:attr("use_object_cooldown_reduce") or 0, 0, 100) if self:attr("unaffected_device_mastery") then reduce = 100 end local usepower = function(power) return math.ceil(power * reduce / 100) end if self.use_power then if (self.talent_cooldown and not who:isTalentCoolingDown(self.talent_cooldown)) or (not self.talent_cooldown and self.power >= usepower(self.use_power.power)) then local ret = self.use_power.use(self, who, ...) or {} local no_power = not ret.used or ret.no_power if not no_power then if self.talent_cooldown then who.talents_cd[self.talent_cooldown] = usepower(self.use_power.power) local t = who:getTalentFromId(self.talent_cooldown) if t.cooldownStart then t.cooldownStart(who, t, self) end else self.power = self.power - usepower(self.use_power.power) end end return ret else if self.talent_cooldown or (self.power_regen and self.power_regen ~= 0) then game.logPlayer(who, "%s is still recharging.", self:getName{no_count=true}) else game.logPlayer(who, "%s can not be used anymore.", self:getName{no_count=true}) end return {} end elseif self.use_simple then return self.use_simple.use(self, who, ...) or {} elseif self.use_talent then if (self.talent_cooldown and not who:isTalentCoolingDown(self.talent_cooldown)) or (not self.talent_cooldown and (not self.use_talent.power or self.power >= usepower(self.use_talent.power))) then local id = self.use_talent.id local ab = self:getTalentFromId(id) local old_level = who.talents[id]; who.talents[id] = self.use_talent.level who:attr("force_talent_ignore_ressources", 1) local ret = false if not who:preUseTalent(ab) then ret = false else local ok, special ok, ret, special = xpcall(function() return ab.action(who, ab) end, debug.traceback) if not ok then who:onTalentLuaError(ab, ret) error(ret) end end who:attr("force_talent_ignore_ressources", -1) who.talents[id] = old_level if ret then if self.talent_cooldown then who.talents_cd[self.talent_cooldown] = usepower(self.use_talent.power) local t = who:getTalentFromId(self.talent_cooldown) if t.cooldownStart then t.cooldownStart(who, t, self) end else self.power = self.power - usepower(self.use_talent.power) end end return {used=ret, no_energy = util.getval(ab.no_energy, who, ab)} else if self.talent_cooldown or (self.power_regen and self.power_regen ~= 0) then game.logPlayer(who, "%s is still recharging.", self:getName{no_count=true}) else game.logPlayer(who, "%s can not be used anymore.", self:getName{no_count=true}) end return {} end end end function _M:getObjectCooldown(who) if not self.power then return end if self.talent_cooldown then return (who and who:isTalentCoolingDown(self.talent_cooldown)) or 0 end local reduce = 100 - util.bound(who:attr("use_object_cooldown_reduce") or 0, 0, 100) local usepower = function(power) return math.ceil(power * reduce / 100) end local need = (self.use_power and usepower(self.use_power.power)) or (self.use_talent and usepower(self.use_talent.power)) or 0 if self.power < need then if self.power_regen and self.power_regen > 0 then return math.ceil((need - self.power)/self.power_regen) else return nil end else return 0 end end --- Use the object (quaff, read, ...) function _M:use(who, typ, inven, item) inven = who:getInven(inven) local types = {} local useable, msg = self:canUseObject(who) if useable then types[#types+1] = "use" else game.logPlayer(who, msg) return end if not typ and #types == 1 then typ = types[1] end if typ == "use" then who.__object_use_running = self local ret = self:useObject(who, inven, item) who.__object_use_running = nil if ret.used then if self.charm_on_use then for i, d in ipairs(self.charm_on_use) do if rng.percent(d[1]) then d[3](self, who) end end end if self.use_sound then game:playSoundNear(who, self.use_sound) end if not ret.nobreakStepUp then who:breakStepUp() end if not ret.nobreakLightningSpeed then who:breakLightningSpeed() end if not ret.nobreakReloading then who:breakReloading() end if not ret.nobreakSpacetimeTuning then who:breakSpacetimeTuning() end if not (self.use_no_energy or ret.no_energy) then who:useEnergy(game.energy_to_act * (inven.use_speed or 1)) if not ret.nobreakStealth then who:breakStealth() end end end return ret end end --- Find the best locations (inventory and slot) to try to wear an object in -- applies inventory filters, optionally sorted, does not check if the object can actually be worn -- @param use_actor: the actor to wear the object -- @param weight_fn[1]: a function(o, inven) returning a weight value for an object -- default is (1 + o:getPowerRank())*o.material_level, (0 for no object) -- @param weight_fn[2]: true weight is 1 (object) or 0 (no object) return empty locations (sorted) -- @param weight_fn[3]: false weight is 1 (object) or 0 (no object) return all locations (unsorted) -- @param filter_field: field to check in each inventory for an object filter (defaults: "auto_equip_filter") -- (sets filter._equipping_entity == use_actor before testing the filter) -- @param no_type_check: set to allow locations with objects of different type/subtype (automatic if a filter is defined) -- @return[1] nil if no locations could be found -- @return[2] an ordered list (table) of locations where the object can be worn, each with format: -- {inv=inventory (table), wt=sort weight, slot=slot within inventory} -- The sort weight for each location is computed = weight_fn(self, inven)-weight_fn(worn object, inven) -- (weight for objects that fail inventory filter checks is 0) -- The list is sorted by descending weight, removing locations with sort weight <= 0 function _M:wornLocations(use_actor, weight_fn, filter_field, no_type_check) if not use_actor then return end filter_field = filter_field == nil and "auto_equip_filter" or filter_field if weight_fn == nil then weight_fn = function(o, inven) return (1 + o:getPowerRank())*(o.material_level or 1) end elseif weight_fn == true then weight_fn = function(o, inven) return o and 1 or 0 end end -- considers main and offslot (could check others here) -- Note: psionic focus needs code similar to that in the Telekinetic Grasp talent local inv_ids = {self:wornInven()} inv_ids[#inv_ids+1] = use_actor:getObjectOffslot(self) local invens = {} local new_wt = weight_fn and weight_fn(self) or 1 --print("[Object:wornLocations] found inventories", self.uid, self.name) table.print(inv_ids) for i, id in ipairs(inv_ids) do local inv = use_actor:getInven(id) if inv then local flt = inv[filter_field] local match_types = not (no_type_check or flt) if flt then flt._equipping_entity = use_actor if not game.zone:checkFilter(self, flt, "object") then inv = nil end end if inv then local inv_name = use_actor:getInvenDef(id).short_name for k = 1, math.min(inv.max, #inv + 1) do local wo, wt = inv[k], new_wt if wo then if match_types and (self.type ~= wo.type or self.subtype ~= wo.subtype) and (inv_name == wo.slot or inv_name == use_actor:getObjectOffslot(wo)) then wt = 0 elseif not flt or game.zone:checkFilter(wo, flt, "object") then wt = wt - (weight_fn and weight_fn(wo) or 1) end end if weight_fn == false or wt > 0 then invens[#invens+1] = {inv=inv, wt=wt, slot=k} end if not wo then break end -- 1st open inventory slot end end if flt then flt._equipping_entity = nil end end end if #invens > 0 then if weight_fn then table.sort(invens, function(a, b) return a.wt > b.wt end) end return invens end end --- Returns a tooltip for the object function _M:tooltip(x, y, use_actor) local str = self:getDesc({do_color=true}, game.player:getInven(self:wornInven())) -- local str = self:getDesc({do_color=true}, game.player:getInven(self:wornInven()), nil, use_actor) if config.settings.cheat then str:add(true, "UID: "..self.uid, true, self.image) end local nb = game.level.map:getObjectTotal(x, y) if nb == 2 then str:add(true, "---", true, _t"You see one more object.") elseif nb > 2 then str:add(true, "---", true, ("You see %d more objects."):tformat(nb-1)) end return str end --- Describes an attribute, to expand object name function _M:descAttribute(attr) local power = function(c) if config.settings.tome.advanced_weapon_stats then return ("%d%% power"):tformat(math.floor(game.player:combatDamagePower(self.special_combat or self.combat)*100)) else return ("%d-%d power"):tformat(c.dam, (c.dam*(c.damrange or 1.1))) end end if attr == "MASTERY" then local tms = {} for ttn, i in pairs(self.wielder.talents_types_mastery) do local tt = Talents.talents_types_def[ttn] local cat = tt.type:gsub("/.*", "") local name = _t(cat):capitalize().._t(" / ")..tt.name:capitalize() tms[#tms+1] = ("%0.2f %s"):tformat(i, name) end return table.concat(tms, ",") elseif attr == "STATBONUS" then local stat, i = next(self.wielder.inc_stats) return i > 0 and "+"..i or tostring(i) elseif attr == "DAMBONUS" then local stat, i = next(self.wielder.inc_damage) return (i > 0 and "+"..i or tostring(i)).."%" elseif attr == "RESIST" then local stat, i = next(self.wielder.resists) return (i and i > 0 and "+"..i or tostring(i)).."%" elseif attr == "REGEN" then local i = self.wielder.mana_regen or self.wielder.stamina_regen or self.wielder.life_regen or self.wielder.hate_regen or self.wielder.positive_regen or self.wielder.negative_regen return ("%s%0.2f/turn"):tformat(i > 0 and "+" or "-", math.abs(i)) elseif attr == "COMBAT" then local c = self.combat return ("%s, %s apr"):tformat(power(c), (c.apr or 0)) elseif attr == "COMBAT_AMMO" then local c = self.combat return ("%d/%d, %s, %s apr"):tformat(c.shots_left, math.floor(c.capacity), power(c), (c.apr or 0), " apr") elseif attr == "COMBAT_DAMTYPE" then local c = self.combat return ("%s, %d apr, %s damage"):tformat(power(c), (c.apr or 0), DamageType:get(c.damtype).name) elseif attr == "COMBAT_ELEMENT" then local c = self.combat return ("%s, %d apr, %s element"):tformat(power(c), (c.apr or 0), DamageType:get(c.element or DamageType.PHYSICAL).name) elseif attr == "SHIELD" then local c = self.special_combat if c and (game.player:knowTalentType("technique/shield-offense") or game.player:knowTalentType("technique/shield-defense") or game.player:attr("show_shield_combat") or config.settings.tome.display_shield_stats) then return ("%s, %s block"):tformat(power(c), c.block) else return ("%s block"):tformat(c.block) end elseif attr == "ARMOR" then return ("%s def, %s armour"):tformat(self.wielder and self.wielder.combat_def and math.round(self.wielder.combat_def) or 0, self.wielder and self.wielder.combat_armor and math.round(self.wielder.combat_armor) or 0) elseif attr == "ATTACK" then return ("%s accuracy, %s apr, %s power"):tformat(self.wielder and self.wielder.combat_atk or 0, self.wielder and self.wielder.combat_apr or 0, self.wielder and self.wielder.combat_dam or 0) elseif attr == "MONEY" then return ("worth %0.2f"):tformat(self.money_value / 10) elseif attr == "USE_TALENT" then return self:getTalentFromId(self.use_talent.id).name:lower() elseif attr == "DIGSPEED" then return ("dig speed %d turns"):tformat(self.digspeed) elseif attr == "CHARM" then return (" [power %d]"):tformat(self:getCharmPower(game.player)) elseif attr == "CHARGES" then local reduce = 100 - util.bound(game.player:attr("use_object_cooldown_reduce") or 0, 0, 100) if self.talent_cooldown and (self.use_power or self.use_talent) then local cd = game.player.talents_cd[self.talent_cooldown] if cd and cd > 0 then return (" (%d/%d cooldown)"):tformat(cd, math.ceil((self.use_power or self.use_talent).power * reduce / 100)) else return (" (%d cooldown)"):tformat(math.ceil((self.use_power or self.use_talent).power * reduce / 100)) end elseif self.use_power or self.use_talent then return (" (%d/%d)"):format(math.floor(self.power / (math.ceil((self.use_power or self.use_talent).power * reduce / 100))), math.floor(self.max_power / (math.ceil((self.use_power or self.use_talent).power * reduce / 100)))) else return "" end elseif attr == "INSCRIPTION" then game.player.__inscription_data_fake = self.inscription_data local t = self:getTalentFromId("T_"..self.inscription_talent.."_1") local desc = "--" if t then local ok ok, desc = pcall(t.short_info, game.player, t) if not ok then desc = "--" end end game.player.__inscription_data_fake = nil return ("%s"):format(desc) end end --- Gets the "power rank" of an object -- Possible values are 0 (normal, lore), 1 (ego), 2 (greater ego), 3 (artifact) function _M:getPowerRank() if self.godslayer then return 10 end if self.legendary then return 5 end if self.unique then return 3 end if self.egoed then return math.min(2.5, 1 + (self.greater_ego and self.greater_ego or 0) + (self.rare and 1 or 0)) end return 0 end --- Gets the color in which to display the object in lists function _M:getDisplayColor(fake) if not fake and not self:isIdentified() then return {180, 180, 180}, "#B4B4B4#" end if self.cosmetic then return {0xC5, 0x75, 0xC6}, "#C578C6#" elseif self.lore then return {0, 128, 255}, "#0080FF#" elseif self.unique then if self.randart then return {255, 0x77, 0}, "#FF7700#" elseif self.legendary then return {0xFF, 0x40, 0x00}, "#FF4000#" elseif self.godslayer then return {0xAA, 0xD5, 0x00}, "#AAD500#" else return {255, 215, 0}, "#FFD700#" end elseif self.rare then return {250, 128, 114}, "#SALMON#" elseif self.egoed then if self.greater_ego then if self.greater_ego > 1 then return {0x8d, 0x55, 0xff}, "#8d55ff#" else return {0, 0x80, 255}, "#0080FF#" end else return {0, 255, 128}, "#00FF80#" end else return {255, 255, 255}, "#FFFFFF#" end end function _M:resolveSource() if self.summoner_gain_exp and self.summoner then return self.summoner:resolveSource() elseif self.summoner_gain_exp and self.src then return self.src:resolveSource() else return self end end --- Gets the full name of the object function _M:getName(t) t = t or {} local qty = self:getNumber() local name = _t(self.name) or _t"object" if t.trans_only then return name end if t.raw_name then return self.name or "object" end if not t.no_add_name and (self.been_reshaped or self.been_imbued) then name = (type(self.been_reshaped) == "string" and self.been_reshaped or "") .. name .. (type(self.been_imbued) == "string" and self.been_imbued or "") end if not self:isIdentified() and not t.force_id and self:getUnidentifiedName() then name = self:getUnidentifiedName() end -- To extend later name = name:gsub("~", ""):gsub("&", "a"):gsub("#([^#]+)#", function(attr) return self:descAttribute(attr) end) if not t.no_add_name and self.add_name and self:isIdentified() then name = name .. self.add_name:gsub("#([^#]+)#", function(attr) return self:descAttribute(attr) end) end if not t.no_add_name and self.tinker then name = name .. ' #{italic}#<' .. self.tinker:getName(t) .. '>#{normal}#' end if not t.no_add_name and self.__tagged then name = name .. " #ORANGE#="..self.__tagged.."=#LAST#" end if not t.do_color then if qty == 1 or t.no_count then return name else return qty.." "..name end else local _, c = self:getDisplayColor() local ds = t.no_image and "" or self:getDisplayString() if qty == 1 or t.no_count then return c..ds..name.."#LAST#" else return c..qty.." "..ds..name.."#LAST#" end end end --- Gets the short name of the object -- currently, this is only used by EquipDollFrame function _M:getShortName(t) if not self.short_name then return self:getName(t) end t = t or {} t.no_add_name = true local qty = self:getNumber() local identified = t.force_id or self:isIdentified() local name = _t(self.short_name, "entity short_name") or _t"object" if not identified then local _, c = self:getDisplayColor(true) if self.unique then name = ("%s, %sspecial#LAST#"):tformat(self:getUnidentifiedName(), c) elseif self.egoed then name = ("%s, %sego#LAST#"):tformat(name, c) end elseif self.keywords and next(self.keywords) then -- I18N translate keywords. local ks = table.keys(self.keywords) local k = {} for i, key in ipairs(ks) do k[i] = _t(key, "entity keyword") end table.sort(k) name = name..", "..table.concat(k, ', ') end if not t.do_color then if qty == 1 or t.no_count then return name else return qty.." "..name end else local _, c = self:getDisplayColor() local ds = t.no_image and "" or self:getDisplayString() if qty == 1 or t.no_count then return c..ds..name.."#LAST#" else return c..qty.." "..ds..name.."#LAST#" end end end function _M:descAccuracyBonus(desc, weapon, use_actor) use_actor = use_actor or game.player local _, kind = use_actor:isAccuracyEffect(weapon) if not kind then return end local showpct = function(v, mult) return ("+%0.1f%%"):format(v * mult) end local m = weapon.accuracy_effect_scale or 1 if kind == "sword" then desc:add(_t"Accuracy bonus: ", {"color","LIGHT_GREEN"}, showpct(0.4, m), {"color","LAST"}, _t" crit mult (max 40%)", true) elseif kind == "axe" then desc:add(_t"Accuracy bonus: ", {"color","LIGHT_GREEN"}, showpct(0.25, m), {"color","LAST"}, _t" crit chance (max 25%)", true) elseif kind == "mace" then desc:add(_t"Accuracy bonus: ", {"color","LIGHT_GREEN"}, showpct(0.2, m), {"color","LAST"}, _t" base dam (max 20%)", true) elseif kind == "staff" then desc:add(_t"Accuracy bonus: ", {"color","LIGHT_GREEN"}, showpct(2.0, m), {"color","LAST"}, _t" proc dam (max 200%)", true) elseif kind == "knife" then desc:add(_t"Accuracy bonus: ", {"color","LIGHT_GREEN"}, showpct(0.5, m), {"color","LAST"}, _t" APR (max 50%)", true) end end --- Static function _M:compareFields(item1, items, infield, field, outformat, text, mod, isinversed, isdiffinversed, add_table) add_table = add_table or {} mod = mod or 1 isinversed = isinversed or false isdiffinversed = isdiffinversed or false local ret = tstring{} local added = 0 local add = false ret:add(text) local outformatres local resvalue = ((item1[field] or 0) + (add_table[field] or 0)) * mod local item1value = resvalue if type(outformat) == "function" then outformatres = outformat(resvalue, nil) else outformatres = outformat:format(resvalue) end if isinversed then ret:add(((item1[field] or 0) + (add_table[field] or 0)) > 0 and {"color","RED"} or {"color","LIGHT_GREEN"}, outformatres, {"color", "LAST"}) else ret:add(((item1[field] or 0) + (add_table[field] or 0)) < 0 and {"color","RED"} or {"color","LIGHT_GREEN"}, outformatres, {"color", "LAST"}) end if item1[field] then add = true end for i=1, #items do if items[i][infield] and items[i][infield][field] then if added == 0 then ret:add(" (") elseif added > 1 then ret:add(_t(" / ")) end added = added + 1 add = true if items[i][infield][field] ~= (item1[field] or 0) then local outformatres local resvalue = (items[i][infield][field] + (add_table[field] or 0)) * mod if type(outformat) == "function" then outformatres = outformat(item1value, resvalue) else outformatres = outformat:format(item1value - resvalue) end if isdiffinversed then ret:add(items[i][infield][field] < (item1[field] or 0) and {"color","RED"} or {"color","LIGHT_GREEN"}, outformatres, {"color", "LAST"}) else ret:add(items[i][infield][field] > (item1[field] or 0) and {"color","RED"} or {"color","LIGHT_GREEN"}, outformatres, {"color", "LAST"}) end else ret:add("-") end end end if added > 0 then ret:add(")") end if add then ret:add(true) return ret end end function _M:compareTableFields(item1, items, infield, field, outformat, text, kfunct, mod, isinversed, filter) mod = mod or 1 isinversed = isinversed or false local ret = tstring{} local added = 0 local add = false ret:add(text) local tab = {} if item1[field] then for k, v in pairs(item1[field]) do tab[k] = {} tab[k][1] = v end end for i=1, #items do if items[i][infield] and items[i][infield][field] then for k, v in pairs(items[i][infield][field]) do tab[k] = tab[k] or {} tab[k][i + 1] = v end end end local count1 = 0 for k, v in pairs(tab) do if not filter or filter(k, v) then local count = 0 if isinversed then ret:add(("%s"):format((count1 > 0) and _t(" / ") or ""), (v[1] or 0) > 0 and {"color","RED"} or {"color","LIGHT_GREEN"}, outformat:format((v[1] or 0)), {"color","LAST"}) else ret:add(("%s"):format((count1 > 0) and _t(" / ") or ""), (v[1] or 0) < 0 and {"color","RED"} or {"color","LIGHT_GREEN"}, outformat:format((v[1] or 0)), {"color","LAST"}) end count1 = count1 + 1 if v[1] then add = true end for kk, vv in pairs(v) do if kk > 1 then if count == 0 then ret:add("(") elseif count > 0 then ret:add(_t(" / ")) end if vv ~= (v[1] or 0) then if isinversed then ret:add((v[1] or 0) > vv and {"color","RED"} or {"color","LIGHT_GREEN"}, outformat:format((v[1] or 0) - vv), {"color","LAST"}) else ret:add((v[1] or 0) < vv and {"color","RED"} or {"color","LIGHT_GREEN"}, outformat:format((v[1] or 0) - vv), {"color","LAST"}) end else ret:add("-") end add = true count = count + 1 end end if count > 0 then ret:add(")") end ret:add(kfunct(k)) end end if add then ret:add(true) return ret end end --- Static function _M:descCombat(use_actor, combat, compare_with, field, add_table, is_fake_add) local desc = tstring{} add_table = add_table or {} add_table.dammod = add_table.dammod or {} combat = table.clone(combat[field] or {}) compare_with = compare_with or {} local compare_fields = function(item1, items, infield, field, outformat, text, mod, isinversed, isdiffinversed, add_table) local add = self:compareFields(item1, items, infield, field, outformat, text, mod, isinversed, isdiffinversed, add_table) if add then desc:merge(add) end end local compare_table_fields = function(item1, items, infield, field, outformat, text, kfunct, mod, isinversed, filter) local add = self:compareTableFields(item1, items, infield, field, outformat, text, kfunct, mod, isinversed, filter) if add then desc:merge(add) end end local dm = {} combat.dammod = table.mergeAdd(table.clone(combat.dammod or {}), add_table.dammod) local dammod = use_actor:getDammod(combat) for stat, i in pairs(dammod) do -- I18N Stats using display_short_name local name = Stats.stats_def[stat].display_short_name:capitalize() dm[#dm+1] = ("%d%% %s"):tformat(i * 100, name) end if #dm > 0 or combat.dam then local diff_count = 0 local any_diff = false if config.settings.tome.advanced_weapon_stats then local base_power = use_actor:combatDamagePower(combat, add_table.dam) local base_range = use_actor:combatDamageRange(combat, add_table.damrange) local power_diff, range_diff = {}, {} for _, v in ipairs(compare_with) do if v[field] then local base_power_diff = base_power - use_actor:combatDamagePower(v[field], add_table.dam) local base_range_diff = base_range - use_actor:combatDamageRange(v[field], add_table.damrange) power_diff[#power_diff + 1] = ("%s%+d%%#LAST#"):format(base_power_diff > 0 and "#00ff00#" or "#ff0000#", base_power_diff * 100) range_diff[#range_diff + 1] = ("%s%+.1fx#LAST#"):format(base_range_diff > 0 and "#00ff00#" or "#ff0000#", base_range_diff) diff_count = diff_count + 1 if base_power_diff ~= 0 or base_range_diff ~= 0 then any_diff = true end end end if any_diff then local s = ("Power: %3d%% (%s) Range: %.1fx (%s)"):tformat(base_power * 100, table.concat(power_diff, _t(" / ")), base_range, table.concat(range_diff, _t(" / "))) desc:merge(s:toTString()) else desc:add(("Power: %3d%% Range: %.1fx"):tformat(base_power * 100, base_range)) end else local power_diff = {} for i, v in ipairs(compare_with) do if v[field] then local base_power_diff = ((combat.dam or 0) + (add_table.dam or 0)) - ((v[field].dam or 0) + (add_table.dam or 0)) local dfl_range = (1.1 - (add_table.damrange or 0)) local multi_diff = (((combat.damrange or dfl_range) + (add_table.damrange or 0)) * ((combat.dam or 0) + (add_table.dam or 0))) - (((v[field].damrange or dfl_range) + (add_table.damrange or 0)) * ((v[field].dam or 0) + (add_table.dam or 0))) power_diff [#power_diff + 1] = ("%s%+.1f#LAST# - %s%+.1f#LAST#"):format(base_power_diff > 0 and "#00ff00#" or "#ff0000#", base_power_diff, multi_diff > 0 and "#00ff00#" or "#ff0000#", multi_diff) diff_count = diff_count + 1 if base_power_diff ~= 0 or multi_diff ~= 0 then any_diff = true end end end if any_diff == false then power_diff = "" else power_diff = ("(%s)"):format(table.concat(power_diff, _t(" / "))) end desc:add(("Base power: %.1f - %.1f"):tformat((combat.dam or 0) + (add_table.dam or 0), ((combat.damrange or (1.1 - (add_table.damrange or 0))) + (add_table.damrange or 0)) * ((combat.dam or 0) + (add_table.dam or 0)))) desc:merge(power_diff:toTString()) end desc:add(true) desc:add(("Uses %s: %s"):tformat(#dm > 1 and _t"stats" or _t"stat",table.concat(dm, ', ')), true) local col = (combat.damtype and DamageType:get(combat.damtype) and DamageType:get(combat.damtype).text_color or "#WHITE#"):toTString() desc:add(_t"Damage type: ", col[2],DamageType:get(combat.damtype or DamageType.PHYSICAL).name:capitalize(),{"color","LAST"}, true) end if combat.talented then local t = use_actor:combatGetTraining(combat) if t and t.name then desc:add(_t"Mastery: ", {"color","GOLD"}, t.name, {"color","LAST"}, true) end end self:descAccuracyBonus(desc, combat, use_actor) if combat.wil_attack then desc:add(_t"Accuracy is based on willpower for this weapon.", true) end compare_fields(combat, compare_with, field, "atk", "%+d", _t"Accuracy: ", 1, false, false, add_table) compare_fields(combat, compare_with, field, "apr", "%+d", _t"Armour Penetration: ", 1, false, false, add_table) compare_fields(combat, compare_with, field, "physcrit", "%+.1f%%", _t"Crit. chance: ", 1, false, false, add_table) compare_fields(combat, compare_with, field, "crit_power", "%+.1f%%", _t"Crit. power: ", 1, false, false, add_table) local physspeed_compare = function(orig, compare_with) orig = 100 / orig if compare_with then return ("%+.0f%%"):format(orig - 100 / compare_with) else return ("%2.0f%%"):format(orig) end end compare_fields(combat, compare_with, field, "physspeed", physspeed_compare, _t"Attack speed: ", 1, false, true, add_table) compare_fields(combat, compare_with, field, "block", "%+d", _t"Block value: ", 1, false, false, add_table) compare_fields(combat, compare_with, field, "dam_mult", "%d%%", _t"Dam. multiplier: ", 100, false, false, add_table) compare_fields(combat, compare_with, field, "range", "%+d", _t"Firing range: ", 1, false, false, add_table) compare_fields(combat, compare_with, field, "capacity", "%d", _t"Capacity: ", 1, false, false, add_table) compare_fields(combat, compare_with, field, "shots_reloaded_per_turn", "%+d", _t"Reload speed: ", 1, false, false, add_table) compare_fields(combat, compare_with, field, "ammo_every", "%d", _t"Turns elapse between self-loadings: ", 1, false, false, add_table) local talents = {} if combat.talent_on_hit then for tid, data in pairs(combat.talent_on_hit) do talents[tid] = {data.chance, data.level} end end for i, v in ipairs(compare_with or {}) do for tid, data in pairs(v[field] and (v[field].talent_on_hit or {})or {}) do if not talents[tid] or talents[tid][1]~=data.chance or talents[tid][2]~=data.level then desc:add({"color","RED"}, ("When this weapon hits: %s (%d%% chance level %d)."):tformat(self:getTalentFromId(tid).name, data.chance, data.level), {"color","LAST"}, true) else talents[tid][3] = true end end end for tid, data in pairs(talents) do desc:add(talents[tid][3] and {"color","WHITE"} or {"color","GREEN"}, ("When this weapon hits: %s (%d%% chance level %d)."):tformat(self:getTalentFromId(tid).name, talents[tid][1], talents[tid][2]), {"color","LAST"}, true) end local talents = {} if combat.talent_on_crit then for tid, data in pairs(combat.talent_on_crit) do talents[tid] = {data.chance, data.level} end end for i, v in ipairs(compare_with or {}) do for tid, data in pairs(v[field] and (v[field].talent_on_crit or {})or {}) do if not talents[tid] or talents[tid][1]~=data.chance or talents[tid][2]~=data.level then desc:add({"color","RED"}, ("When this weapon crits: %s (%d%% chance level %d)."):tformat(self:getTalentFromId(tid).name, data.chance, data.level), {"color","LAST"}, true) else talents[tid][3] = true end end end for tid, data in pairs(talents) do desc:add(talents[tid][3] and {"color","WHITE"} or {"color","GREEN"}, ("When this weapon crits: %s (%d%% chance level %d)."):tformat(self:getTalentFromId(tid).name, talents[tid][1], talents[tid][2]), {"color","LAST"}, true) end local special = "" if combat.special_on_hit then special = combat.special_on_hit.desc end -- get_items takes the combat table and returns a table of items to print. -- Each of these items one of the following: -- id -> {priority, string} -- id -> {priority, message_function(this, compared), value} -- header is the section header. local compare_list = function(header, get_items) local priority_ordering = function(left, right) return left[2][1] < right[2][1] end if next(compare_with) then -- Grab the left and right items. local left = get_items(combat) local right = {} for i, v in ipairs(compare_with) do for k, item in pairs(get_items(v[field])) do if not right[k] then right[k] = item elseif type(right[k]) == 'number' then right[k] = right[k] + item else right[k] = item end end end -- Exit early if no items. if not next(left) and not next(right) then return end desc:add(header, true) local combined = table.clone(left) table.merge(combined, right) for k, _ in table.orderedPairs2(combined, priority_ordering) do l = left[k] r = right[k] message = (l and l[2]) or (r and r[2]) if type(message) == 'function' then desc:add(message(l and l[3], r and r[3] or 0), true) elseif type(message) == 'string' then local prefix = '* ' local color = 'WHITE' if l and not r then color = 'GREEN' prefix = '+ ' end if not l and r then color = 'RED' prefix = '- ' end desc:add({'color',color}, prefix, message, {'color','LAST'}, true) end end else local items = get_items(combat) if next(items) then desc:add(header, true) for k, v in table.orderedPairs2(items, priority_ordering) do message = v[2] if type(message) == 'function' then desc:add(message(v[3]), true) elseif type(message) == 'string' then desc:add({'color','WHITE'}, '* ', message, {'color','LAST'}, true) end end end end end local get_special_list = function(combat, key) local special = combat[key] -- No special if not special then return {} end -- Single special if special.desc then return {[special.desc] = {10, util.getval(special.desc, self, use_actor, special)}} end -- Multiple specials local list = {} for _, special in pairs(special) do list[special.desc] = {10, util.getval(special.desc, self, use_actor, special)} end return list end compare_list( _t"#YELLOW#On weapon hit:#LAST#", function(combat) if not combat then return {} end local list = {} -- Get complex damage types for dt, amount in pairs(combat.melee_project or combat.ranged_project or {}) do local dt_def = DamageType:get(dt) if dt_def and dt_def.tdesc then local desc = function(dam) return dt_def.tdesc(dam, nil, use_actor) end list[dt] = {0, desc, amount} --list[dt] = {0, dt_def.tdesc, amount} end end -- Get specials table.merge(list, get_special_list(combat, 'special_on_hit')) return list end ) compare_list( _t"#YELLOW#On weapon crit:#LAST#", function(combat) if not combat then return {} end return get_special_list(combat, 'special_on_crit') end ) compare_list( _t"#YELLOW#On weapon kill:#LAST#", function(combat) if not combat then return {} end return get_special_list(combat, 'special_on_kill') end ) local found = false for i, v in ipairs(compare_with or {}) do if v[field] and v[field].no_stealth_break then found = true end end if combat.no_stealth_break then desc:add(found and {"color","WHITE"} or {"color","GREEN"},_t"When used from stealth a simple attack with it will not break stealth.", {"color","LAST"}, true) elseif found then desc:add({"color","RED"}, _t"When used from stealth a simple attack with it will not break stealth.", {"color","LAST"}, true) end if combat.crushing_blow then desc:add({"color", "YELLOW"}, _t"Crushing Blows: ", {"color", "LAST"}, _t"Damage dealt by this weapon is increased by half your critical multiplier, if doing so would kill the target.", true) end compare_fields(combat, compare_with, field, "travel_speed", "%+d%%", _t"Travel speed: ", 100, false, false, add_table) compare_fields(combat, compare_with, field, "phasing", "%+d%%", _t"Damage Shield penetration (this weapon only): ", 1, false, false, add_table) compare_fields(combat, compare_with, field, "lifesteal", "%+d%%", _t"Lifesteal (this weapon only): ", 1, false, false, add_table) local attack_recurse_procs_reduce_compare = function(orig, compare_with) orig = 100 - 100 / orig if compare_with then return ("%+d%%"):format(-(orig - (100 - 100 / compare_with))) else return ("%d%%"):format(-orig) end end compare_fields(combat, compare_with, field, "attack_recurse", "%+d", _t"Multiple attacks: ", 1, false, false, add_table) compare_fields(combat, compare_with, field, "attack_recurse_procs_reduce", attack_recurse_procs_reduce_compare, _t"Multiple attacks procs power reduction: ", 1, true, false, add_table) if combat.tg_type and combat.tg_type == "beam" then desc:add({"color","YELLOW"}, (_t"Shots beam through all targets."), {"color","LAST"}, true) end compare_table_fields( combat, compare_with, field, "melee_project", "%+d", _t"Damage (Melee): ", function(item) local col = (DamageType.dam_def[item] and DamageType.dam_def[item].text_color or "#WHITE#"):toTString() return col[2], (" %s"):tformat(DamageType.dam_def[item].name),{"color","LAST"} end, nil, nil, function(k, v) return not DamageType.dam_def[k].tdesc end) compare_table_fields( combat, compare_with, field, "ranged_project", "%+d", _t"Damage (Ranged): ", function(item) local col = (DamageType.dam_def[item] and DamageType.dam_def[item].text_color or "#WHITE#"):toTString() return col[2], (" %s"):tformat(DamageType.dam_def[item].name),{"color","LAST"} end, nil, nil, function(k, v) return not DamageType.dam_def[k].tdesc end) compare_table_fields(combat, compare_with, field, "burst_on_hit", "%+d", _t"Damage (radius 1) on hit: ", function(item) local col = (DamageType.dam_def[item] and DamageType.dam_def[item].text_color or "#WHITE#"):toTString() return col[2], (" %s"):tformat(DamageType.dam_def[item].name),{"color","LAST"} end) compare_table_fields(combat, compare_with, field, "burst_on_crit", "%+d", _t"Damage (radius 2) on crit: ", function(item) local col = (DamageType.dam_def[item] and DamageType.dam_def[item].text_color or "#WHITE#"):toTString() return col[2], (" %s"):tformat(DamageType.dam_def[item].name),{"color","LAST"} end) compare_table_fields(combat, compare_with, field, "convert_damage", "%d%%", _t"Damage conversion: ", function(item) local col = (DamageType.dam_def[item] and DamageType.dam_def[item].text_color or "#WHITE#"):toTString() return col[2], (" %s"):tformat(DamageType.dam_def[item].name),{"color","LAST"} end) compare_table_fields(combat, compare_with, field, "inc_damage_type", "%+d%% ", _t"Damage against: ", function(item) local _, _, t, st = item:find("^([^/]+)/?(.*)$") if st and st ~= "" then return _t(st):capitalize() else return _t(t):capitalize() end end) -- resources used to attack compare_table_fields( combat, compare_with, field, "use_resources", "%0.1f", _t"#ORANGE#Attacks use: #LAST#", function(item) local res_def = ActorResource.resources_def[item] local col = (res_def and res_def.color or "#SALMON#"):toTString() return col[2], (" %s"):tformat(res_def and res_def.name or item:capitalize()),{"color","LAST"} end, nil, true) self:triggerHook{"Object:descCombat", compare_with=compare_with, compare_fields=compare_fields, compare_scaled=compare_scaled, compare_scaled=compare_scaled, compare_table_fields=compare_table_fields, desc=desc, combat=combat} return desc end --- Gets the full textual desc of the object without the name and requirements function _M:getTextualDesc(compare_with, use_actor) use_actor = use_actor or game.player compare_with = compare_with or {} local desc = tstring{} if self.quest then desc:add({"color", "VIOLET"},_t"[Plot Item]", {"color", "LAST"}, true) elseif self.cosmetic then desc:add({"color", "C578C6"},_t"[Cosmetic Item]", {"color", "LAST"}, true) elseif self.unique then if self.legendary then desc:add({"color", "FF4000"},_t"[Legendary]", {"color", "LAST"}, true) elseif self.godslayer then desc:add({"color", "AAD500"},_t"[Godslayer]", {"color", "LAST"}, true) elseif self.randart then desc:add({"color", "FF7700"},_t"[Random Unique]", {"color", "LAST"}, true) else desc:add({"color", "FFD700"},_t"[Unique]", {"color", "LAST"}, true) end end desc:add(("Type: %s / %s"):tformat(_t(tostring(rawget(self, 'type')) or _t"unknown", "entity type"), _t(tostring(rawget(self, 'subtype') or _t"unknown"), "entity subtype"))) if self.material_level then desc:add(_t" ; tier ", tostring(self.material_level)) end desc:add(true) if self.slot_forbid == "OFFHAND" then desc:add(_t"It must be held with both hands.", true) end if self.double_weapon then desc:add(_t"It can be used as a weapon and offhand.", true) end desc:add(true) if not self:isIdentified() then -- give limited information if the item is unidentified local combat = self.combat if not combat and self.wielded then -- shield combat if self.subtype == "shield" and self.special_combat and ((use_actor:knowTalentType("technique/shield-offense") or use_actor:knowTalentType("technique/shield-defense") or use_actor:attr("show_shield_combat") or config.settings.tome.display_shield_stats)) then combat = self.special_combat end -- gloves combat if self.subtype == "hands" and self.wielder and self.wielder.combat and (use_actor:knowTalent(use_actor.T_EMPTY_HAND) or use_actor:attr("show_gloves_combat") or config.settings.tome.display_glove_stats) then combat = self.wielder.combat end end if combat then -- always list combat damage types (but not amounts) local special = 0 if combat.talented then local t = use_actor:combatGetTraining(combat) if t and t.name then desc:add(_t"Mastery: ", {"color","GOLD"}, t.name, {"color","LAST"}, true) end end self:descAccuracyBonus(desc, combat or {}, use_actor) if combat.wil_attack then desc:add(_t"Accuracy is based on willpower for this weapon.", true) end local dt = DamageType:get(combat.damtype or DamageType.PHYSICAL) desc:add(_t"Weapon Damage: ", dt.text_color or "#WHITE#", dt.name:upper(),{"color","LAST"}) for dtyp, val in pairs(combat.melee_project or combat.ranged_project or {}) do dt = DamageType:get(dtyp) if dt then if dt.tdesc then special = special + 1 else desc:add(_t", ", dt.text_color or "#WHITE#", dt.name, {"color", "LAST"}) end end end desc:add(true) --special_on_hit count # for both melee and ranged if special>0 or combat.special_on_hit or combat.special_on_crit or combat.special_on_kill or combat.burst_on_crit or combat.burst_on_hit or combat.talent_on_hit or combat.talent_on_crit then desc:add(_t"#YELLOW#It can cause special effects when it strikes in combat.#LAST#", true) end if self.on_block then desc:add(_t"#ORCHID#It can cause special effects when a melee attack is blocked.#LAST#", true) end end if self.wielder then if self.wielder.lite then desc:add(("It %s ambient light (%+d radius)."):tformat(self.wielder.lite >= 0 and _t"provides" or _t"dims", self.wielder.lite), true) end end if self.wielded then if self.use_power or self.use_simple or self.use_talent then desc:add(_t"#ORANGE#It has an activatable power.#LAST#", true) end end --desc:add(_t"----END UNIDED DESC----", true) return desc end if self.set_list then desc:add({"color","GREEN"}, _t"It is part of a set of items.", {"color","LAST"}, true) if self.set_desc then for set_id, text in pairs(self.set_desc) do desc:add({"color","GREEN"}, text, {"color","LAST"}, true) end end if self.set_complete then desc:add({"color","LIGHT_GREEN"}, _t"The set is complete.", {"color","LAST"}, true) end end local compare_fields = function(item1, items, infield, field, outformat, text, mod, isinversed, isdiffinversed, add_table) local add = self:compareFields(item1, items, infield, field, outformat, text, mod, isinversed, isdiffinversed, add_table) if add then desc:merge(add) end end -- included - if we should include the value in the present total. -- total_call - function to call on the actor to get the current total local compare_scaled = function(item1, items, infield, change_field, results, outformat, text, included, mod, isinversed, isdiffinversed, add_table) local out = function(base_change, base_change2) local unworn_base = (item1.wielded and table.get(item1, infield, change_field)) or table.get(items, 1, infield, change_field) -- ugly unworn_base = unworn_base or 0 local scale_change = use_actor:getAttrChange(change_field, -unworn_base, base_change - unworn_base, unpack(results)) if base_change2 then scale_change = scale_change - use_actor:getAttrChange(change_field, -unworn_base, base_change2 - unworn_base, unpack(results)) base_change = base_change - base_change2 end return outformat:format(base_change, scale_change) end return compare_fields(item1, items, infield, change_field, out, text, mod, isinversed, isdiffinversed, add_table) end local compare_table_fields = function(item1, items, infield, field, outformat, text, kfunct, mod, isinversed, filter) local add = self:compareTableFields(item1, items, infield, field, outformat, text, kfunct, mod, isinversed, filter) if add then desc:merge(add) end end local desc_combat = function(...) local cdesc = self:descCombat(use_actor, ...) desc:merge(cdesc) end local desc_wielder = function(w, compare_with, field) w = w or {} w = w[field] or {} compare_scaled(w, compare_with, field, "combat_atk", {"combatAttack"}, _t"%+d #LAST#(%+d eff.)", _t"Accuracy: ") compare_fields(w, compare_with, field, "combat_apr", "%+d", _t"Armour penetration: ") compare_fields(w, compare_with, field, "combat_physcrit", "%+.1f%%", _t"Physical crit. chance: ") compare_scaled(w, compare_with, field, "combat_dam", {"combatPhysicalpower"}, _t"%+d #LAST#(%+d eff.)", _t"Physical power: ") compare_fields(w, compare_with, field, "combat_armor", "%+d", _t"Armour: ") compare_fields(w, compare_with, field, "combat_armor_hardiness", "%+d%%", _t"Armour Hardiness: ") compare_scaled(w, compare_with, field, "combat_def", {"combatDefense", true}, _t"%+d #LAST#(%+d eff.)", _t"Defense: ") compare_scaled(w, compare_with, field, "combat_def_ranged", {"combatDefenseRanged", true}, _t"%+d #LAST#(%+d eff.)", _t"Ranged Defense: ") compare_fields(w, compare_with, field, "fatigue", "%+d%%", _t"Fatigue: ", 1, true, true) compare_fields(w, compare_with, field, "ammo_reload_speed", "%+d", _t"Ammo reloads per turn: ") local dt_string = tstring{} local found = false local combat2 = { melee_project = {} } for i, v in pairs(w.melee_project or {}) do local def = DamageType.dam_def[i] if def and def.tdesc then local d = def.tdesc(v, nil, use_actor) found = true dt_string:add(d, {"color","LAST"}, true) else combat2.melee_project[i] = v end end if found then desc:add({"color","ORANGE"}, _t"Effects on melee hit: ", {"color","LAST"}, true) desc:merge(dt_string) end local ranged = tstring{} local ranged_found = false local ranged_combat = { ranged_project = {} } for i, v in pairs(w.ranged_project or {}) do local def = DamageType.dam_def[i] if def and def.tdesc then local d = def.tdesc(v, nil, use_actor) ranged_found = true ranged:add(d, {"color","LAST"}, true) else ranged_combat.ranged_project[i] = v end end local onhit = tstring{} local found = false local onhit_combat = { on_melee_hit = {} } for i, v in pairs(w.on_melee_hit or {}) do local def = DamageType.dam_def[i] if def and def.tdesc then local d = def.tdesc(v, nil, use_actor) found = true onhit:add(d, {"color","LAST"}, true) else onhit_combat.on_melee_hit[i] = v end end compare_table_fields(combat2, compare_with, field, "melee_project", "%d", _t"Damage (Melee): ", function(item) local col = (DamageType.dam_def[item] and DamageType.dam_def[item].text_color or "#WHITE#"):toTString() return col[2],(" %s"):tformat(DamageType.dam_def[item].name),{"color","LAST"} end) if ranged_found then desc:add({"color","ORANGE"}, _t"Effects on ranged hit: ", {"color","LAST"}, true) desc:merge(ranged) end compare_table_fields(ranged_combat, compare_with, field, "ranged_project", "%d", _t"Damage (Ranged): ", function(item) local col = (DamageType.dam_def[item] and DamageType.dam_def[item].text_color or "#WHITE#"):toTString() return col[2],(" %s"):tformat(DamageType.dam_def[item].name),{"color","LAST"} end) if found then desc:add({"color","ORANGE"}, _t"Effects when hit in melee: ", {"color","LAST"}, true) desc:merge(onhit) end compare_table_fields(onhit_combat, compare_with, field, "on_melee_hit", "%d", _t"Damage when hit (Melee): ", function(item) local col = (DamageType.dam_def[item] and DamageType.dam_def[item].text_color or "#WHITE#"):toTString() return col[2],(" %s"):tformat(DamageType.dam_def[item].name),{"color","LAST"} end) -- get_items takes the object table and returns a table of items to print. -- Each of these items one of the following: -- id -> {priority, string} -- id -> {priority, message_function(this, compared), value} -- header is the section header. local compare_list = function(header, get_items) local priority_ordering = function(left, right) return left[2][1] < right[2][1] end if next(compare_with) then -- Grab the left and right items. local left = get_items(self) local right = {} for i, v in ipairs(compare_with) do for k, item in pairs(get_items(v[field])) do if not right[k] then right[k] = item elseif type(right[k]) == 'number' then right[k] = right[k] + item else right[k] = item end end end if not left then game.log("No left") end if not right then game.log("No right") end -- Exit early if no items. if not next(left) and not next(right) then return end desc:add(header, true) local combined = table.clone(left) table.merge(combined, right) for k, _ in table.orderedPairs2(combined, priority_ordering) do l = left[k] r = right[k] message = (l and l[2]) or (r and r[2]) if type(message) == 'function' then desc:add(message(l and l[3], r and r[3] or 0), true) elseif type(message) == 'string' then local prefix = '* ' local color = 'WHITE' if l and not r then color = 'GREEN' prefix = '+ ' end if not l and r then color = 'RED' prefix = '- ' end desc:add({'color',color}, prefix, message, {'color','LAST'}, true) end end else local items = get_items(self) if next(items) then desc:add(header, true) for k, v in table.orderedPairs2(items, priority_ordering) do message = v[2] if type(message) == 'function' then desc:add(message(v[3]), true) elseif type(message) == 'string' then desc:add({'color','WHITE'}, '* ', message, {'color','LAST'}, true) end end end end end local get_special_list = function(o, key) local special = o[key] -- No special if not special then return {} end -- Single special if special.desc then return {[special.desc] = {10, util.getval(special.desc, self, use_actor, special)}} end -- Multiple specials local list = {} for _, special in pairs(special) do list[special.desc] = {10, util.getval(special.desc, self, use_actor, special)} end return list end compare_list( _t"#YELLOW#On shield block:#LAST#", function(o) if not o then return {} end return get_special_list(o, 'on_block') end ) compare_table_fields(w, compare_with, field, "inc_stats", "%+d", _t"Changes stats: ", function(item) -- I18N Stats using display_short_name return (" %s"):tformat(Stats.stats_def[item].display_short_name:capitalize()) end) compare_table_fields(w, compare_with, field, "resists", "%+d%%", _t"Changes resistances: ", function(item) local col = (DamageType.dam_def[item] and DamageType.dam_def[item].text_color or "#WHITE#"):toTString() return col[2], (" %s"):tformat(item == "all" and _t"all" or (DamageType.dam_def[item] and DamageType.dam_def[item].name or "??")), {"color","LAST"} end) compare_table_fields(w, compare_with, field, "resists_cap", "%+d%%", _t"Changes resistances cap: ", function(item) local col = (DamageType.dam_def[item] and DamageType.dam_def[item].text_color or "#WHITE#"):toTString() return col[2], (" %s"):tformat(item == "all" and _t"all" or (DamageType.dam_def[item] and DamageType.dam_def[item].name or "??")), {"color","LAST"} end) compare_table_fields(w, compare_with, field, "flat_damage_armor", "%+d", _t"Reduce damage by fixed amount: ", function(item) local col = (DamageType.dam_def[item] and DamageType.dam_def[item].text_color or "#WHITE#"):toTString() return col[2], (" %s"):tformat(item == "all" and _t"all" or (DamageType.dam_def[item] and DamageType.dam_def[item].name or "??")), {"color","LAST"} end) compare_table_fields(w, compare_with, field, "wards", "%+d", _t"Maximum wards: ", function(item) local col = (DamageType.dam_def[item] and DamageType.dam_def[item].text_color or "#WHITE#"):toTString() return col[2], (" %s"):tformat(item == "all" and _t"all" or (DamageType.dam_def[item] and DamageType.dam_def[item].name or "??")), {"color","LAST"} end) compare_table_fields(w, compare_with, field, "resists_pen", "%+d%%", _t"Changes resistances penetration: ", function(item) local col = (DamageType.dam_def[item] and DamageType.dam_def[item].text_color or "#WHITE#"):toTString() return col[2], (" %s"):tformat(item == "all" and _t"all" or (DamageType.dam_def[item] and DamageType.dam_def[item].name or "??")), {"color","LAST"} end) compare_table_fields(w, compare_with, field, "inc_damage", "%+d%%", _t"Changes damage: ", function(item) local col = (DamageType.dam_def[item] and DamageType.dam_def[item].text_color or "#WHITE#"):toTString() return col[2], (" %s"):tformat(item == "all" and _t"all" or (DamageType.dam_def[item] and DamageType.dam_def[item].name or "??")), {"color","LAST"} end) compare_table_fields(w, compare_with, field, "inc_damage_actor_type", "%+d%% ", _t"Damage against: ", function(item) local _, _, t, st = item:find("^([^/]+)/?(.*)$") if st and st ~= "" then return _t(st):capitalize() else return _t(t):capitalize() end end) compare_table_fields(w, compare_with, field, "resists_actor_type", "%+d%% ", _t"Reduced damage from: ", function(item) local _, _, t, st = item:find("^([^/]+)/?(.*)$") if st and st ~= "" then return _t(st):capitalize() else return _t(t):capitalize() end end) compare_table_fields(w, compare_with, field, "talents_mastery_bonus", "+%0.2f ", _t"Talent category bonus: ", function(item) local _, _, t, st = item:find("^([^/]+)/?(.*)$") if st and st ~= "" then return _t(st):capitalize() else return _t(t):capitalize() end end) compare_table_fields(w, compare_with, field, "damage_affinity", "%+d%%", _t"Damage affinity(heal): ", function(item) local col = (DamageType.dam_def[item] and DamageType.dam_def[item].text_color or "#WHITE#"):toTString() return col[2], (" %s"):tformat(item == "all" and _t"all" or (DamageType.dam_def[item] and DamageType.dam_def[item].name or "??")), {"color","LAST"} end) compare_fields(w, compare_with, field, "esp_range", "%+d", _t"Change telepathy range by : ") local any_esp = false local esps_compare = {} for i, v in ipairs(compare_with or {}) do if v[field] and v[field].esp_all and v[field].esp_all > 0 then esps_compare["All"] = esps_compare["All"] or {} esps_compare["All"][1] = true any_esp = true end for type, i in pairs(v[field] and (v[field].esp or {}) or {}) do if i and i > 0 then local _, _, t, st = type:find("^([^/]+)/?(.*)$") local esp = "" if st and st ~= "" then esp = t:capitalize().."/"..st:capitalize() else esp = t:capitalize() end esps_compare[esp] = esps_compare[esp] or {} esps_compare[esp][1] = true any_esp = true end end end local esps = {} if w.esp_all and w.esp_all > 0 then esps[#esps+1] = _t"All" esps_compare[esps[#esps]] = esps_compare[esps[#esps]] or {} esps_compare[esps[#esps]][2] = true any_esp = true end for type, i in pairs(w.esp or {}) do if i and i > 0 then local _, _, t, st = type:find("^([^/]+)/?(.*)$") if st and st ~= "" then esps[#esps+1] = _t(t):capitalize().."/".._t(st):capitalize() else esps[#esps+1] = _t(t):capitalize() end esps_compare[esps[#esps]] = esps_compare[esps[#esps]] or {} esps_compare[esps[#esps]][2] = true any_esp = true end end if any_esp then desc:add(_t"Grants telepathy: ") for esp, isin in pairs(esps_compare) do if isin[2] then desc:add(isin[1] and {"color","WHITE"} or {"color","GREEN"}, ("%s "):format(esp), {"color","LAST"}) else desc:add({"color","RED"}, ("%s "):format(esp), {"color","LAST"}) end end desc:add(true) end local any_mastery = 0 local masteries = {} for i, v in ipairs(compare_with or {}) do if v[field] and v[field].talents_types_mastery then for ttn, mastery in pairs(v[field].talents_types_mastery) do masteries[ttn] = masteries[ttn] or {} masteries[ttn][1] = mastery any_mastery = any_mastery + 1 end end end for ttn, i in pairs(w.talents_types_mastery or {}) do masteries[ttn] = masteries[ttn] or {} masteries[ttn][2] = i any_mastery = any_mastery + 1 end if any_mastery > 0 then desc:add(("Talent %s: "):tformat(any_mastery > 1 and _t"masteries" or _t"mastery")) for ttn, ttid in pairs(masteries) do local tt = Talents.talents_types_def[ttn] if tt then local cat = tt.type:gsub("/.*", "") local name = _t(cat):capitalize().._t(" / ")..tt.name:capitalize() local diff = (ttid[2] or 0) - (ttid[1] or 0) if diff ~= 0 then if ttid[1] then desc:add(("%+.2f"):format(ttid[2] or 0), diff < 0 and {"color","RED"} or {"color","LIGHT_GREEN"}, ("(%+.2f) "):format(diff), {"color","LAST"}, ("%s "):format(name)) else desc:add({"color","LIGHT_GREEN"}, ("%+.2f"):format(ttid[2] or 0), {"color","LAST"}, (" %s "):format(name)) end else desc:add({"color","WHITE"}, ("%+.2f(-) %s "):format(ttid[2] or ttid[1], name), {"color","LAST"}) end end end desc:add(true) end local any_cd_reduction = 0 local cd_reductions = {} for i, v in ipairs(compare_with or {}) do if v[field] and v[field].talent_cd_reduction then for tid, cd in pairs(v[field].talent_cd_reduction) do cd_reductions[tid] = cd_reductions[tid] or {} cd_reductions[tid][1] = cd any_cd_reduction = any_cd_reduction + 1 end end end for tid, cd in pairs(w.talent_cd_reduction or {}) do cd_reductions[tid] = cd_reductions[tid] or {} cd_reductions[tid][2] = cd any_cd_reduction = any_cd_reduction + 1 end if any_cd_reduction > 0 then desc:add(("%s cooldown:"):tformat(any_cd_reduction > 1 and _t"Talents" or _t"Talent")) for tid, cds in pairs(cd_reductions) do local diff = (cds[2] or 0) - (cds[1] or 0) if diff ~= 0 then if cds[1] then desc:add((" %s ("):format(Talents.talents_def[tid].name), ("(%+d"):format(-(cds[2] or 0)), diff < 0 and {"color","RED"} or {"color","LIGHT_GREEN"}, ("(%+d) "):format(-diff), {"color","LAST"}, ("%s)"):tformat(((cds[2] or 0) > 1) and _t"turns" or _t"turn")) else desc:add((" %s ("):format(Talents.talents_def[tid].name), {"color","LIGHT_GREEN"}, ("%+d"):format(-(cds[2] or 0)), {"color","LAST"}, (" %s)"):tformat((cds[2] > 1) and _t"turns" or _t"turn")) end else desc:add({"color","WHITE"}, (" %s (%+d(-) %s)"):tformat(Talents.talents_def[tid].name, -(cds[2] or cds[1]), ((cds[2] or 0) > 1) and _t"turns" or _t"turn"), {"color","LAST"}) end end desc:add(true) end -- Display learned talents local any_learn_talent = 0 local learn_talents = {} for i, v in ipairs(compare_with or {}) do if v[field] and v[field].learn_talent then for tid, tl in pairs(v[field].learn_talent) do if tl > 0 then learn_talents[tid] = learn_talents[tid] or {} learn_talents[tid][1] = tl any_learn_talent = any_learn_talent + 1 end end end end for tid, tl in pairs(w.learn_talent or {}) do if tl > 0 then learn_talents[tid] = learn_talents[tid] or {} learn_talents[tid][2] = tl any_learn_talent = any_learn_talent + 1 end end if any_learn_talent > 0 then desc:add(("%s granted: "):tformat(any_learn_talent > 1 and _t"Talents" or _t"Talent")) for tid, tl in pairs(learn_talents) do local diff = (tl[2] or 0) - (tl[1] or 0) local name = Talents.talents_def[tid].name if diff ~= 0 then if tl[1] then desc:add(("+%d"):format(tl[2] or 0), diff < 0 and {"color","RED"} or {"color","LIGHT_GREEN"}, ("(+%d) "):format(diff), {"color","LAST"}, ("%s "):format(name)) else desc:add({"color","LIGHT_GREEN"}, ("+%d"):format(tl[2] or 0), {"color","LAST"}, (" %s "):format(name)) end else desc:add({"color","WHITE"}, ("%+.2f(-) %s "):format(tl[2] or tl[1], name), {"color","LAST"}) end end desc:add(true) end local any_breath = 0 local breaths = {} for i, v in ipairs(compare_with or {}) do if v[field] and v[field].can_breath then for what, _ in pairs(v[field].can_breath) do breaths[what] = breaths[what] or {} breaths[what][1] = true any_breath = any_breath + 1 end end end for what, _ in pairs(w.can_breath or {}) do breaths[what] = breaths[what] or {} breaths[what][2] = true any_breath = any_breath + 1 end if any_breath > 0 then desc:add(_t"Allows you to breathe in: ") for what, isin in pairs(breaths) do if isin[2] then desc:add(isin[1] and {"color","WHITE"} or {"color","GREEN"}, ("%s "):format(_t(what)), {"color","LAST"}) else desc:add({"color","RED"}, ("%s "):format(_t(what)), {"color","LAST"}) end end desc:add(true) end compare_fields(w, compare_with, field, "combat_critical_power", "%+.2f%%", _t"Critical mult.: ") compare_fields(w, compare_with, field, "ignore_direct_crits", "%-.2f%%", _t"Reduces incoming crit damage: ") compare_fields(w, compare_with, field, "combat_crit_reduction", "%-d%%", _t"Reduces opponents crit chance: ") compare_fields(w, compare_with, field, "disarm_bonus", "%+d", _t"Trap disarming bonus: ") compare_fields(w, compare_with, field, "inc_stealth", "%+d", _t"Stealth bonus: ") compare_fields(w, compare_with, field, "max_encumber", "%+d", _t"Maximum encumbrance: ") compare_scaled(w, compare_with, field, "combat_physresist", {"combatPhysicalResist", true}, _t"%+d #LAST#(%+d eff.)", _t"Physical save: ") compare_scaled(w, compare_with, field, "combat_spellresist", {"combatSpellResist", true}, _t"%+d #LAST#(%+d eff.)", _t"Spell save: ") compare_scaled(w, compare_with, field, "combat_mentalresist", {"combatMentalResist", true}, _t"%+d #LAST#(%+d eff.)", _t"Mental save: ") compare_fields(w, compare_with, field, "blind_immune", "%+d%%", _t"Blindness immunity: ", 100) compare_fields(w, compare_with, field, "poison_immune", "%+d%%", _t"Poison immunity: ", 100) compare_fields(w, compare_with, field, "disease_immune", "%+d%%", _t"Disease immunity: ", 100) compare_fields(w, compare_with, field, "cut_immune", "%+d%%", _t"Cut immunity: ", 100) compare_fields(w, compare_with, field, "silence_immune", "%+d%%", _t"Silence immunity: ", 100) compare_fields(w, compare_with, field, "disarm_immune", "%+d%%", _t"Disarm immunity: ", 100) compare_fields(w, compare_with, field, "confusion_immune", "%+d%%", _t"Confusion immunity: ", 100) compare_fields(w, compare_with, field, "sleep_immune", "%+d%%", _t"Sleep immunity: ", 100) compare_fields(w, compare_with, field, "pin_immune", "%+d%%", _t"Pinning immunity: ", 100) compare_fields(w, compare_with, field, "stun_immune", "%+d%%", _t"Stun/Freeze immunity: ", 100) compare_fields(w, compare_with, field, "fear_immune", "%+d%%", _t"Fear immunity: ", 100) compare_fields(w, compare_with, field, "knockback_immune", "%+d%%", _t"Knockback immunity: ", 100) compare_fields(w, compare_with, field, "instakill_immune", "%+d%%", _t"Instant-death immunity: ", 100) compare_fields(w, compare_with, field, "teleport_immune", "%+d%%", _t"Teleport immunity: ", 100) compare_fields(w, compare_with, field, "life_regen", "%+.2f", _t"Life regen: ") compare_fields(w, compare_with, field, "stamina_regen", "%+.2f", _t"Stamina each turn: ") compare_fields(w, compare_with, field, "mana_regen", "%+.2f", _t"Mana each turn: ") compare_fields(w, compare_with, field, "hate_regen", "%+.2f", _t"Hate each turn: ") compare_fields(w, compare_with, field, "psi_regen", "%+.2f", _t"Psi each turn: ") compare_fields(w, compare_with, field, "equilibrium_regen", "%+.2f", _t"Equilibrium each turn: ", nil, true, true) compare_fields(w, compare_with, field, "vim_regen", "%+.2f", _t"Vim each turn: ") compare_fields(w, compare_with, field, "positive_regen", "%+.2f", _t"P.Energy each turn: ") compare_fields(w, compare_with, field, "negative_regen", "%+.2f", _t"N.Energy each turn: ") compare_fields(w, compare_with, field, "stamina_regen_when_hit", "%+.2f", _t"Stamina when hit: ") compare_fields(w, compare_with, field, "mana_regen_when_hit", "%+.2f", _t"Mana when hit: ") compare_fields(w, compare_with, field, "equilibrium_regen_when_hit", "%+.2f", _t"Equilibrium when hit: ") compare_fields(w, compare_with, field, "psi_regen_when_hit", "%+.2f", _t"Psi when hit: ") compare_fields(w, compare_with, field, "hate_regen_when_hit", "%+.2f", _t"Hate when hit: ") compare_fields(w, compare_with, field, "vim_regen_when_hit", "%+.2f", _t"Vim when hit: ") compare_fields(w, compare_with, field, "vim_on_melee", "%+.2f", _t"Vim when hitting in melee: ") compare_fields(w, compare_with, field, "mana_on_crit", "%+.2f", _t"Mana when firing critical spell: ") compare_fields(w, compare_with, field, "vim_on_crit", "%+.2f", _t"Vim when firing critical spell: ") compare_fields(w, compare_with, field, "spellsurge_on_crit", "%+d", _t"Spellpower on spell critical (stacks up to 3 times): ") compare_fields(w, compare_with, field, "hate_on_crit", "%+.2f", _t"Hate when firing a critical mind attack: ") compare_fields(w, compare_with, field, "psi_on_crit", "%+.2f", _t"Psi when firing a critical mind attack: ") compare_fields(w, compare_with, field, "equilibrium_on_crit", "%+.2f", _t"Equilibrium when firing a critical mind attack: ") compare_fields(w, compare_with, field, "hate_per_kill", "+%0.2f", _t"Hate per kill: ") compare_fields(w, compare_with, field, "psi_per_kill", "+%0.2f", _t"Psi per kill: ") compare_fields(w, compare_with, field, "vim_on_death", "%+.2f", _t"Vim per kill: ") compare_fields(w, compare_with, field, "die_at", _t"%+.2f life", _t"Only die when reaching: ", 1, true, true) compare_fields(w, compare_with, field, "max_life", "%+.2f", _t"Maximum life: ") compare_fields(w, compare_with, field, "max_mana", "%+.2f", _t"Maximum mana: ") compare_fields(w, compare_with, field, "max_soul", "%+.2f", _t"Maximum souls: ") compare_fields(w, compare_with, field, "max_stamina", "%+.2f", _t"Maximum stamina: ") compare_fields(w, compare_with, field, "max_hate", "%+.2f", _t"Maximum hate: ") compare_fields(w, compare_with, field, "max_psi", "%+.2f", _t"Maximum psi: ") compare_fields(w, compare_with, field, "max_vim", "%+.2f", _t"Maximum vim: ") compare_fields(w, compare_with, field, "max_positive", "%+.2f", _t"Maximum pos.energy: ") compare_fields(w, compare_with, field, "max_negative", "%+.2f", _t"Maximum neg.energy: ") compare_fields(w, compare_with, field, "max_air", "%+.2f", _t"Maximum air capacity: ") compare_scaled(w, compare_with, field, "combat_spellpower", {"combatSpellpower"}, _t"%+d #LAST#(%+d eff.)", _t"Spellpower: ") compare_fields(w, compare_with, field, "combat_spellcrit", "%+d%%", _t"Spell crit. chance: ") compare_fields(w, compare_with, field, "spell_cooldown_reduction", "%d%%", _t"Lowers spell cool-downs by: ", 100) compare_scaled(w, compare_with, field, "combat_mindpower", {"combatMindpower"}, _t"%+d #LAST#(%+d eff.)", _t"Mindpower: ") compare_fields(w, compare_with, field, "combat_mindcrit", "%+d%%", _t"Mental crit. chance: ") compare_fields(w, compare_with, field, "lite", "%+d", _t"Light radius: ") compare_fields(w, compare_with, field, "infravision", "%+d", _t"Infravision radius: ") compare_fields(w, compare_with, field, "heightened_senses", "%+d", _t"Heightened senses radius: ") compare_fields(w, compare_with, field, "sight", "%+d", _t"Sight radius: ") compare_fields(w, compare_with, field, "see_stealth", "%+d", _t"See stealth: ") compare_fields(w, compare_with, field, "see_invisible", "%+d", _t"See invisible: ") compare_fields(w, compare_with, field, "invisible", "%+d", _t"Invisibility: ") compare_fields(w, compare_with, field, "global_speed_add", "%+d%%", _t"Global speed: ", 100) compare_fields(w, compare_with, field, "movement_speed", "%+d%%", _t"Movement speed: ", 100) compare_fields(w, compare_with, field, "combat_physspeed", "%+d%%", _t"Combat speed: ", 100) compare_fields(w, compare_with, field, "combat_spellspeed", "%+d%%", _t"Casting speed: ", 100) compare_fields(w, compare_with, field, "combat_mindspeed", "%+d%%", _t"Mental speed: ", 100) compare_fields(w, compare_with, field, "healing_factor", "%+d%%", _t"Healing mod.: ", 100) compare_fields(w, compare_with, field, "heal_on_nature_summon", "%+d", _t"Heals friendly targets nearby when you use a nature summon: ") compare_fields(w, compare_with, field, "life_leech_chance", "%+d%%", _t"Life leech chance: ") compare_fields(w, compare_with, field, "life_leech_value", "%+d%%", _t"Life leech: ") compare_fields(w, compare_with, field, "resource_leech_chance", "%+d%%", _t"Resource leech chance: ") compare_fields(w, compare_with, field, "resource_leech_value", "%+d", _t"Resource leech: ") compare_fields(w, compare_with, field, "damage_shield_penetrate", "%+d%%", _t"Damage Shield penetration: ") compare_fields(w, compare_with, field, "projectile_evasion", "%+d%%", _t"Deflect projectiles away: ") compare_fields(w, compare_with, field, "evasion", "%+d%%", _t"Chance to avoid attacks: ") compare_fields(w, compare_with, field, "cancel_damage_chance", "%+d%%", _t"Chance to avoid any damage: ") compare_fields(w, compare_with, field, "defense_on_teleport", "%+d", _t"Defense after a teleport: ") compare_fields(w, compare_with, field, "resist_all_on_teleport", "%+d%%", _t"Resist all after a teleport: ") compare_fields(w, compare_with, field, "effect_reduction_on_teleport", "%+d%%", _t"New effects duration reduction after a teleport: ") compare_fields(w, compare_with, field, "damage_resonance", "%+d%%", _t"Damage Resonance (when hit): ") compare_fields(w, compare_with, field, "size_category", "%+d", _t"Size category: ") compare_fields(w, compare_with, field, "nature_summon_max", "%+d", _t"Max wilder summons: ") compare_fields(w, compare_with, field, "nature_summon_regen", "%+.2f", _t"Life regen bonus (wilder-summons): ") compare_fields(w, compare_with, field, "shield_dur", "%+d", _t"Damage Shield Duration: ") compare_fields(w, compare_with, field, "shield_factor", "%+d%%", _t"Damage Shield Power: ") compare_fields(w, compare_with, field, "iceblock_pierce", "%+d%%", _t"Ice block penetration: ") compare_fields(w, compare_with, field, "slow_projectiles", "%+d%%", _t"Slows Projectiles: ") compare_fields(w, compare_with, field, "shield_windwall", "%+d", _t"Bonus block near projectiles: ") compare_fields(w, compare_with, field, "paradox_reduce_anomalies", "%+d", _t"Reduces paradox anomalies(equivalent to willpower): ") compare_fields(w, compare_with, field, "damage_backfire", "%+d%%", _t"Damage Backlash: ", nil, true) compare_fields(w, compare_with, field, "resist_unseen", "%-d%%", _t"Reduce all damage from unseen attackers: ") if w.undead then desc:add(_t"The wearer is treated as an undead.", true) end if w.demon then desc:add(_t"The wearer is treated as a demon.", true) end if w.blind then desc:add(_t"The wearer is blinded.", true) end if w.sleep then desc:add(_t"The wearer is asleep.", true) end if w.blind_fight then desc:add({"color", "YELLOW"}, _t"Blind-Fight: ", {"color", "LAST"}, _t"This item allows the wearer to attack unseen targets without any penalties.", true) end if w.lucid_dreamer then desc:add({"color", "YELLOW"}, _t"Lucid Dreamer: ", {"color", "LAST"}, _t"This item allows the wearer to act while sleeping.", true) end if w.no_breath then desc:add(_t"The wearer no longer has to breathe.", true) end if w.quick_weapon_swap then desc:add({"color", "YELLOW"}, _t"Quick Weapon Swap:", {"color", "LAST"}, _t"This item allows the wearer to swap to their secondary weapon without spending a turn.", true) end if w.avoid_pressure_traps then desc:add({"color", "YELLOW"}, _t"Avoid Pressure Traps: ", {"color", "LAST"}, _t"The wearer never triggers traps that require pressure.", true) end if w.speaks_shertul then desc:add(_t"Allows you to speak and read the old Sher'Tul language.", true) end self:triggerHook{"Object:descWielder", compare_with=compare_with, compare_fields=compare_fields, compare_scaled=compare_scaled, compare_table_fields=compare_table_fields, desc=desc, w=w, field=field} -- Do not show "general effect" if nothing to show -- if desc[#desc-2] == "General effects: " then table.remove(desc) table.remove(desc) table.remove(desc) table.remove(desc) end local can_combat_unarmed = false local compare_unarmed = {} for i, v in ipairs(compare_with) do if v.wielder and v.wielder.combat then can_combat_unarmed = true end compare_unarmed[i] = compare_with[i].wielder or {} end if (w and w.combat or can_combat_unarmed) and (use_actor:knowTalent(use_actor.T_EMPTY_HAND) or use_actor:attr("show_gloves_combat") or config.settings.tome.display_glove_stats) then desc:add({"color","YELLOW"}, _t"When used to modify unarmed attacks:", {"color", "LAST"}, true) compare_tab = { dam=1, atk=1, apr=0, physcrit=0, physspeed =(use_actor:knowTalent(use_actor.T_EMPTY_HAND) and 0.8 or 1), dammod={str=1}, damrange=1.1 } desc_combat(w, compare_unarmed, "combat", compare_tab, true) elseif (w and w.combat or can_combat_unarmed) then desc:add({"color","LIGHT_BLUE"}, _t"Learn an unarmed attack talent or enable 'Always show glove combat' to see combat stats.", {"color", "LAST"}, true) end end local can_combat = false local can_special_combat = false local can_wielder = false local can_carrier = false local can_imbue_powers = false for i, v in ipairs(compare_with) do if v.combat then can_combat = true end if v.special_combat then can_special_combat = true end if v.wielder then can_wielder = true end if v.carrier then can_carrier = true end if v.imbue_powers then can_imbue_powers = true end end if self.combat or can_combat then desc_combat(self, compare_with, "combat") end if (self.special_combat or can_special_combat) and (use_actor:knowTalentType("technique/shield-offense") or use_actor:knowTalentType("technique/shield-defense") or use_actor:attr("show_shield_combat") or config.settings.tome.display_shield_stats) then desc:add({"color","YELLOW"}, _t"When used to attack (with talents):", {"color", "LAST"}, true) desc_combat(self, compare_with, "special_combat") elseif (self.special_combat or can_special_combat) then desc:add({"color","LIGHT_BLUE"}, _t"Learn shield attack talent or enable 'Always show shield combat' to see combat stats.", {"color", "LAST"}, true) end local found = false for i, v in ipairs(compare_with or {}) do if v[field] and v[field].no_teleport then found = true end end if self.no_teleport then desc:add(found and {"color","WHITE"} or {"color","GREEN"}, _t"It is immune to teleportation, if you teleport it will fall on the ground.", {"color", "LAST"}, true) elseif found then desc:add({"color","RED"}, _t"It is immune to teleportation, if you teleport it will fall on the ground.", {"color", "LAST"}, true) end if self.wielder or can_wielder then desc:add({"color","YELLOW"}, _t"When wielded/worn:", {"color", "LAST"}, true) desc_wielder(self, compare_with, "wielder") if self:attr("skullcracker_mult") and use_actor:knowTalent(use_actor.T_SKULLCRACKER) then compare_fields(self, compare_with, "wielder", "skullcracker_mult", "%+d", _t"Skullcracker multiplicator: ") end end if self.carrier or can_carrier then desc:add({"color","YELLOW"}, _t"When carried:", {"color", "LAST"}, true) desc_wielder(self, compare_with, "carrier") end if self.is_tinker then if self.on_type then if self.on_subtype then desc.add(("Attach on item of type '#ORANGE#%s / %s#LAST#'"):tformat(self.on_type, self.on_subtype):toTString(), true) else desc.add(("Attach on item of type '#ORANGE#%s#LAST#'"):tformat(self.on_type):toTString(), true) end end if self.on_slot then desc.add(("Attach on item worn on slot '#ORANGE#%s#LAST#'"):tformat(self.on_slot:lower():gsub('_', ' ')):toTString(), true) end if self.object_tinker and (self.object_tinker.combat or self.object_tinker.wielder) then desc:add({"color","YELLOW"}, _t"When attach to an other item:", {"color", "LAST"}, true) if self.object_tinker.combat then desc_combat(self.object_tinker, compare_with, "combat") end if self.object_tinker.wielder then desc_wielder(self.object_tinker, compare_with, "wielder") end end end if self.special_desc then local d = self:special_desc(use_actor) if d then desc:add({"color", "ROYAL_BLUE"}) desc:merge(d:toTString()) desc:add({"color", "LAST"}, true) end end if self.on_block and self.on_block.desc then local d = self.on_block.desc desc:add({"color", "ORCHID"}) desc:add(_t"Special effect on block: " .. d) desc:add({"color", "LAST"}, true) end if self.imbue_powers or can_imbue_powers then desc:add({"color","YELLOW"}, _t"When used to imbue an object:", {"color", "LAST"}, true) desc_wielder(self, compare_with, "imbue_powers") end if self.alchemist_bomb or self.type == "gem" and use_actor:knowTalent(Talents.T_CREATE_ALCHEMIST_GEMS) then local a = self.alchemist_bomb if not a then a = game.zone.object_list["ALCHEMIST_GEM_"..self.name:gsub(" ", "_"):upper()] if a then a = a.alchemist_bomb end end if a then desc:add({"color","YELLOW"}, _t"When used as an alchemist bomb:", {"color", "LAST"}, true) if a.power then desc:add(("Bomb damage +%d%%"):tformat(a.power), true) end if a.range then desc:add(("Bomb thrown range +%d"):tformat(a.range), true) end if a.mana then desc:add(("Mana regain %d"):tformat(a.mana), true) end if a.daze then desc:add(("%d%% chance to daze for %d turns"):tformat(a.daze.chance, a.daze.dur), true) end if a.stun then desc:add(("%d%% chance to stun for %d turns"):tformat(a.stun.chance, a.stun.dur), true) end if a.splash then if a.splash.desc then desc:add(a.splash.desc, true) else desc:add(("Additional %d %s damage"):tformat(a.splash.dam, DamageType:get(DamageType[a.splash.type]).name), true) end end if a.leech then desc:add(("Life regen %d%% of max life"):tformat(a.leech), true) end end end local latent = table.get(self.color_attributes, 'damage_type') if latent then latent = DamageType:get(latent) or {} desc:add({"color","YELLOW",}, _t"Latent Damage Type: ", {"color","LAST",}, latent.text_color or "#WHITE#", latent.name:capitalize(), {"color", "LAST",}, true) end if self.inscription_data and self.inscription_talent then use_actor.__inscription_data_fake = self.inscription_data local t = self:getTalentFromId("T_"..self.inscription_talent.."_1") if t then local ok, tdesc = pcall(use_actor.getTalentFullDescription, use_actor, t) if ok and tdesc then desc:add({"color","YELLOW"}, _t"When inscribed on your body:", {"color", "LAST"}, true) desc:merge(tdesc) desc:add(true) end end use_actor.__inscription_data_fake = nil end if self.wielder and self.wielder.talents_add_levels then for tid, lvl in pairs(self.wielder.talents_add_levels) do local t = use_actor:getTalentFromId(tid) desc:add(lvl < 0 and {"color","FIREBRICK"} or {"color","OLIVE_DRAB"}, ("Talent level: %+d %s."):tformat(lvl, t and t.name or "???"), {"color","LAST"}, true) end end if self.talents_add_levels_filters then for _, data in ipairs(self.talents_add_levels_filters) do desc:add(data.detrimental and {"color","FIREBRICK"} or {"color","OLIVE_DRAB"}, ("Talent level: %s."):tformat(data.desc), {"color","LAST"}, true) end end local talents = {} if self.talent_on_spell then for _, data in ipairs(self.talent_on_spell) do if data.talent then talents[data.talent] = {data.chance, data.level} end end end for i, v in ipairs(compare_with or {}) do for _, data in ipairs(v[field] and (v[field].talent_on_spell or {})or {}) do if data.talent then local tid = data.talent if not talents[tid] or talents[tid][1]~=data.chance or talents[tid][2]~=data.level then desc:add({"color","RED"}, ("Talent on hit(spell): %s (%d%% chance level %d)."):tformat(self:getTalentFromId(tid).name, data.chance, data.level), {"color","LAST"}, true) else talents[tid][3] = true end end end end for tid, data in pairs(talents) do desc:add(talents[tid][3] and {"color","GREEN"} or {"color","WHITE"}, ("Talent on hit(spell): %s (%d%% chance level %d)."):tformat(self:getTalentFromId(tid).name, talents[tid][1], talents[tid][2]), {"color","LAST"}, true) end local talents = {} if self.talent_on_wild_gift then for _, data in ipairs(self.talent_on_wild_gift) do if data.talent then talents[data.talent] = {data.chance, data.level} end end end for i, v in ipairs(compare_with or {}) do for _, data in ipairs(v[field] and (v[field].talent_on_wild_gift or {})or {}) do if data.talent then local tid = data.talent if not talents[tid] or talents[tid][1]~=data.chance or talents[tid][2]~=data.level then desc:add({"color","RED"}, ("Talent on hit(nature): %s (%d%% chance level %d)."):tformat(self:getTalentFromId(tid).name, data.chance, data.level), {"color","LAST"}, true) else talents[tid][3] = true end end end end for tid, data in pairs(talents) do desc:add(talents[tid][3] and {"color","GREEN"} or {"color","WHITE"}, ("Talent on hit(nature): %s (%d%% chance level %d)."):tformat(self:getTalentFromId(tid).name, talents[tid][1], talents[tid][2]), {"color","LAST"}, true) end local talents = {} if self.talent_on_mind then for _, data in ipairs(self.talent_on_mind) do if data.talent then talents[data.talent] = {data.chance, data.level} end end end for i, v in ipairs(compare_with or {}) do for _, data in ipairs(v[field] and (v[field].talent_on_mind or {})or {}) do if data.talent then local tid = data.talent if not talents[tid] or talents[tid][1]~=data.chance or talents[tid][2]~=data.level then desc:add({"color","RED"}, ("Talent on hit(mindpower): %s (%d%% chance level %d)."):tformat(self:getTalentFromId(tid).name, data.chance, data.level), {"color","LAST"}, true) else talents[tid][3] = true end end end end for tid, data in pairs(talents) do desc:add(talents[tid][3] and {"color","GREEN"} or {"color","WHITE"}, ("Talent on hit(mindpower): %s (%d%% chance level %d)."):tformat(self:getTalentFromId(tid).name, talents[tid][1], talents[tid][2]), {"color","LAST"}, true) end if self.use_no_energy and self.use_no_energy ~= "fake" then desc:add(_t"Activating this item is instant.", true) elseif self.use_talent then local t = use_actor:getTalentFromId(self.use_talent.id) if util.getval(t.no_energy, use_actor, t) == true then desc:add(_t"Activating this item is instant.", true) end end if self.curse then local t = use_actor:getTalentFromId(use_actor.T_DEFILING_TOUCH) if t and t.canCurseItem(use_actor, t, self) then desc:add({"color",0xf5,0x3c,0xbe}, use_actor.tempeffect_def[self.curse].desc, {"color","LAST"}, true) end end self:triggerHook{"Object:descMisc", compare_with=compare_with, compare_fields=compare_fields, compare_scaled=compare_scaled, compare_table_fields=compare_table_fields, desc=desc, object=self} local use_desc = self:getUseDesc(use_actor) if use_desc then desc:merge(use_desc:toTString()) end return desc end -- get the textual description of the object's usable power function _M:getUseDesc(use_actor) use_actor = use_actor or game.player local ret = tstring{} local reduce = 100 - util.bound(use_actor:attr("use_object_cooldown_reduce") or 0, 0, 100) local usepower = function(power) return math.ceil(power * reduce / 100) end if self.use_power and not self.use_power.hidden then local desc = util.getval(self.use_power.name, self, use_actor) if self.show_charges then ret = tstring{{"color","YELLOW"}, ("It can be used to %s, with %d charges out of %d."):tformat(desc, math.floor(self.power / usepower(self.use_power.power)), math.floor(self.max_power / usepower(self.use_power.power))), {"color","LAST"}} elseif self.talent_cooldown then local t_name = self.talent_cooldown == "T_GLOBAL_CD" and _t"all charms" or ("Talent %s"):tformat(use_actor:getTalentDisplayName(use_actor:getTalentFromId(self.talent_cooldown))) ret = tstring{{"color","YELLOW"}, ("It can be used to %s\n\nActivation puts %s on cooldown for %d turns."):tformat(desc:tformat(self:getCharmPower(use_actor)), t_name, usepower(self.use_power.power)), {"color","LAST"}} else ret = tstring{{"color","YELLOW"}, ("It can be used to %s\n\nActivation costs %d power out of %d/%d."):tformat(desc, usepower(self.use_power.power), self.power, self.max_power), {"color","LAST"}} end elseif self.use_simple then ret = tstring{{"color","YELLOW"}, ("It can be used to %s."):tformat(util.getval(self.use_simple.name, self, use_actor)), {"color","LAST"}} elseif self.use_talent then local t = use_actor:getTalentFromId(self.use_talent.id) if t then local desc = use_actor:getTalentFullDescription(t, nil, {force_level=self.use_talent.level, ignore_cd=true, ignore_ressources=true, ignore_use_time=true, ignore_mode=true, custom=self.use_talent.power and tstring{{"color",0x6f,0xff,0x83}, _t"Power cost: ", {"color",0x7f,0xff,0xd4},("%d out of %d/%d."):tformat(usepower(self.use_talent.power), self.power, self.max_power)}}) if self.talent_cooldown then ret = tstring{{"color","YELLOW"}, ("It can be used to activate talent %s, placing all other charms into a %s cooldown :"):tformat(t.name, tostring(math.floor(usepower(self.use_talent.power)))), {"color","LAST"}, true} else ret = tstring{{"color","YELLOW"}, ("It can be used to activate talent %s (costing %s power out of %s/%s) :"):tformat(t.name, tostring(math.floor(usepower(self.use_talent.power))), tostring(math.floor(self.power)), tostring(math.floor(self.max_power))), {"color","LAST"}, true} end ret:merge(desc) end end if self.charm_on_use then ret:add(true, _t"When used:", true) for i, d in ipairs(self.charm_on_use) do -- Clean up the description if our chance to proc is 100% local percent = d[1] if percent < 100 then ret:add({"color","ORCHID"}, "* ", ("%s%% chance to %s"):tformat(tostring(d[1]), d[2](self, use_actor)), ".", true, {"color","LAST"}) else ret:add({"color","ORCHID"}, "* ", d[2](self, use_actor):capitalize(), ".", true, {"color","LAST"}) end end end return ret end --- Gets the full desc of the object function _M:getDesc(name_param, compare_with, never_compare, use_actor) use_actor = use_actor or game.player local desc = tstring{} if self.__new_pickup then desc:add({"font","bold"},{"color","LIGHT_BLUE"},_t"Newly picked up",{"font","normal"},{"color","LAST"},true) end if self.__transmo then desc:add({"font","bold"},{"color","YELLOW"},_t"This item will automatically be transmogrified when you leave the level.",{"font","normal"},{"color","LAST"},true) end name_param = name_param or {} name_param.do_color = true compare_with = compare_with or {} desc:merge(self:getName(name_param):toTString()) desc:add({"color", "WHITE"}, true) local reqs = self:getRequirementDesc(use_actor) if reqs then desc:merge(reqs) end print("[DEBUG XXX power source]") table.print(desc) if self.power_source then if self.power_source.arcane then desc:merge((_t"Powered by #VIOLET#arcane forces#LAST#\n"):toTString()) end if self.power_source.nature then desc:merge((_t"Infused by #OLIVE_DRAB#nature#LAST#\n"):toTString()) end if self.power_source.antimagic then desc:merge((_t"Infused by #ORCHID#arcane disrupting forces#LAST#\n"):toTString()) end if self.power_source.technique then desc:merge((_t"Crafted by #LIGHT_UMBER#a master#LAST#\n"):toTString()) end if self.power_source.psionic then desc:merge((_t"Infused by #YELLOW#psionic forces#LAST#\n"):toTString()) end if self.power_source.unknown then desc:merge((_t"Powered by #CRIMSON#unknown forces#LAST#\n"):toTString()) end self:triggerHook{"Object:descPowerSource", desc=desc, object=self} end table.print(desc) if self.encumber then desc:add({"color",0x67,0xAD,0x00}, ("%0.2f Encumbrance."):tformat(self.encumber), {"color", "LAST"}) end -- if self.ego_bonus_mult then -- desc:add(true, {"color",0x67,0xAD,0x00}, ("%0.2f Ego Multiplier."):format(1 + self.ego_bonus_mult), {"color", "LAST"}) -- end local could_compare = false if not name_param.force_compare and not core.key.modState("ctrl") then if compare_with[1] then could_compare = true end compare_with = {} end desc:add(true, true) desc:merge(self:getTextualDesc(compare_with, use_actor)) if self:isIdentified() then desc:add(true, true, {"color", "ANTIQUE_WHITE"}) desc:merge(self.desc:toTString()) desc:add({"color", "WHITE"}) end if self.shimmer_moddable then local oname = (self.shimmer_moddable.name or "???"):toTString() desc:add(true, {"color", "OLIVE_DRAB"}) desc:merge(("This object's appearance was changed to %s"):tformat(oname:toString()):toTString()) -- desc:merge(oname) desc:add(_t".", {"color","LAST"}, true) end if could_compare and not never_compare then desc:add(true, {"font","italic"}, {"color","GOLD"}, _t"Press <control> to compare", {"color","LAST"}, {"font","normal"}) end return desc end local type_sort = { potion = 1, scroll = 1, jewelry = 3, weapon = 100, armor = 101, } _M.type_sort = type_sort --- Sorting by type function -- By default, sort by type name function _M:getTypeOrder() if self.type and type_sort[self.type] then return type_sort[self.type] else return 99999 end end --- Sorting by type function -- By default, sort by subtype name function _M:getSubtypeOrder() return self.subtype or "" end --- Gets the item's flag value function _M:getPriceFlags() local price = 0 local function count(w) --status immunities if w.stun_immune then price = price + w.stun_immune * 80 end if w.knockback_immune then price = price + w.knockback_immune * 80 end if w.disarm_immune then price = price + w.disarm_immune * 80 end if w.teleport_immune then price = price + w.teleport_immune * 80 end if w.blind_immune then price = price + w.blind_immune * 80 end if w.confusion_immune then price = price + w.confusion_immune * 80 end if w.poison_immune then price = price + w.poison_immune * 80 end if w.disease_immune then price = price + w.disease_immune * 80 end if w.cut_immune then price = price + w.cut_immune * 80 end if w.pin_immune then price = price + w.pin_immune * 80 end if w.silence_immune then price = price + w.silence_immune * 80 end --saves if w.combat_physresist then price = price + w.combat_physresist * 0.15 end if w.combat_mentalresist then price = price + w.combat_mentalresist * 0.15 end if w.combat_spellresist then price = price + w.combat_spellresist * 0.15 end --resource-affecting attributes if w.max_life then price = price + w.max_life * 0.1 end if w.max_stamina then price = price + w.max_stamina * 0.1 end if w.max_mana then price = price + w.max_mana * 0.2 end if w.max_vim then price = price + w.max_vim * 0.4 end if w.max_hate then price = price + w.max_hate * 0.4 end if w.life_regen then price = price + w.life_regen * 10 end if w.stamina_regen then price = price + w.stamina_regen * 100 end if w.mana_regen then price = price + w.mana_regen * 80 end if w.psi_regen then price = price + w.psi_regen * 100 end if w.stamina_regen_when_hit then price = price + w.stamina_regen_when_hit * 3 end if w.equilibrium_regen_when_hit then price = price + w.equilibrium_regen_when_hit * 3 end if w.mana_regen_when_hit then price = price + w.mana_regen_when_hit * 3 end if w.psi_regen_when_hit then price = price + w.psi_regen_when_hit * 3 end if w.hate_regen_when_hit then price = price + w.hate_regen_when_hit * 3 end if w.vim_regen_when_hit then price = price + w.vim_regen_when_hit * 3 end if w.mana_on_crit then price = price + w.mana_on_crit * 3 end if w.vim_on_crit then price = price + w.vim_on_crit * 3 end if w.psi_on_crit then price = price + w.psi_on_crit * 3 end if w.hate_on_crit then price = price + w.hate_on_crit * 3 end if w.psi_per_kill then price = price + w.psi_per_kill * 3 end if w.hate_per_kill then price = price + w.hate_per_kill * 3 end if w.resource_leech_chance then price = price + w.resource_leech_chance * 10 end if w.resource_leech_value then price = price + w.resource_leech_value * 10 end --combat attributes if w.combat_def then price = price + w.combat_def * 1 end if w.combat_def_ranged then price = price + w.combat_def_ranged * 1 end if w.combat_armor then price = price + w.combat_armor * 1 end if w.combat_physcrit then price = price + w.combat_physcrit * 1.4 end if w.combat_critical_power then price = price + w.combat_critical_power * 2 end if w.combat_atk then price = price + w.combat_atk * 1 end if w.combat_apr then price = price + w.combat_apr * 0.3 end if w.combat_dam then price = price + w.combat_dam * 3 end if w.combat_physspeed then price = price + w.combat_physspeed * -200 end if w.combat_spellpower then price = price + w.combat_spellpower * 0.8 end if w.combat_spellcrit then price = price + w.combat_spellcrit * 0.4 end --shooter attributes if w.ammo_regen then price = price + w.ammo_regen * 10 end if w.ammo_reload_speed then price = price + w.ammo_reload_speed *10 end if w.travel_speed then price = price +w.travel_speed * 10 end --miscellaneous attributes if w.inc_stealth then price = price + w.inc_stealth * 1 end if w.see_invisible then price = price + w.see_invisible * 0.2 end if w.infravision then price = price + w.infravision * 1.4 end if w.trap_detect_power then price = price + w.trap_detect_power * 1.2 end if w.disarm_bonus then price = price + w.disarm_bonus * 1.2 end if w.healing_factor then price = price + w.healing_factor * 0.8 end if w.heal_on_nature_summon then price = price + w.heal_on_nature_summon * 1 end if w.nature_summon_regen then price = price + w.nature_summon_regen * 5 end if w.max_encumber then price = price + w.max_encumber * 0.4 end if w.movement_speed then price = price + w.movement_speed * 100 end if w.fatigue then price = price + w.fatigue * -1 end if w.lite then price = price + w.lite * 10 end if w.size_category then price = price + w.size_category * 25 end if w.esp_all then price = price + w.esp_all * 25 end if w.esp then price = price + table.count(w.esp) * 7 end if w.esp_range then price = price + w.esp_range * 15 end if w.can_breath then for t, v in pairs(w.can_breath) do price = price + v * 30 end end if w.damage_shield_penetrate then price = price + w.damage_shield_penetrate * 1 end if w.spellsurge_on_crit then price = price + w.spellsurge_on_crit * 5 end if w.quick_weapon_swap then price = price + w.quick_weapon_swap * 50 end --on teleport abilities if w.resist_all_on_teleport then price = price + w.resist_all_on_teleport * 4 end if w.defense_on_teleport then price = price + w.defense_on_teleport * 3 end if w.effect_reduction_on_teleport then price = price + w.effect_reduction_on_teleport * 2 end --resists if w.resists then for t, v in pairs(w.resists) do price = price + v * 0.15 end end --resist penetration if w.resists_pen then for t, v in pairs(w.resists_pen) do price = price + v * 1 end end --resist cap if w.resists_cap then for t, v in pairs(w.resists_cap) do price = price + v * 5 end end --stats if w.inc_stats then for t, v in pairs(w.inc_stats) do price = price + v * 3 end end --percentage damage increases if w.inc_damage then for t, v in pairs(w.inc_damage) do price = price + v * 0.8 end end if w.inc_damage_type then for t, v in pairs(w.inc_damage_type) do price = price + v * 0.8 end end --damage auras if w.on_melee_hit then for t, v in pairs(w.on_melee_hit) do price = price + v * 0.6 end end --projected damage if w.melee_project then for t, v in pairs(w.melee_project) do price = price + v * 0.7 end end if w.ranged_project then for t, v in pairs(w.ranged_project) do price = price + v * 0.7 end end if w.burst_on_hit then for t, v in pairs(w.burst_on_hit) do price = price + v * 0.8 end end if w.burst_on_crit then for t, v in pairs(w.burst_on_crit) do price = price + v * 0.8 end end --damage conversion if w.convert_damage then for t, v in pairs(w.convert_damage) do price = price + v * 1 end end --talent mastery if w.talent_types_mastery then for t, v in pairs(w.talent_types_mastery) do price = price + v * 100 end end --talent cooldown reduction if w.talent_cd_reduction then for t, v in pairs(w.talent_cd_reduction) do if v > 0 then price = price + v * 5 end end end end if self.carrier then count(self.carrier) end if self.wielder then count(self.wielder) end if self.combat then count(self.combat) end return price end --- Get item cost function _M:getPrice() local base = self.cost or 0 if self.egoed then base = base + self:getPriceFlags() end if self.__price_level_mod then base = base * self.__price_level_mod end return base end --- Called when trying to pickup function _M:on_prepickup(who, idx) if self.quest and who ~= game.party:findMember{main=true} then return "skip" end if who.player and self.lore then game.level.map:removeObject(who.x, who.y, idx) game.party:learnLore(self.lore) return true end if who.player and self.force_lore_artifact then game.party:additionalLore(self.unique, self:getName(), "artifacts", self.desc) game.party:learnLore(self.unique) end end --- Can it stacks with others of its kind ? function _M:canStack(o) -- Can only stack known things if not self:isIdentified() or not o:isIdentified() then return false end return engine.Object.canStack(self, o) end --- On identification, add to lore function _M:on_identify() game:onTickEnd(function() if self.on_id_lore then game.party:learnLore(self.on_id_lore, false, false, true) end if self.unique and self.desc and not self.no_unique_lore then game.party:additionalLore(self.unique, self:getName{no_add_name=true, do_color=false, no_count=true}, "artifacts", self.desc) game.party:learnLore(self.unique, false, false, true) end end) end --- Add some special properties right before wearing it function _M:specialWearAdd(prop, value) self._special_wear = self._special_wear or {} self._special_wear[prop] = self:addTemporaryValue(prop, value) end --- Add some special properties right when completing a set -- Items with overlapping sets (such as Kinetic/Thermal/Charged focus) must -- include the set_id parameter identifying which of the overlapping sets the -- bonus belongs to. Otherwise, breaking one of the overlapping sets will -- remove ALL set bonuses from the other item(s). function _M:specialSetAdd(prop, value, set_id) self._special_set = self._special_set or {} if set_id then self._special_set[set_id] = self._special_set[set_id] or {} self._special_set[set_id][prop] = self:addTemporaryValue(prop, value) else self._special_set[prop] = self:addTemporaryValue(prop, value) end end function _M:getCharmPower(who, raw) if raw then return self.charm_power or 1 end local def = self.charm_power_def or {add=0, max=100} if type(def) == "function" then return def(self, who) else local v = def.add + ((self.charm_power or 1) * def.max / 100) if def.floor then v = math.floor(v) end return v end end function _M:addedToLevel(level, x, y) if self.material_level_min_only and level.data then local min_mlvl = util.getval(level.data.min_material_level) or 1 local max_mlvl = util.getval(level.data.max_material_level) or 5 self.material_level_gen_range = {min=min_mlvl, max=max_mlvl} end if level and level.data and level.data.objects_cost_modifier then self.__price_level_mod = util.getval(level.data.objects_cost_modifier, self) end end function _M:getTinker() return self.tinker end function _M:canAttachTinker(tinker, override) if not tinker.is_tinker then return end if tinker.on_type and tinker.on_type ~= rawget(self, "type") then return end if tinker.on_slot and tinker.on_slot ~= self.slot then return end if self.tinker and not override then return end return true end -- Staff stuff local standard_flavors = { magestaff = {engine.DamageType.FIRE, engine.DamageType.COLD, engine.DamageType.LIGHTNING, engine.DamageType.ARCANE}, starstaff = {engine.DamageType.LIGHT, engine.DamageType.DARKNESS, engine.DamageType.TEMPORAL, engine.DamageType.PHYSICAL}, vilestaff = {engine.DamageType.DARKNESS, engine.DamageType.BLIGHT, engine.DamageType.ACID, engine.DamageType.FIRE}, -- yes it overlaps, it's okay } _M.staves_standard_flavors = standard_flavors -- from command-staff.lua local function update_staff_table(o, d_table_old, d_table_new, old_element, new_element, tab, v, is_greater) o.wielder[tab] = o.wielder[tab] or {} if is_greater then if d_table_old then for i = 1, #d_table_old do o.wielder[tab][d_table_old[i]] = math.max(0, (o.wielder[tab][d_table_old[i]] or 0) - v) if o.wielder[tab][d_table_old[i]] == 0 then o.wielder[tab][d_table_old[i]] = nil end end end for i = 1, #d_table_new do o.wielder[tab][d_table_new[i]] = (o.wielder[tab][d_table_new[i]] or 0) + v end else if old_element then o.wielder[tab][old_element] = math.max(0, (o.wielder[tab][old_element] or 0) - v) if o.wielder[tab][old_element] == 0 then o.wielder[tab][old_element] = nil end end o.wielder[tab][new_element] = (o.wielder[tab][new_element] or 0) + v end end function _M:getStaffFlavorList() if self.modes and not self.flavors then -- build flavor list for older staves self.flavors = {exoticstaff={}} for i = 1, #self.modes do self.flavors.exoticstaff[i] = self.modes[i]:upper() end end return self.flavors or standard_flavors end function _M:getStaffFlavor(flavor) local flavors = self:getStaffFlavorList() if not flavors[flavor] then return nil end if flavors[flavor] == true then return standard_flavors[flavor] else return flavors[flavor] end end local function staff_command(o) -- compat if o.command_staff then return o.command_staff end if o.no_command then return {} end o.command_staff = { inc_damage = 1, resists = o.combat.of_protection and 0.5 or nil, resists_pen = o.combat.of_breaching and 0.5 or nil, of_warding = o.combat.of_warding and {add=2, mult=0, "wards"} or nil, of_greater_warding = o.combat.of_greater_warding and {add=3, mult=0, "wards"} or nil, } return o.command_staff end -- Command a staff to another element function _M:commandStaff(element, flavor) if self.subtype ~= "staff" then return end local old_element = self.combat.element or self.combat.damtype -- safeguard! element = element or old_element flavor = flavor or self.flavor_name -- Art staves may define new flavors or redefine meaning of existing ones; "true" means standard, otherwise it should be a list of damage types. local old_flavor = self:getStaffFlavor(self.flavor_name) local new_flavor = self:getStaffFlavor(flavor) if not new_flavor then return end local staff_power = self.combat.staff_power or self.combat.dam local is_greater = self.combat.is_greater for k, v in pairs(staff_command(self)) do if v then if type(v) == "table" then local power = staff_power * (v.mult or 1) + v.add update_staff_table(self, old_flavor, new_flavor, old_element, element, v[1] or k, power, is_greater) elseif type(v) == "number" then -- shortcut for previous case update_staff_table(self, old_flavor, new_flavor, old_element, element, k, staff_power * v, is_greater) else v(self, element, flavor, update_staff_table) end end end self.combat.element = element if self.combat.melee_element then self.combat.damtype = element end if not self.unique then self.name = _t(self.name):gsub(_t(self.flavor_name or "staff"), _t(flavor)) end self.flavor_name = flavor end -- find the preferred element for a staff user based on talents -- @param who the staff user -- @param force force recalculation -- @return string or nil, best element type -- @return string, best aspect -- @return damage weights (based on tactical info), sets self.ai_state._pref_staff_element function _M:getStaffPreferredElement(who, force) if not who then return end -- get a list of elements the staff can use local damweights, aspects = {}, {} local aspect = self.flavor_name or "none" local flavors = self:getStaffFlavorList() for flav, dams in pairs(flavors) do for j, typ in ipairs(self:getStaffFlavor(flav)) do damweights[typ] = 0 aspects[typ] = flav end end if not force and who.ai_state._pref_staff_element and damweights[who.ai_state._pref_staff_element] then return who.ai_state._pref_staff_element, aspects[who.ai_state._pref_staff_element], damweights end for tid, lev in pairs(who.talents) do if tid ~= "T_ATTACK" then local t = who.talents_def[tid] local tacs = t.tactical local damType if type(tacs) == "table" then for tac, val in pairs(tacs) do if (tac == "attack" or tac == "attackarea") and type(val) == "table" then for typ, weight in pairs(val) do if damweights[typ] then --matches a staff element local wt = type(weight) == "number" and weight or type(weight) == "function" and weight(who, t, who) or 0 damweights[typ] = damweights[typ] + wt*lev end end end end end end end local best, wt = self.combat.element or self.combat.damtype, 0 for typ, weight in pairs(damweights) do if weight > wt then best, wt = typ, weight end end if wt > 0 then aspect = aspects[best] end return wt > 0 and best, aspect, damweights end