diff --git a/game/engine/interface/ActorAbilities.lua b/game/engine/interface/ActorAbilities.lua
index d9f601b784609f1e8a51e561fe90e2b1f1ea7ce4..24e09eff61aa9090207cf4994db10019d60fe7d3 100644
--- a/game/engine/interface/ActorAbilities.lua
+++ b/game/engine/interface/ActorAbilities.lua
@@ -3,82 +3,82 @@ require "engine.class"
 --- Handles actors stats
 module(..., package.seeall, class.make)
-_M.abilities_def = {}
-_M.abilities_types_def = {}
+_M.talents_def = {}
+_M.talents_types_def = {}
---- Defines actor abilities
+--- Defines actor talents
 -- Static!
 function _M:loadDefinition(file)
 	local f = loadfile(file)
 	setfenv(f, setmetatable({
 		DamageType = require("engine.DamageType"),
-		newAbility = function(t) self:newAbility(t) end,
-		newAbilityType = function(t) self:newAbilityType(t) end,
+		newTalent = function(t) self:newTalent(t) end,
+		newTalentType = function(t) self:newTalentType(t) end,
 	}, {__index=_G}))
---- Defines one ability type(group)
+--- Defines one talent type(group)
 -- Static!
-function _M:newAbilityType(t)
-	assert(t.name, "no ability type name")
-	assert(t.type, "no ability type type")
+function _M:newTalentType(t)
+	assert(t.name, "no talent type name")
+	assert(t.type, "no talent type type")
-	table.insert(self.abilities_types_def, t)
+	table.insert(self.talents_types_def, t)
---- Defines one ability
+--- Defines one talent
 -- Static!
-function _M:newAbility(t)
-	assert(t.name, "no ability name")
-	assert(t.type, "no or unknown ability type")
+function _M:newTalent(t)
+	assert(t.name, "no talent name")
+	assert(t.type, "no or unknown talent type")
 	t.short_name = t.short_name or t.name
 	t.short_name = t.short_name:upper():gsub("[ ]", "_")
 	t.mana = t.mana or 0
 	t.stamina = t.stamina or 0
 	t.mode = t.mode or "activated"
-	assert(t.mode == "activated" or t.mode == "sustained", "wrong ability mode, requires either 'activated' or 'sustained'")
-	assert(t.info, "no ability info")
+	assert(t.mode == "activated" or t.mode == "sustained", "wrong talent mode, requires either 'activated' or 'sustained'")
+	assert(t.info, "no talent info")
-	table.insert(self.abilities_def, t)
-	self["AB_"..t.short_name] = #self.abilities_def
+	table.insert(self.talents_def, t)
+	self["T_"..t.short_name] = #self.talents_def
 --- Initialises stats with default values if needed
 function _M:init(t)
-	self.abilities = t.abilities or {}
+	self.talents = t.talents or {}
---- Make the actor use the ability
-function _M:useAbility(id)
-	local ab = _M.abilities_def[id]
-	assert(ab, "trying to cast ability "..tostring(id).." but it is not defined")
+--- Make the actor use the talent
+function _M:useTalent(id)
+	local ab = _M.talents_def[id]
+	assert(ab, "trying to cast talent "..tostring(id).." but it is not defined")
 	if ab.action then
-		if not self:preUseAbility(ab) then return end
+		if not self:preUseTalent(ab) then return end
 		local co = coroutine.create(function()
 			local ret = ab.action(self)
-			if not self:postUseAbility(ab, ret) then return end
+			if not self:postUseTalent(ab, ret) then return end
 		local ok, err = coroutine.resume(co)
 		if not ok and err then error(err) end
---- Called before an ability is used
+--- Called before an talent is used
 -- Redefine as needed
--- @param ab the ability (not the id, the table)
+-- @param ab the talent (not the id, the table)
 -- @return true to continue, false to stop
-function _M:preUseAbility(ab)
+function _M:preUseTalent(ab)
 	return true
---- Called before an ability is used
+--- Called before an talent is used
 -- Redefine as needed
--- @param ab the ability (not the id, the table)
--- @param ret the return of the ability action
+-- @param ab the talent (not the id, the table)
+-- @param ret the return of the talent action
 -- @return true to continue, false to stop
-function _M:postUseAbility(ab, ret)
+function _M:postUseTalent(ab, ret)
 	return true